AI GM or Jerry?


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I’ve often wondered why we don’t use our second round pick in a trade for a player who could plug and play. Very few of our second rounders have panned out. Why not use it as a trade chip instead of Jerry’s pet fantasy football project?
That would make a ton of sense bullet.
Trade for let's say a giant nose tackle that could stop the run and maybe have a chance to actually compete in a playoff game.
No but not in Jerry's world we'll just draft another tight end we don't need.

This team frustrates me to no end.


Cowboys 24/7/365
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
You don't need something as sophisticated as AI to improve team management.

You could improve the management of this team by spinning a wheel of fortune, or more precisely, the possible options in each space. You could improve management's decisions using any simple random method,

The choices would be printed on the outer portion of the wheel, equally sectioned off. There would be "sign him", "trade him", "fire him", "the blond", etc.
I wish Jerry Jones could actually read this! That is hilarious! :laugh:

~reads it again~

Hilarious. :(