AI GM or Jerry?


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That's all I'm saying..

this board and all this fan base who hate Jerry Jones for whatever reason need to calm down those 3 Super Bowls are better than the prior ownership group we would not be America's team we would not be still as relative as we are even though our fan base doesn't think we're relative anymore and we actually are the proof is the primetime games that are given to us and all the high ratings and all the fact that is all the content and everything that goes through sports I don't care what app you use there's a cowboy story that on a site that's not even Cowboys related almost daily they use the Cowboys to create content that makes us America's team that makes us relative and without those 3 Super Bowls Jerry Jones brought this franchise this was a dying franchise and they may have even moved the team think about that deeply...

They may want to cancel out Jerry because of this small drought and yes I'm calling it a small drought because I already stated facts I mean the Kansas City Chiefs took 52 years between their Super Bowls there's a lot of teams with no Super Bowls there's teams with one Super Bowl in their entire existence Kerry has three he's working on #4 our teams working on number six when you keep that in perspective this team still winning it's still getting to the playoffs we've been to the playoffs 5 out of the last eight years that makes us relative the reason the Dallas Cowboys are still relative is because what Jerry Jones did for this team he may not be a top five GM in this league he's no longer the acting GM here we all know it it's will mcclay and maybe they make mistakes and they're not as aggressive but without Jerry Jones we would never still be America's team and as relative and it's all right there in front of you to see the proof that what he did for this franchise with the second dynasty the bigger part of the dynasty three Super Bowls to two he kept this teams history moving forward..

That is why this team it's still top three all time in Super Bowl wins that is why this team it's still one of the only teams since 1989 with three or more Super Bowl wins.. You wanna keep making light of the drought you wanna keep pointing out the years we haven't been back in NFC championship game but you wanna cancel out Jerry could cancel out Jerry the Dallas Cowboys may not even be in Dallas anymore that is how it was headed it was going into bankruptcy it was falling down and a lot of times that is when some ownership group you would never have wanted here wins the team and moves it or just becomes the Jacksonville Jaguars or the Tennessee Titans or the Cleveland Browns or did mini teams who fell on hard luck and had to sell what was there post new ownership look like most of it wasn't good from what I remember... I mean since 1989 at Cleveland Browns teams doesn't even have a division title..

Perspective, the drought sucks, but there are far worse things to be waiting on than that your 6th Super Bowl your 5th Super Bowl by your current ownership...

Look we all want more our hope Sir aligned with our expectations but if you cancel Jerry out the Cowboys may have just fizzled out and moved out of Dallas that is a fact and I'm trying to make sure people keep the flip side of that coin losing those 3 Super Bowls and now complaining of what only one Super Bowl in the last 35 years? Or none or not even the actual Dallas Cowboys being in Dallas anymore maybe they're in San Antonio or maybe they would have been the new Houston team maybe they would have moved to Austin whatever it is it could have been far worse than having three Super Bowls in the last 35 years...
Uh, what?


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AI technology has recently become part of our everyday lives. It has also become more and more accepted as a legitimate resource to leverage for any problem.

Would our organization have a better chance of making a deep playoff run if Jerry was replaced by an AI “GM“ chat bot? The chat bot could be based on the NFL’s best GM’s the past ten years based on deep playoff run successes.

The new Cowboys GM would have the following advantages over the current GM.

1. Unlikely to draft a cold weather kicker
2. Immune to lawsuits from illegitimate children
3. Not subject to nepotism

Yeah, it’s the off-season and I’m bored lol.
Jerry: 3 Super Bowl Rings ...


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Correction Jimmy three rings. Fixed your typo.
This has to stop, you're gonna owe what me who bought the team and who hired one of his best teammates and friends who would have never probably got a shot in the NFL, had it not been for Jerry Jones , who brought the money & the deal making ability of running a business and turned around a struggling team about to be bankrupt and then some AI took over some other ownership group they might have moved the Dallas Cowboys, just like they moved other teams I mean if it could happen in Houston it could happen in Dallas with all this nonsense talking about Kansas City might come here...Nope, No jerry no 3 rings, that not up for debate.. You keep trying to take away Jerry's glory but you can't he has a gold jacket because of it... We get Jimmy was a big part of this team just like all the other assistants and all the other players and don't get it twisted none of that happens without Jerry you can't take it away from him because you can't mention the new Dallas Cowboys racing without mentioning who bought the team and who did all the initial hiring. That was the grand plan Jerry was gonna buy the team and he went and discussed it with Jimmy and he hired Jimmy none of this happens without Jerry this was all Jerry's idea I don't remember Jimmy going to Jerry and going we should buy the Dallas Cowboys...​

So, when you oh what me?!! remember Jerry Jones owns those rings, it would have never happened without Jerry Jones, there is no chicken & the egg, it was Jerry then Jimmy that is the order of how it happened...

You act as if Jerry didn't have any power when Jimmy was here and didn't aid and agree and have meetings and decide what was going to happen here it was all Jerry because he bought the team he hired Jimmy and just like any corporation you get credit for hiring the right people to do the right job and those three rings are 100% Jerry Jones because they're sitting in his office where they've always been there at Dallas..

by the way, again would you say oh what to my other post ,here's what Jerry, has three the old regime has two the old ownership has two rings because they couldn't win the big one when it mattered especially against Pittsburgh they also had their problems the big games they fell short many times... Let's keep facts straight and I'm gonna keep bringing this up every time I turn around and have to hear the nonsense about the drought the other three professional sports teams together only have 3 championships in their entire existence and the Texas Rangers just won one after a 52 year drought yet we keep talking about this drought as if it's the only thing a team has had in the entire sports landscape like Jerry's the only one that goes through struggles only because he didn't hire a real GM that's what you think about look around the realities on paper... It's all black and white ohh teams take a while to circle back around and start winning again.. Like I said the Kansas City Chiefs took 52 years between theirs they're a bunch of teams that don't have any championships at all and in the same time frame the Cleveland Browns haven't even won a division so let's calm down on how bad this really is it's not that bad I mean some teams only have a single championship in their entire existence at 60 years there's nothing even touches 28 years at least Jerry's waiting on #4... This regime this Dallas Cowboys team is waiting on number six this is not some Oh my God are we ever gonna win again not to me because this is literally just happens in all sports you go through droughts....

So it's great it's Tom Landry and that old ownership group was at keeping us winning in the regular season and having some postseason success they still only have two stinking rings Jerry has three shiny ones all by himself because when you're the owner you're the director you get the credit and there's a reason jimmy's gone because he seemed to have some philosophical differences on whose team it was at the time they were both at fault for the break up we all found that out later they're still friends....​
But don't get it twisted there is no Jimmy Johnson in three Super Bowl rings without Jerry going out on a limb and buying a struggling team and turning it around 100% really quick... If it was any other owner they would give credit to the owner 1st and then his employees but here they won't give it up I don't care about that 30 year drought there are longer droughts in the NFL and even longer droughts across sports...​

So what we're all saying is this was a ridiculous threat to begin with because we let an AI take over and it took Jerry out of the equation or go back in history and not let Jerry buy this team we may not have a Dallas Cowboys team here anymore or we may have a Dallas Cowboys team that would have continued on their 14 year drought without a championship it got worse and it could have been turned into the Jacksonville Jaguars or the Houston Oilers Texans Titans that's right none of them have a championship and they moved around and hired and fired GM's and have new ownerships and get all kinds of things and still don't have a championship but hell let's hang on 28 years like it's some ridiculous anomaly in the history of sports which it's not it's pretty much par for the course...


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This has to stop, you're gonna owe what me who bought the team and who hired one of his best teammates and friends who would have never probably got a shot in the NFL, had it not been for Jerry Jones , who brought the money & the deal making ability of running a business and turned around a struggling team about to be bankrupt and then some AI took over some other ownership group they might have moved the Dallas Cowboys, just like they moved other teams I mean if it could happen in Houston it could happen in Dallas with all this nonsense talking about Kansas City might come here...Nope, No jerry no 3 rings, that not up for debate.. You keep trying to take away Jerry's glory but you can't he has a gold jacket because of it... We get Jimmy was a big part of this team just like all the other assistants and all the other players and don't get it twisted none of that happens without Jerry you can't take it away from him because you can't mention the new Dallas Cowboys racing without mentioning who bought the team and who did all the initial hiring. That was the grand plan Jerry was gonna buy the team and he went and discussed it with Jimmy and he hired Jimmy none of this happens without Jerry this was all Jerry's idea I don't remember Jimmy going to Jerry and going we should buy the Dallas Cowboys...​

So, when you oh what me?!! remember Jerry Jones owns those rings, it would have never happened without Jerry Jones, there is no chicken & the egg, it was Jerry then Jimmy that is the order of how it happened...

You act as if Jerry didn't have any power when Jimmy was here and didn't aid and agree and have meetings and decide what was going to happen here it was all Jerry because he bought the team he hired Jimmy and just like any corporation you get credit for hiring the right people to do the right job and those three rings are 100% Jerry Jones because they're sitting in his office where they've always been there at Dallas..

by the way, again would you say oh what to my other post ,here's what Jerry, has three the old regime has two the old ownership has two rings because they couldn't win the big one when it mattered especially against Pittsburgh they also had their problems the big games they fell short many times... Let's keep facts straight and I'm gonna keep bringing this up every time I turn around and have to hear the nonsense about the drought the other three professional sports teams together only have 3 championships in their entire existence and the Texas Rangers just won one after a 52 year drought yet we keep talking about this drought as if it's the only thing a team has had in the entire sports landscape like Jerry's the only one that goes through struggles only because he didn't hire a real GM that's what you think about look around the realities on paper... It's all black and white ohh teams take a while to circle back around and start winning again.. Like I said the Kansas City Chiefs took 52 years between theirs they're a bunch of teams that don't have any championships at all and in the same time frame the Cleveland Browns haven't even won a division so let's calm down on how bad this really is it's not that bad I mean some teams only have a single championship in their entire existence at 60 years there's nothing even touches 28 years at least Jerry's waiting on #4... This regime this Dallas Cowboys team is waiting on number six this is not some Oh my God are we ever gonna win again not to me because this is literally just happens in all sports you go through droughts....

So it's great it's Tom Landry and that old ownership group was at keeping us winning in the regular season and having some postseason success they still only have two stinking rings Jerry has three shiny ones all by himself because when you're the owner you're the director you get the credit and there's a reason jimmy's gone because he seemed to have some philosophical differences on whose team it was at the time they were both at fault for the break up we all found that out later they're still friends....​
But don't get it twisted there is no Jimmy Johnson in three Super Bowl rings without Jerry going out on a limb and buying a struggling team and turning it around 100% really quick... If it was any other owner they would give credit to the owner 1st and then his employees but here they won't give it up I don't care about that 30 year drought there are longer droughts in the NFL and even longer droughts across sports...​

So what we're all saying is this was a ridiculous threat to begin with because we let an AI take over and it took Jerry out of the equation or go back in history and not let Jerry buy this team we may not have a Dallas Cowboys team here anymore or we may have a Dallas Cowboys team that would have continued on their 14 year drought without a championship it got worse and it could have been turned into the Jacksonville Jaguars or the Houston Oilers Texans Titans that's right none of them have a championship and they moved around and hired and fired GM's and have new ownerships and get all kinds of things and still don't have a championship but hell let's hang on 28 years like it's some ridiculous anomaly in the history of sports which it's not it's pretty much par for the course...

Nothing like a blueblood70 manifesto to kill a thread.


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Nothing like a blueblood70 manifesto to kill a thread.
I wish that were the case it doesn't work because art and some of these other guys will come at me 24/7 and at some point I'm just get tired of it so I stop.... The post was ridiculous anyway an AI replacing a GM yeah I'd like to see that happen but again people don't look at even time travel the the ridiculousness of making up these hypotheticals it would erase three Super Bowl rings which is the larger part of the biggest dynasty the Cowboys ever experienced in the shortest time and people don't see it they're short sighted they're myopic they hate Jerry so much they wanna go back in time and kill his parents so that way he's never born and that way we never have him here and we lose 3 championships just because of a personal vendetta people don't like the guy but you can't take away his trophies if you take away him you take away 3 championships...

I'm just trying to bring in some realism in here it's not a manifesto it's you trying to have a big giant hypothetical trying to have entertainment and fun trying to erase Jerry without thinking long term it would erase some of the best moments the Dallas Cowboys team and fans have ever experienced... Like him or not the man brought us 3 championships in a six year. That he bought the team and six years later we have 3 championships I mean you want to take him away it's ignorant it's ridiculous I'm not saying you particularly anybody who hasn't notion that where you're better off without having Jerry bought his team just don't understand reality... We literally have a owner who brought us more championships if you want to just say in the last 35 years compared to the 1st 30 years the other regime only had two Jerry has three and we're sitting here worried about a 28 year drought waiting on number six where a lot of teams don't have anything and somehow they have the bragging rights because they have a more recent Super Bowl who cares it will come back around to the Dallas Cowboys someday and anybody who lasted that long and stayed a fan it's gonna be that much sweeter...

Just ask the Kansas City Chiefs fans who waited 52 years between their championships and now look they're on another run it can happen it will happen the the best fans we'll stay the course defend their team to the bone like me and it'll be sweet when we win our next championship..


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Nothing like a blueblood70 manifesto to kill a thread.
No it doesn't I've already did this like five times in this same thread it's not killing anything.. The Jerry Jones hater the people who don't appreciate the three championships they won't let it go they'll do anything to try to cancel Jerry out without any foresight to realize we would lose 3 championships and the best run this team has ever had including the Landry days they only got 2 we got three from Jerry we would not still be talked about as the same Dallas cowboy team had we not won those 3 championships in four years the history of Dallas Cowboys the America's team moniker was continued because of Jerry buying this team and that's a fact...

I mean Jerry Jones basically is the Dallas Cowboys when you think about how people perceive the love or hate them they will always be relative and Jerry Jones has that same persona a lot of people hate him some people love him he personifies what the Dallas Cowboys are in sports.. There are very few owners and or sports teams that have that same persona that would be like the Lakers and the Yankees those types of teams doesn't matter what happens people hate them and people love them and that's basically Jerry Jones personified..

I'm indifferent if the man sold the team today I wouldn't care I'd be OK with it but if he doesn't I'm also OK with it he brought us 3 championships and we're gonna get another one.... I think most of us in here can agree no matter who the owners are and who the players are and who the coaches are or how anybody feels about the Dallas Cowboys we follow the uniform we follow the star that logo but the difference between me and some of the others is I will defend Jerry in this team while he's still the owner I will defend the players and the coaches because there are who are wearing the star right now and if I'm gonna defend the star I'm defending them... What's insane is I have to do this with our own fan base versus me out and Can you imagine me out and about at boomer jacks and some of our rivals are there talking **** they get this same thing in public trust me....


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This has to stop, you're gonna owe what me who bought the team and who hired one of his best teammates and friends who would have never probably got a shot in the NFL, had it not been for Jerry Jones , who brought the money & the deal making ability of running a business and turned around a struggling team about to be bankrupt and then some AI took over some other ownership group they might have moved the Dallas Cowboys, just like they moved other teams I mean if it could happen in Houston it could happen in Dallas with all this nonsense talking about Kansas City might come here...Nope, No jerry no 3 rings, that not up for debate.. You keep trying to take away Jerry's glory but you can't he has a gold jacket because of it... We get Jimmy was a big part of this team just like all the other assistants and all the other players and don't get it twisted none of that happens without Jerry you can't take it away from him because you can't mention the new Dallas Cowboys racing without mentioning who bought the team and who did all the initial hiring. That was the grand plan Jerry was gonna buy the team and he went and discussed it with Jimmy and he hired Jimmy none of this happens without Jerry this was all Jerry's idea I don't remember Jimmy going to Jerry and going we should buy the Dallas Cowboys...​

So, when you oh what me?!! remember Jerry Jones owns those rings, it would have never happened without Jerry Jones, there is no chicken & the egg, it was Jerry then Jimmy that is the order of how it happened...

You act as if Jerry didn't have any power when Jimmy was here and didn't aid and agree and have meetings and decide what was going to happen here it was all Jerry because he bought the team he hired Jimmy and just like any corporation you get credit for hiring the right people to do the right job and those three rings are 100% Jerry Jones because they're sitting in his office where they've always been there at Dallas..

by the way, again would you say oh what to my other post ,here's what Jerry, has three the old regime has two the old ownership has two rings because they couldn't win the big one when it mattered especially against Pittsburgh they also had their problems the big games they fell short many times... Let's keep facts straight and I'm gonna keep bringing this up every time I turn around and have to hear the nonsense about the drought the other three professional sports teams together only have 3 championships in their entire existence and the Texas Rangers just won one after a 52 year drought yet we keep talking about this drought as if it's the only thing a team has had in the entire sports landscape like Jerry's the only one that goes through struggles only because he didn't hire a real GM that's what you think about look around the realities on paper... It's all black and white ohh teams take a while to circle back around and start winning again.. Like I said the Kansas City Chiefs took 52 years between theirs they're a bunch of teams that don't have any championships at all and in the same time frame the Cleveland Browns haven't even won a division so let's calm down on how bad this really is it's not that bad I mean some teams only have a single championship in their entire existence at 60 years there's nothing even touches 28 years at least Jerry's waiting on #4... This regime this Dallas Cowboys team is waiting on number six this is not some Oh my God are we ever gonna win again not to me because this is literally just happens in all sports you go through droughts....

So it's great it's Tom Landry and that old ownership group was at keeping us winning in the regular season and having some postseason success they still only have two stinking rings Jerry has three shiny ones all by himself because when you're the owner you're the director you get the credit and there's a reason jimmy's gone because he seemed to have some philosophical differences on whose team it was at the time they were both at fault for the break up we all found that out later they're still friends....​
But don't get it twisted there is no Jimmy Johnson in three Super Bowl rings without Jerry going out on a limb and buying a struggling team and turning it around 100% really quick... If it was any other owner they would give credit to the owner 1st and then his employees but here they won't give it up I don't care about that 30 year drought there are longer droughts in the NFL and even longer droughts across sports...​

So what we're all saying is this was a ridiculous threat to begin with because we let an AI take over and it took Jerry out of the equation or go back in history and not let Jerry buy this team we may not have a Dallas Cowboys team here anymore or we may have a Dallas Cowboys team that would have continued on their 14 year drought without a championship it got worse and it could have been turned into the Jacksonville Jaguars or the Houston Oilers Texans Titans that's right none of them have a championship and they moved around and hired and fired GM's and have new ownerships and get all kinds of things and still don't have a championship but hell let's hang on 28 years like it's some ridiculous anomaly in the history of sports which it's not it's pretty much par for the course...
Revisionist history.


Cowboys 24/7/365
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I have a strong urge for creating a Where's Waldo image really bad.


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Jerry has 3 rings. That is a fact.

Landry failed 27 of 29 years to win a Super Bowl.
Yes Jerry has three rings, no argument. But other than hiring Jimmy and signing checks, Jerry had nothing to do with actually building a three time champion. That was all Jimmy and the past 29 seasons clearly shut down any notion that Jerry can build a championship team or even a team capable of reaching the NFC Championship game.

"Landry failed 27 of 29 years to win a Super Bowl."
As owner, GM, and phantom head coach, Jerry has been unable to win a divisional playoff game 29 out of 29 seasons and he has only won three wild card games in almost 30 years, the worst playoff stretch in franchise history and only Washington is worse in the NFC.

Comparing Landry against Jerry is like a beauty contest between Marilyn Monroe (Landry) and Billy Jean King (Jerry). One created the most indestructible brand in sports history (even Jerry can't destroy it) while the other selfishly put his own interests above winning and the results speak for themselves. One is an NFL legend and the other is preoccupied with law suits, gag orders, and non-disclosure agreements.

There seems to be a small group of Landry haters here that somehow resent a Cowboy's and NFL legend almost as a backlash to the frustration that Jerry can't build winner with 29 seasons to experiment. I would surmise this is from younger, less educated Cowboy fans who don't mind exposing their IQ in a forum and deal in conspiracy theories rather than facts.

Facts (I know you are opposed to facts but here they are):
  1. His regular season career record is 250-162-6 and his record counting playoffs is 270-178-6.
  2. The Cowboys under Landry had their first winning season and their first NFL Eastern Conference championship in 1966 and they didn't fall below .500 again until 1986.
  3. During that period, Landry's teams had 20 straight winning seasons, 13 divisional championship, five NFC titles and victories in Super Bowls VI and XII.
  4. The Cowboys also played in Super Bowls V, X and XIII.
  5. Landry gained a reputation as a great technical innovator, as well as an inspirational leader.
  6. He introduced the "flex defense" and "multiple offense" in the 1960s.
  7. In the 1970s, he restructured the "shotgun" or "spread" offense and, in the 1980s, he embraced and helped develop the "situation substitution" concept of handling his player talent.
