AJ Brown hating on Ceedee

He did lie. Ceedee plays more on the outside than inside
When Dallas does their running plays, and CeeDee is on the outside, is that what we’re calling “playing outside receiver?”

He had substantially more targets, catches, and yards in the slot last year than on the outside
Um where is the disrespect? He is saying that slot WR and outside WR are two different positions that should not be compared. I am not seeing him saying that one is a better position than the other or that he does not respect one. He just does not think they are the same position and should therefore not be compared as such. That seems like a perfectly reasonable take. I am not sure I agree with it but it is a reasonable take.
He clearly said he does both where Ceedee stays in one spot (not true).

Why are yall being naive
When Dallas does their running plays, and CeeDee is on the outside, is that what we’re calling “playing outside receiver?”

He had substantially more targets, catches, and yards in the slot last year than on the outside
True...pass plays last year Lamb was roughly 60% of snaps out of the slot. To compare Brown was at about 25%
True...pass plays last year Lamb was roughly 60% of snaps out of the slot. To compare Brown was at about 25%
CeeDee Lamb literally led the league in slot yards. He is THE slot receiver. It wasn’t all of his yards, but AJ’s point does hold water. You can nitpick the second part where he insinuates Lamb doesn’t play outside, but the dude also isn’t going on Twitter just to insult the guy who just set the alltime nfl record for receiving in 2021. He even starts his tweet with respectfully.

He’s not a TE, hes not a scatback, he’s not a slot receiver, and he’s annoyed if people compare him to other styles of Receivers. Is it diva-ish to randomly tweet out his gripes? Yeah a bit. Is it disrespecting Lamb or Kupp? No, why would it be? If It comes off as disrespectful it’s because you want it to come off as disrespectful. People get their Jimmiy’s twisted over the littlest of things
When Dallas does their running plays, and CeeDee is on the outside, is that what we’re calling “playing outside receiver?”

He had substantially more targets, catches, and yards in the slot last year than on the outside
Either way AJ lied. “I play outside & inside”. AJ had 15% of his snaps in the slot. If his point was he was more versatile, he was wrong…
CeeDee Lamb literally led the league in slot yards. He is THE slot receiver. It wasn’t all of his yards, but AJ’s point does hold water. You can nitpick the second part where he insinuates Lamb doesn’t play outside, but the dude also isn’t insulting the guy who just set the alltime nfl record for receiving in 2021. He even starts his tweet with “respectfully.”

He’s not a TE, hes not a scatback, he’s not a slot receiver, and he’s annoyed if oeople compare him to other styles of Receivers. Is it diva-ish to randomly tweet out his gripes? Yeah a bit. Is it disrespecting Lamb or Kupp? No, why would it be? If It comes off as disrespectful it’s because you want it to come off as disrespectful. People get their Jimmie’s twisted over the littlest of things
Lol relax Eagle. AJ gotta stand on his words, you don't.

Shame because I used to be a fan of his too. Its something about that City and Team that I just can not stand :mad:

Love how he did this. Starts off with the word “Respectfully” to make us buy-in to his upcoming comment as being delivered with zero ill-intent. He knows darn well that CeeDee gets moved around but he saddles him with the limitation of only being able to play from one position and then takes his foot off the throttle with his closing sentence leaving himself wiggle room to defer to his comment as being just an observation.

I’d prefer you just come out and say you wanna start some **** instead of throwing coy shade around for clickbait. Someone needs handled after class. Mazi, meet AJ. AJ, meet Mazi.
Hopefully CeeDee Lamb will be doing his talking on the field and showing the Iggles DBs just how good he is the next time the two teams play each other.

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