AJ Brown hating on Ceedee

My point is that discussion of rival team players and coaches and the repercussions for speaking on them here in any positive light seems extreme.
My observation is all.
If you say any and everybody here who makes a positive comment on a rival player/coach is not criticized then who am I to judge.

While being a Cowboys message board shouldn't the freedom to share all opinions on division rivals be a standard practice?

And if praise and/or compliments of a rival occurs is it standard practice to blackball the messenger?

I dunno, but thats what it seems like to me.
Have you noticed my interactions with other teams fans that join as an eagles or giants fan?

I can tell you those guys are fine. As far as I’m concerned, they are great and should post here all they want to. I always treat them with respect, as I do with anybody that has a differing opinion from mine. Ask around, I promise that you’ll get that answer. I get disagreed with a lot around here, and like is my way, I know that I can be wrong and so never just assume the other person is wrong. I give their view serious thought and usually just say we will have to see over time. It is all over my posting history. I do not care if someone disagrees with me because I could be wrong.

As far as positivity vs negativity, there are plenty of things that I do not like. I am largely a positive fan but there are players that I don’t like and want the team to get rid of. Listening to Jerry is like fingernails on a chalkboard for me. I just wish he would stop talking to the media. I don’t think Prescott is great and I see his flaws clearly. I wasn’t a Garrett fan but as a whole, like the coaches now. I like some things and I don’t like others… which to me seems normal(ish).

I have no issue with negativity. Like I said, I’d be arguing constantly if I did because it is everywhere here. I don’t. Check if you’d like.

But where I do take issue with is when it is clear that they are a sock puppet fan from the Giants or another rival team, and all they do it talk trash about the team and stick up for their real team, while throwing in an occasional “Micah is great” just for appearances.

They’re not even really bothering to hide it anymore, other than to default to the “accuse when you disagree” bit or the Hitler bit you defaulted to. It is expected.

But if it somehow bothers you that these people get called out, by all means just move along past my post.
Have you noticed my interactions with other teams fans that join as an eagles or giants fan?

I can tell you those guys are fine. As far as I’m concerned, they are great and should post here all they want to. I always treat them with respect, as I do with anybody that has a differing opinion from mine. Ask around, I promise that you’ll get that answer. I get disagreed with a lot around here, and like is my way, I know that I can be wrong and so never just assume the other person is wrong. I give their view serious thought and usually just say we will have to see over time. It is all over my posting history. I do not care if someone disagrees with me because I could be wrong.

As far as positivity vs negativity, there are plenty of things that I do not like. I am largely a positive fan but there are players that I don’t like and want the team to get rid of. Listening to Jerry is like fingernails on a chalkboard for me. I just wish he would stop talking to the media. I don’t think Prescott is great and I see his flaws clearly. I wasn’t a Garrett fan but as a whole, like the coaches now. I like some things and I don’t like others… which to me seems normal(ish).

I have no issue with negativity. Like I said, I’d be arguing constantly if I did because it is everywhere here. I don’t. Check if you’d like.

But where I do take issue with is when it is clear that they are a sock puppet fan from the Giants or another rival team, and all they do it talk trash about the team and stick up for their real team, while throwing in an occasional “Micah is great” just for appearances.

They’re not even really bothering to hide it anymore, other than to default to the “accuse when you disagree” bit or the Hitler bit you defaulted to. It is expected.

But if it somehow bothers you that these people get called out, by all means just move along past my post.
Fair enough. Appreciate you taking the time to text me this way.
As for myself I have reached the point where everything has become 5 playoff wins in 28 years.
And in my opinion that sucks.
BUT I admit, while others may share a differing opinion on this, I have a hard time processing that when this 28 year losing reality is minimized, deflected or ignored.
BUT still I know my opinion is no better or worse than any other's here.

So I am guilty of negative reality.
But it's still reality and I'll continue expressing it here.
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AJ needs to stay off social media. Nothing good can come of it. He has a bit too much diva in him. I much prefer Devonta Smith’s approach, the Slim Reaper says nothing and just goes out and plays.
being compared to kupp as opposed to AJ is a compliment. Kupp is way better than AJ
Slots are weapons of course, and a weapon is a weapon, but a receiver that can win from you X and Y opens the field up a lot.

And would bet money that AJ Brown could operate from all 3 positions (X,Y, Slot) than Kupp can.

Shame because I used to be a fan of his too. Its something about that City and Team that I just can not stand :mad:

He doesn’t want to be compared to Cooper Kupp?
Cooper Kupp just had one of the best seasons for a receiver in NFL history!
Slots are weapons of course, and a weapon is a weapon, but a receiver that can win from you X and Y opens the field up a lot.

And would bet money that AJ Brown could operate from all 3 positions (X,Y, Slot) than Kupp can.
Are you saying Kupp can’t win from the outside? That would be dumb!
This is CowboysZone. They do nothing BUT get emotional over facts. Wait until the first penalty is called on us this season, lol.
4 months before the season starts and you're already crawling up the refs a** and finding a spot smfh
I mean I know the difference between slot and outside receivers but what difference does it make when comparing WRs?

I never seen someone discredit Kupp due to where he lines up.
I agree with this and I am an eagles fan. Production is production. I don’t care where you line up.

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