Al Johnson named starter!


Our best Oline is starting! They rocked in 1st quarter - ROCKED.
Let them gel - rotation is not a reality as this gets going. Gurode is getting the same "letdown" Henson just got.
Nors said:

Our best Oline is starting! They rocked in 1st quarter - ROCKED.

And the week before, the OL struggled until Gurode came into the game...

No matter how you preen and strut, Parcells clearly said that BOTH Johnson and Gurode would play...

I can say one thing, though-- the way you crow about it when you're right shows us that you're surprised it turned out that way too... apparently, you're not used to being right all that often... LOL...
I'm right a majority of the time. Bring my wrongs?

Al J starting - Check
3-4 Defense - check
Romo - Backup - check

Nors said:
I'm right a majority of the time.

So am I... unlike you, I feel no need to trumpet that fact each and every time I AM right...

And I have been told on many occasions-- including by you, in an e-mail-- that I'm seen as pretty knowledgeable about the game...

That's OK, I was the same way when I was playing basketball, I never did understand the trash talkers... I always figured I'd let my GAME talk for me...

Didn't need to tell everybody how good I was, I just waited for the inevitable moment when somebody on the other team would holler out "who's GUARDING that little mother******??"

And when somebody started talkin' trash at me, I didn't retaliate in kind, I just bore down and played harder... I used and abused the trash talker until he got too embarrassed to open his mouth...

If you really have game Nors, you don't need to broadcast the fact, folks will figure it out... conversely, those who DO blow their own horns all the time are almost always insecure about their skills... they talk mostly to reassure themselves...
Al Johnson is starter. I serve your grill when wrong. Deal with it as it comes back at me if I'm wrong.

My track record in Parcells era is pretty tight.

Best to retreat on your attack - Johnson starter as I predicted - Next!
Nors said:
Al Johnson is starter. I serve your grill when wrong. Deal with it as it comes back at me if I'm wrong.

My track record in Parcells era is pretty tight.

Best to retreat on your attack - Johnson starter as I predicted - Next!

You see, that just shows how stupid you can be-- I have never taken sides in the Great Center Debate...

I always figured the competition between the two would make the position stronger, and whoever won, won...

Never took a position in the Great Backup Quarterback Debate, either...

So for you to assume that I took you to task because I'm annoyed that you're
"right" is really quite asinine... I took you to task because once again, you went the juvenile route, with an in-your-face "I told you so"...

From time to time, you have commented on how folks like to pile on you, and of course you're right, they do... behavior just like this is why they do that...

You've created this monster with your know-it-all approach to the regulars in this board, when if you just made the effort to express your opinions in less arrogant manner, people wouldn't respond so negatively to you...

Mind you, from time to time I also take a confrontational stand, and will get "in your face"... but I like to think I have other tricks in my bag as well, and when I do go down that route, I accept the consequences of my actions... took a LOT of heat when I was trashing Superstar Randal Williams, and yeah, when I was ultimately proven right, I indulged in a LITTLE "back at ya" type retribution...

But you seem to LIVE for this crap...

You're real big on telling us about all the times you've been right, do you also have the intellectual integrity to 'fess up about all the times you've been WRONG??

If not, you're just a blowhard... and this is coming from somebody who basically likes you... think about that...
silverbear said:
So am I... unlike you, I feel no need to trumpet that fact each and every time I AM right...

And I have been told on many occasions-- including by you, in an e-mail-- that I'm seen as pretty knowledgeable about the game...

That's OK, I was the same way when I was playing basketball, I never did understand the trash talkers... I always figured I'd let my GAME talk for me...

Didn't need to tell everybody how good I was, I just waited for the inevitable moment when somebody on the other team would holler out "who's GUARDING that little mother******??"

And when somebody started talkin' trash at me, I didn't retaliate in kind, I just bore down and played harder... I used and abused the trash talker until he got too embarrassed to open his mouth...

If you really have game Nors, you don't need to broadcast the fact, folks will figure it out... conversely, those who DO blow their own horns all the time are almost always insecure about their skills... they talk mostly to reassure themselves...

Good points SB, that is how I always dealt with the trash talkers. But there are some trash talkers that back up their talking 100% and you cannot shut them up, I've met a few and we played to a draw, and 1 or 2 actually came out on top, and I'm sure you have met some that has played you to a draw or got the best of you.

I know some example of trash talkers that can back it up and come out on top, my favorite Athlete, Michael Jordan, and My Boy Michael Irvin, T.O does a good Job, so does Moss and their are a lot more I can name.

Nors can crow all he wants now, he will not make one comment when Gurode takes over midway thru the 1st Quarter in San Diego, because AJ will be in the backfield more than the QB and the RBs.
BHendri5 said:
Good points SB, that is how I always dealt with the trash talkers. But there are some trash talkers that back up their talking 100% and you cannot shut them up

Yeah, there are exceptions to every rule, and I honestly don't understand the greats who feel the need to talk trash...

I was always a HUGE fan of Larry Bird, mostly because he didn't care about bein' "pretty", he cared about WINNING... if he was given the choice between an ordinary play that would work and something flashy, he'd go for the ordinary play every time... and far more often than not, he'd beat the brains in of those "pretty" ballplayers...

So it was VERY disillusioning to me when I found out that he was actually one of the kings of trash talk...

They say it ain't braggin' if you can do it, I say if you can do it and know you can do it, you don't NEED to brag... gimme a Tony Dorsett, who always just quietly handed the ball to the ref when he scored, then ran off the field... as Darrell Royal once told one of his hot dog players "son, the next time you score I want you to act as if you EXPECTED to score"...

Now, I HAVE been known to play this little mind game on the golf course when I teed it up with somebody I'd never played with before... if I hit a good, solid tee shot on the first hole, I'd turn around and loudly complain "aw man, if I'm gonna keep hittin' it on the toe all day, I might just as well go on home now"...

This after I'd just rifled it down the middle about 280-290, LOL... this was especially gratifying if the guy I was playing with was a big dude, since I'm not...

But golf is different, mind games are part of the fun of it... and I think that's a little different from braggin' about how great I am... I'm also prone to flexin' like Hulk Hogan when I string 4 or 5 strikes together in bowling, but that's entirely playful, not meant to be taken seriously...
Nors right the majority of the time?

This kid really is living in his own world.

I guess I need to start a "Nors-o-meter" and save every single prediction he makes so I can throw it in his face everytime he tries to throw something in ours.

Al Johnson is the starter. Great. And? We've got two solid centers, you'd think a true cowboys fan would be happy about that instead of being glad one guy "won" while the other guy "lost".

So if Gurode takes Alj's job later can we throw it back in Nors' face?

This is sad, I have the punk on ignore but thanks to all the quoting of the troll I still can't get away!
Rack said:
Nors right the majority of the time?

This kid really is living in his own world.

I guess I need to start a "Nors-o-meter" and save every single prediction he makes so I can throw it in his face everytime he tries to throw something in ours.

Al Johnson is the starter. Great. And? We've got two solid centers, you'd think a true cowboys fan would be happy about that instead of being glad one guy "won" while the other guy "lost".

So if Gurode takes Alj's job later can we throw it back in Nors' face?

This is sad, I have the punk on ignore but thanks to all the quoting of the troll I still can't get away!

I'm glad I'm not the only one around here that thinks his act is way out of hand. I too have tried the ignore feature.....doesn't work. Maybe there should be a NorsZone so he can post there and whoever wants to read his "stuff" can go there. Every post is a chest thump....theres no place for that crap imo. This is a place for COWBOY FANS to come together....not a place to drive us apart.
EveryoneElse said:
I'm glad I'm not the only one around here that thinks his act is way out of hand. I too have tried the ignore feature.....doesn't work. Maybe there should be a NorsZone so he can post there and whoever wants to read his "stuff" can go there. Every post is a chest thump....theres no place for that crap imo. This is a place for COWBOY FANS to come together....not a place to drive us apart.

I agree. A little debating is fine, but reading constant chest thumping posts gets incredibly annoying. And I'm already easily annoyed as it is.

Is there anyway to ignore quoted posts of people on ignore? lol
Rack said:
I agree. A little debating is fine, but reading constant chest thumping posts gets incredibly annoying. And I'm already easily annoyed as it is.

Sure am glad I don't have that problem...

<ducking for cover>
Hey's your props on the ones you called correctly :bow:

While you're semi-hot, what's your call for the season record? Despite all the hoopla, I still don't see us finishing better than 8-8, 9-7.
EveryoneElse said:
I'm glad I'm not the only one around here that thinks his act is way out of hand. I too have tried the ignore feature.....doesn't work. Maybe there should be a NorsZone so he can post there and whoever wants to read his "stuff" can go there. Every post is a chest thump....theres no place for that crap imo. This is a place for COWBOY FANS to come together....not a place to drive us apart.

NorsZone, BoresZone........same thing.

silverbear said:
Yeah, there are exceptions to every rule, and I honestly don't understand the greats who feel the need to talk trash...

I was always a HUGE fan of Larry Bird, mostly because he didn't care about bein' "pretty", he cared about WINNING... if he was given the choice between an ordinary play that would work and something flashy, he'd go for the ordinary play every time... and far more often than not, he'd beat the brains in of those "pretty" ballplayers...

So it was VERY disillusioning to me when I found out that he was actually one of the kings of trash talk...

They say it ain't braggin' if you can do it, I say if you can do it and know you can do it, you don't NEED to brag... gimme a Tony Dorsett, who always just quietly handed the ball to the ref when he scored, then ran off the field... as Darrell Royal once told one of his hot dog players "son, the next time you score I want you to act as if you EXPECTED to score"...

Now, I HAVE been known to play this little mind game on the golf course when I teed it up with somebody I'd never played with before... if I hit a good, solid tee shot on the first hole, I'd turn around and loudly complain "aw man, if I'm gonna keep hittin' it on the toe all day, I might just as well go on home now"...

This after I'd just rifled it down the middle about 280-290, LOL... this was especially gratifying if the guy I was playing with was a big dude, since I'm not...

But golf is different, mind games are part of the fun of it... and I think that's a little different from braggin' about how great I am... I'm also prone to flexin' like Hulk Hogan when I string 4 or 5 strikes together in bowling, but that's entirely playful, not meant to be taken seriously...

Bear, you're right again, I forgot about LB(Larry Bird) he did talk trash. I agree with you again on the these you posted.
I was always humbled when I got too cocky.

Good post once again. Bear
Yup - Al Johnson still OUR starting center. Thats how this line gets better. Last years RG, RT on the bench.....

Now we can actually run right!

Totally revamped line! Al the QB.