Video: Aldon Smith Report


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Aldon Smith has a lot of people vouching for him. I've heard repeatedly that he's in the best shape of his life. If that is true he could have a big impact this season. I hope he'll get back up to speed and become a monster for us, and I think he will, too.


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I'm thinking that the quarantine might actually equalize things for him. None of the players have gone through minicamps and team workouts. I think most players will have some difficulty adjusting. They all think they did a good job staying in condition only to realize after the first practice day they are not in game shape.


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relax guys, Gregory is next, Roger spaces this stuff out.. You heard it here..


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Smith worked with Tomisula. This guy should be very good for this team. He was a beast, this isn’t some scrub making a comeback. A motivated guy who has played at a very high level and has very little wear and tear. He’s fresh as a daisy! lol he’ll be good to go come September.. If there’s a season and barring injury of course!

Redball Express

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I agree on Aldon Smith but DLaw was still an excellent player in run defense and pressures. He had the most pressures of any player with 5 sacks and there were at least 3 or 4 sacks he would have had if Quinn hasn't gotten to the QB a half step before him.
Smith is a definite wild card.

Dallas has to have a number in mind depending if he stays.

Wonder what that is?


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Football-wise..Gregory can't hold Smith's jock strap.

There is no comparison to me. In civil disobedience sure.

But sacks and big boy football dice.

I didn't mean on the field, just that Smith's extracurriculars are far worse. The fact Gregory has been reinstated and failed shouldn't make it harder for him to play again. Smith's troubles were so deep there was no pathway to return.


Village Idiot
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Aldon Smith has a lot of people vouching for him. I've heard repeatedly that he's in the best shape of his life. If that is true he could have a big impact this season. I hope he'll get back up to speed and become a monster for us, and I think he will, too.

Being in shape doesn't mean he is ready for the NFL again. 5 years is longer than most people play in the NFL. Anyone thinking he is a lock to make the team is smoking more weed than Randy Gregory.

For all we know, he could take one big hit and decide he made a mistake.

Redball Express

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Shout-out to Redball for this content.
Shout-out to Chris Simms for smoking resposibly, and letting ppl know some guys are better off and ball out on herb.
Shout-out to Tony Romo for introducing the term "meritocracy to the NFL.

Who on the roster will keep Aldon from making the team? Nobody!

Reinstate RG and get on with it!

It really turned out to be a good piece of reporting.

Simms was getting high lowed recently with his Dak comments and he redeemed himself on this one.

Yeah, the pot comments were pretty off the wall candid. I got to hear this one more time.

Why do I have the feeling Smith and Zeke are going to be good friends now?

Zeke knows where all the best herb shops are..

and Smith probably knows all the best brownie recipes.

BTW..did I ever tell you the story about my mom cooking spaghetti for my roommate and I in college and getting high as kites off of pot.


This is pretty funny. So I live with a room mate and we are going to SMU. We are buying some weed, several lbs back in the day.

So we clean it and manicure it and weigh it up into ozs and we decide to take the stems and seeds and cook it with some cooking oil..

We let it cook slowly for days then pour it off into a empty soup can and leave it on the stove to cool. It ends up there for use in brownies later.

So much mom and dad come from Florida to check up on me and my mom says she will cook dinner.

She asks what we want so say 'spaghetti and she says fine and starts making sauce and meatballs.

I pay no attention and after awhile my room mate comes back to my room and says "you know that hash oil we cooked and left on the stove? Your mom has used it for the spaghetti sauce."

I jump up and sure enough, its gone.

We go outside and start talking about what to do. I go back in and get a spoon and taste it.

Its delicious.

I say to my room mate don't worry, they will never know.

So we go back to watching TV.

Dinner time comes and we start eating and it's great.

We having a glass of wine and suddenly my father starts laughing and laughing. I ask him what's so funny and he is laughing so hard he can't stop.

My room mate gives me the high sign pointing to the spaghetti sauce bowl and winks.

I start laughing, too. My mom starts laughing. It is just cut up city.

I get up and get another serving of pasta and munga..munga.

We get done and I brew some coffee to get everybody sober.

Many years later my father has passed away and my mom is living with my wife and I. We are chatting about the old days and I bring up that dinner.

I tell mom, who knows I have smoked since college, and goes 'Really?'

I go really. I examined she had gotten high on the hash oil she used that night for the pasta and it was why we were all laughing that night.

She says " I did sleep really well that night, "she remembered.

Oh the webs we weave..


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I had to chuckle about the statement that Aldon might not make the team, are you guys serious? This guy is going to come in a wreck havoc in the NFL. I don't care if he hasn't played in 5 years the guy is a freak of nature and even if we get a 70% Aldon Smith he is better than anyone we have on that Dline including Dlaw that was major disappointment last year.
And like he said he doesn't have the wear and tear on his body that he would have had if he played last five years it will be interesting to see if he wrecks havoc I for one would be all for seeing that


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It really turned out to be a good piece of reporting.

Simms was getting high lowed recently with his Dak comments and he redeemed himself on this one.

Yeah, the pot comments were pretty off the wall candid. I got to hear this one more time.

Why do I have the feeling Smith and Zeke are going to be good friends now?

Zeke knows where all the best herb shops are..

and Smith probably knows all the best brownie recipes.

BTW..did I ever tell you the story about my mom cooking spaghetti for my roommate and I in college and getting high as kites off of pot.


This is pretty funny. So I live with a room mate and we are going to SMU. We are buying some weed, several lbs back in the day.

So we clean it and manicure it and weigh it up into ozs and we decide to take the stems and seeds and cook it with some cooking oil..

We let it cook slowly for days then pour it off into a empty soup can and leave it on the stove to cool. It ends up there for use in brownies later.

So much mom and dad come from Florida to check up on me and my mom says she will cook dinner.

She asks what we want so say 'spaghetti and she says fine and starts making sauce and meatballs.

I pay no attention and after awhile my room mate comes back to my room and says "you know that hash oil we cooked and left on the stove? Your mom has used it for the spaghetti sauce."

I jump up and sure enough, its gone.

We go outside and start talking about what to do. I go back in and get a spoon and taste it.

Its delicious.

I say to my room mate don't worry, they will never know.

So we go back to watching TV.

Dinner time comes and we start eating and it's great.

We having a glass of wine and suddenly my father starts laughing and laughing. I ask him what's so funny and he is laughing so hard he can't stop.

My room mate gives me the high sign pointing to the spaghetti sauce bowl and winks.

I start laughing, too. My mom starts laughing. It is just cut up city.

I get up and get another serving of pasta and munga..munga.

We get done and I brew some coffee to get everybody sober.

Many years later my father has passed away and my mom is living with my wife and I. We are chatting about the old days and I bring up that dinner.

I tell mom, who knows I have smoked since college, and goes 'Really?'

I go really. I examined she had gotten high on the hash oil she used that night for the pasta and it was why we were all laughing that night.

She says " I did sleep really well that night, "she remembered.

Oh the webs we weave..
:lmao: A++ story, glad you shared.


Mr. Fixit
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So this hit the headlines the other day an I thought it was sort of panned by the media.

Personally, If he is right, we have really won the off season.

You be the judge.

Oh no..I think my next post is going to be a Dak Thread.

Stand by you hungry Cowboy fans.

Pickens are slim with no sports on TV. I just paid my internet bill becuz this is my lifeline anymore.

But you guys are getting touchy these days. hang in there.

When have Florio or Chris Simms been right on anything?

Simms is an idiot.


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Travesty if Gregory isn't reinstated. Only pot for a guy with documented mental health issues. No violence. No arrests.

I still think Gregory has a case to sue the league under the ADA. Just get off his back and let him play.


Junior College Transfer
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Foolish earthlings!

your 4-times DUI arrested hero has not played since 2015!!?
Domestic battery, felonies, vandalism, a drug possession charge, stabbed at a party ....

You Aldon apologists and Jerry think you can change this criminal? That you can rehab this felonious delinquent????

You earthlings are Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!


Junior College Transfer
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If I were a betting man, I'd be willing to wager Smith would last longer than Randy.

Throughout all the chances that Randy was given, he's failed miserably to reform.

And how many chances has Aldon received, though not from us???
Also get some of jerry's oil trucks to lubricate Aldon. He's RUSTY AFTER 5 YEARS!!!