Am I Alone?

I hate watching Cowboys games in stadiums. Or in bars, for that matter. I don't want anybody talking to me while I watch. I want to be able to rewind the plays I want to see again. I want to buffer the action so I can forward through commercials. I want to control the food I eat and the beer I drink and not worry about getting home safely. I have a big mouth and don't want to worry about altercations with opposing fans, even if they're mostly good-natured.

If I'm going to see an NFL game, it's usually a team other than the Cowboys and it's either because somebody gave me a ticket or because a friend asked me to go to a 9er game when their favorite team is in town and they know I'll root against the Niners in most situations.
Am I the only one who thinks the going to the game experience as become overpriced and overrated?

Nope, I feel the same way but I'm a huge (huger by the day) couch potato

If we had an atmosphere like Lambo or Seattle, Id rather be at the games but not at any price
Oh great another one of these threads. Next we will be flooded with season ticket holders selling tickets to opponents fans, and how the crowd sucks.

If you like to watch the games at home, then say it and leave it at that. Why go through all the cost crap.

I have season tickets and I sell them as I never know when I will be in town to go to the games. But I also like to watch from home at times too. But not because of any expenses, just nice to do at times. But still like the atmosphere of the games too.
And I didn't and don't need a 73" TV, I have a 14 year old 52" that does me just fine, I do not need HD.
But I will probaly watch it on my 36" TV instead, sitting in my desk chair or laying in my bed.

Oh, yeah sold these game tickets back in May for double face value, and to a local person in the DFW area.
But now wish I was going instead, walk 10 minutes from parking lot to the entry gate (I walk slow), and spend $6 on a Dr. Pepper, maybe $5 on a hot dog or soft pretzel.

I love going to games. Nothing can really replace the coolness of being in a stadium or arena. I haven't gone to many games recently, because it hasn't fit my schedule, but I'm all in when I do. I rarely pay for parking. I just have someone drop me off. I don't eat/drink/pee at the stadium. I do all that before the game, so I don't have to move if I don't want to. lol
I hate watching Cowboys games in stadiums. Or in bars, for that matter. I don't want anybody talking to me while I watch. I want to be able to rewind the plays I want to see again. I want to buffer the action so I can forward through commercials. I want to control the food I eat and the beer I drink and not worry about getting home safely. I have a big mouth and don't want to worry about altercations with opposing fans, even if they're mostly good-natured.

If I'm going to see an NFL game, it's usually a team other than the Cowboys and it's either because somebody gave me a ticket or because a friend asked me to go to a 9er game when their favorite team is in town and they know I'll root against the Niners in most situations.

I couldn't have said it better myself. You hit on alot of other issues I have with the whole experience. I think it is something that happens to you around your mid to late thirties. You've had all the poor experiences of being messed up and out of control in situations that demand self-control. You become classically conditioned to stay home for situations like that.
No, you're not alone.

In fact, that's why Jerry designed AT&T the way he did.

He specifically mentioned the issues that stadiums face...the improvement in home television quality makes it more enjoyable to watch it at home and considering the expense, many fans will choose to stay home now rather than go to the game.

That's why Jerry made the stadium with such a keep those fans and if not, get fans from opposing teams to come to the game because of the unique stadium experience.

Last year where there were so many Niners fans, I laughed at those that said that it was an indictment against Cowboys fans. It's something that is happening league wide. And the only teams it doesn't happen to league wide have a crappy stadium in a crappy town and don't generate nearly as much money as the Cowboys do. When you have fans of other teams willing to pay 3x the face value for tickets, you'd be a fool to not sell those tickets.

I just wish Jerry could have the foresight in other aspects of football like he did with the stadium design.

Personally, I still enjoy a good sports bar scene on Sunday. I like to see other teams play and be around the energy of the fans from other teams that are winning or losing.

I love going to games. Nothing can really replace the coolness of being in a stadium or arena. I haven't gone to many games recently, because it hasn't fit my schedule, but I'm all in when I do. I rarely pay for parking. I just have someone drop me off. I don't eat/drink/pee at the stadium. I do all that before the game, so I don't have to move if I don't want to. lol

To each his/her own.
I would honestly prefer to watch the game in the comfort of my own home then go to AT&T stadium. I think the novelty of watching the game at the game really took hold before televisions and the only way to participate was to listen to it on the radio. Then there was the black and white TV, and of course, being at the game still trumped any other experience.

But now, I have a 73" HD television that I can watch the game on or I can opt to either spend over $100 to park and eat at the game (that's after the price of admission, mind you) or spend around $50 and walk 2 miles to get to my seat. At home, I can grill up better food than what even the stadium has to offer, I can pause the game for restroom/other breaks, and all of this from the comfort of my couch. Name a seat in AT&T stadium more comfortable then my couch? Jerry Jones seat is less comfortable then my couch.

Am I the only one who thinks the going to the game experience as become overpriced and overrated?
I agree with everything but the bolded part. I'd be pretty comfy sitting on a big pile of money.
Oh great another one of these threads. Next we will be flooded with season ticket holders selling tickets to opponents fans, and how the crowd sucks.

If you like to watch the games at home, then say it and leave it at that. Why go through all the cost crap.

I have season tickets and I sell them as I never know when I will be in town to go to the games. But I also like to watch from home at times too. But not because of any expenses, just nice to do at times. But still like the atmosphere of the games too.
And I didn't and don't need a 73" TV, I have a 14 year old 52" that does me just fine, I do not need HD.
But I will probaly watch it on my 36" TV instead, sitting in my desk chair or laying in my bed.

Oh, yeah sold these game tickets back in May for double face value, and to a local person in the DFW area.
But now wish I was going instead, walk 10 minutes from parking lot to the entry gate (I walk slow), and spend $6 on a Dr. Pepper, maybe $5 on a hot dog or soft pretzel.


Oh great, another one of these responses...
One game a year away from the couch is fine for me. I prefer the comforts but I do love to try to see them in one away game every season or two. That way I get to see different venues.

Next stop - Lambeau!
I love going to games. Nothing can really replace the coolness of being in a stadium or arena. I haven't gone to many games recently, because it hasn't fit my schedule, but I'm all in when I do. I rarely pay for parking. I just have someone drop me off. I don't eat/drink/pee at the stadium. I do all that before the game, so I don't have to move if I don't want to. lol

Lol, I will go to the rest at halftime, line not real long from where my seats are, and I never missed any game time from lines. A Dr. pepper can last me until toward the 3rd quarter. I can be home in 30 minutes most the time, by the time I leave my seat after the game ends.
Next we will be flooded with season ticket holders selling tickets to opponents fans, and how the crowd sucks.

As a fellow season ticket-holder, you know the crowd does indeed suck the majority of the time. But, that's been discussed ad-nauseum, so I'll just say GO COWBOYS!!
Idgit/jd hit the nail on the head. I've been to a Cowboys game in Phx and a Panthers game in Charlotte. Both paid for by generous others. I have also been to a handful of MLB/NBA/NCAAMB games. I plan at some point to experience Jerry World, but ultimately being at the stadium and all that entails detracts and distracts and inhibits enjoyment of what is going on on the field, compared to HD viewing from the quiet comfort of my living room. Why pay an arm and a leg for a subpar viewing experience?
Lol, I will go to the rest at halftime, line not real long from where my seats are, and I never missed any game time from lines. A Dr. pepper can last me until toward the 3rd quarter. I can be home in 30 minutes most the time, by the time I leave my seat after the game ends.

I just walk straight into the bathroom and go right to a stall, pee, and wash my hands. It's not my fault everyone in line doesn't realize there's always an empty stall. Lol. I never wait in line at the bathroom.
I honestly couldn't see spending at least several hundred $$ or more for the ticket of my choice, traveling about 4.5 hours from San Antonio, and paying an exhorbitant amount just to park. Sitting in my living room and watching the game on my 52-inch HD TV while lounging on my favorite recliner and discussing the game w/my son beats going to AT&T Stadium any day, imho. Of course, that's simply my preference. I'm certainly not knocking those who prefer to see the action live at Jerry's joint, if it suits their druthers and fits their pocketbook to do so.
No you are not alone. And for all of the great things Jerry has done for this franchise, pricing out the true fans is something I will never be able to forgive him for.

FWIW, JJ isn't the only owner guilty of this. It is the norm throughout the league. Econ 101...the law of supply and demand and max profit analysis.
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Lol, I will go to the rest at halftime, line not real long from where my seats are, and I never missed any game time from lines. A Dr. pepper can last me until toward the 3rd quarter. I can be home in 30 minutes most the time, by the time I leave my seat after the game ends.

But you get the point, right? I'm not going to a game hungry and have to drop $30 on some chicken tenders and fries I can get for $5 at Wendy's. lol

If I spend any money in the stadium, it's optional.
I just walk straight into the bathroom and go right to a stall, pee, and wash my hands. It's not my fault everyone in line doesn't realize there's always an empty stall. Lol. I never wait in line at the bathroom.

You wash your hands at the stadium? Thats rare bro, but Im glad to see Im not the only one that still does that.

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