Am I Alone?

I'd like to go one time for the experience. But I agree with you in general. If you have a big screen television and HD, it's an experience unto itself.

Atlanta is building its own Jerry Dome. It's going to look SWEET! I'd like to go for the experience, but after a game or two, I'd be back to being a couch potato.
I disagree. Nothing beats being at the game live, with thousands of Cowboys fans. You can see the plays develop much better. My friend works for the Cowboys, so I don't have to pay for parking. Plus, the broadcasters are annoying, especially Joe Buck. I go to all the home games, and one away game every year. I'd go to all 16 if I could afford it.

My 3 year goal is all 16 games. Did 5 last year, plan for 6 this year and hope to luck into a couple more.
FWIW, JJ isn't the only owner guilty of this. It is the norm throughout the league. Econ 101...the law of supply and demand an max profit analysis.

I get it. I'm not mad at Jerry for getting all he can out of his investment. But for me, going would be a poor investment, all things considered.
I stay home and sync up the Brad Sham broadcast to the game.
But you get the point, right? I'm not going to a game hungry and have to drop $30 on some chicken tenders and fries I can get for $5 at Wendy's. lol

If I spend any money in the stadium, it's optional.

Yes, I know exactly what you mean. I will eat something before I go too.
Also standing in concession lines is an option too at that point. I get a Drink but usually no more than 3 or 4 people wait to get it.
I would honestly prefer to watch the game in the comfort of my own home then go to AT&T stadium. I think the novelty of watching the game at the game really took hold before televisions and the only way to participate was to listen to it on the radio. Then there was the black and white TV, and of course, being at the game still trumped any other experience.

But now, I have a 73" HD television that I can watch the game on or I can opt to either spend over $100 to park and eat at the game (that's after the price of admission, mind you) or spend around $50 and walk 2 miles to get to my seat. At home, I can grill up better food than what even the stadium has to offer, I can pause the game for restroom/other breaks, and all of this from the comfort of my couch. Name a seat in AT&T stadium more comfortable then my couch? Jerry Jones seat is less comfortable then my couch.

Am I the only one who thinks the going to the game experience as become overpriced and overrated?

I am about to go to AT&T fro the Seahawks game just so my boys can have that experience. but I was mentioning to a friend of mine, that if not for that reason, I could do with out seeing the game live. Given the cost, I do not get enough return on investment (especially if my team loses). The real joy I get out of it is I am spending quality time with my sons (my wife is a skins fan...God help I leave her out of the equation when going to live games :D).
I would honestly prefer to watch the game in the comfort of my own home then go to AT&T stadium.

Am I the only one who thinks the going to the game experience as become overpriced and overrated?

I get that. But I don't get the chance to take the family to many games additionally we make a special weekend of it. There is so much to do in the metroplex area plus the stadium tour. For the out of town folks like us we love going to a game and everything the weekend brings. The rest of the season, don't even bother calling because I'm not getting off the couch to answer it.
I get it. I'm not mad at Jerry for getting all he can out of his investment. But for me, going would be a poor investment, all things considered.

Oh, don't get me wrong...I agree with your cost/benefit analysis. For the most part, I prefer the couch, too. Having said that, I have not been to a game at Jerry-World yet, and would like to go once just for the experience. Aside from that, you're right on about the perks of watching from home.
Football is better consumed on tv. As is soccer. Baseball is a push. Hockey and basketball are best seen live.
The nfl games I've been too have been ok at best. I like the environment and the crowd but I get way more into the actual game watching from home.
I would honestly prefer to watch the game in the comfort of my own home then go to AT&T stadium. I think the novelty of watching the game at the game really took hold before televisions and the only way to participate was to listen to it on the radio. Then there was the black and white TV, and of course, being at the game still trumped any other experience.

But now, I have a 73" HD television that I can watch the game on or I can opt to either spend over $100 to park and eat at the game (that's after the price of admission, mind you) or spend around $50 and walk 2 miles to get to my seat. At home, I can grill up better food than what even the stadium has to offer, I can pause the game for restroom/other breaks, and all of this from the comfort of my couch. Name a seat in AT&T stadium more comfortable then my couch? Jerry Jones seat is less comfortable then my couch.

Am I the only one who thinks the going to the game experience as become overpriced and overrated?

I prefer to stay at home as well. I can eat the food of my choosing and drink the beer of my choosing as well, all for the cost of a standing room ticket.

Then you aren't fighting the traffic, etc. Can lay down on my couch or my floor (or my bed) -- don't have to wear real pants, etc.

I usually make at least one trip a year, however, in preaseason to see the starters play a half for $20 and to shop the store for my annual t-shirt upgrade.
I know there are some people that are REALLY into live sports, but unless you have incredible seats or a suite, I really think watching at home is a better experience.

All that money, all those lines, uncomfortable seats, obnoxious drunk idiots that you aren't friends with or related to - thus have no reason to find amusing, parking, crowds, etc. just to go sit in a seat so far from the action that you can barely tell who is who?

Or even worse, all that to go sit in a stadium in a seat so far that you basically end up watching the entire game on the stadium screen anyway?

No thanks.
You are never alone when you walk with god and me.

also, taking into confederation the parking, ticket prices, surly parking attendents, obnoxious fans, prices for beer, the stress of getting there, the stress of leaving the stadium, the time involved. . . . HAIL, THE BEST SEAT IN THE HOUSE IS AT YOUR HOUSE. AND IF YOU DON'T HAVE A HOUSE A BAR WILL DO.

Gimme you are so wise and have the best answers !!! :bow::bow::bow:
I would agree for the most part. But the last 2 goats games at AT&T were outstanding. Crowd and result wise.
maximum comfort, much cheaper beer and foods, clean, no-line bathroom.
yeah. home it is for me.

I would much rather watch other teams live than the Cowboys. I do prefer at home(Dallas) because it is easier to concentrate and actually see most of the plays.
Hey, just want to add on from my first post about the HS football championships. It's a great way to experience AT&T for pretty cheap. I think my ticket was $15 if I remember right. The parking is also lowered. They usually run 3 games each day of the championships, so you get plenty of time to check out the stadium, and plenty of football. The concessions I think are lowered in price as well. The lower bowl gets pretty full during each game, but the top is empty. It's easy to get seats on the 50 for any of the games if you grab your seat early. Yes, the screen is on, and there are replays.

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