Am I weird? (stuff you think only YOU do)

Hostile;3992763 said:
1. I have never received or sent a text message, don't have it on my cell phone, and can't see ever having it.

2. I am the most stupid person you will ever meet when it comes to modern culture. I am into sports. Hollywood and politics do not interest me at all. I have never seen a full episode of the Simpsons, King of the Hill, South Park, Married with Children, and a lot of other popular shows. Most of them I have not seen more than the time it takes to surf past the channel.

3. I have not had a carbonated drink of any kind since October of 1988 and will probably never drink one again.

4. I have been married 20 and a half years and never had a fight with my wife, and if you know me on this site you know that is impossible. It is all her. I am not good enough for her by any wild stretch of the imagination.

5. I have never been drunk, never smoked a cigarette, or done any kind of drugs.

Same here.

1. I group letters and words in threes.

2. I trace the five points of a star in my mind when I try to memorize song lyrics.

3. Every now and then I have these strange urges to open the door while I'm driving down the freeway and jump out of my car.

4. I have a phobia of doing No. 2 when someone is in a stall next to me. I'll either hurry up and finish or cover my ears so I can't hear them.

5. I put ketchup on my grilled cheese sandwiches.
locked&loaded;3993007 said:
OUt of curiosity, why?
Partially my own vanity. I was sure I was going to play pro football. You know, young and bullet proof. I was not willing to do anything to risk that.

The other part was that both my parents and most of my family were alcoholics. I just saw way too much of that stuff to ever think it got you anywhere.

My parents owned a bar and I literally grew up part of my youth in a back room of that bar.
Hostile;3992763 said:
1. I have never received or sent a text message, don't have it on my cell phone, and can't see ever having it.

You are not missing anythng here.

2. I am the most stupid person you will ever meet when it comes to modern culture. I am into sports. Hollywood and politics do not interest me at all. I have never seen a full episode of the Simpsons, King of the Hill, South Park, Married with Children, and a lot of other popular shows. Most of them I have not seen more than the time it takes to surf past the channel.

Not suprised, you spend alot of your free time here.

3. I have not had a carbonated drink of any kind since October of 1988 and will probably never drink one again.

There are no more empty calories than these.

4. I have been married 20 and a half years and never had a fight with my wife, and if you know me on this site you know that is impossible. It is all her. I am not good enough for her by any wild stretch of the imagination.

You are a lucky man.

5. I have never been drunk, never smoked a cigarette, or done any kind of drugs.

You are around my age, to have grown up in the 70's and be able to say this, is incredible, I cant say the same.
I have to have the money in my wallet in correct order and facing up. Biggest bills in back to smallest in front and all facing up and ahead.

I have to have my movies alphabetized

I can't sleep with a fan on - hate it

I don't even have a Cell phone - and don't ever see the time when I will get one

I will never sit with my back to the street esp if theres a window - a Wild Bill thing

I eat the same stuff for lunch every day - good ole Ham Sandwich

I am denfinately a neat freak - gotta have a clean house
1. When I go to bed I have to push the pointy corners of pillows in or make sure they are out of sight.
2. When I go out I have to sit in the rear of a resturant and have a clear line of sight with the entrance.
3. I hate people saying "Morning," say good morning if you like that is a greeting. But "morning" is a statement of fact. And I already know it's morning.
4. I will not do business with companys whose commercials I dislike on TV.
5. I hate dogs, children and creamed corn.
I pace when I talk on the phone, usually in a pattern that is dependant on the layout of the tile I am walking on.

I do math when I run, constantly calculating my pace/time/distance. I stopped using my iPod when I run because I just ignore the music while I'm doing math.

I don't worry much about my clothes, but I don't like it when linens are folded and put away incorrectly.
I don't take my shoes off unless I am going to bed or taking a shower.

I don't like to eat in dark or dimly lit areas. Even candle light dinners kind of bother me.

I don't like to eat things that have crunchy stuff in otherwise soft foods. For instance if I eat macaroni salad I take out anything that is crunchy in it like onions or celery or whatever someone would put in it.

I think I might have a very small amount of tourettes. I tend to blurt out stuff or say some of the same lines/phrases for no reason. For instance at work I will say...I'm ready to go home. Which is not odd but sometimes I will be at home and say the same thing for no reason.

I am a pretty hairy guy (although not as bad as some) except for my arm pits. Hardly have any hair there at all. When the wife and I were dating she thought I shaved my pits because it looked so odd.

I have trouble getting to sleep. On average it takes me about 2 hours after laying down before I can get to sleep. Along with that I find that I have to switch from my left side to my right side and back again at least 5-10 times after laying down.

An emery board, nail file or sandpaper touching my fingernails. If I have one of those touch my fingernails it gives me the willies and you get one of those full body ugggh reactions.

During this year I have developed a sort of obsessive compulsive condition over a specific thing. I will not say what it is right now...maybe in the future. But even though I know it is crazy I can not help myself. It is something where I feel something is going to happen in the near future. Something that is highly unlikely but I just have a feeling in my bones that is so strong that I just know it will happen. It is so crazy that I have done a great deal of research on things related to it and I find that at least once a day I have to look at certain sites with stuff on it over this topic. To the point where I have looked at and read the same things over and over. My wife does not even know how crazy it has become and I tend to hide it. It is not something where I am spending unwarranted money over it, it is not something that is going to lead me to becoming a serial killer but it has really affected my mood and mind set at times.Like I said...won't say what it is now but maybe if it does happen I will talk about it at that time.
I usually walk around the house with one sock one and one sock off. Guess I'm too lazy to put the sock back on after it falls off from rolling around sleeping.
Hostile;3992763 said:
1. I have never received or sent a text message, don't have it on my cell phone, and can't see ever having it.

2. I am the most stupid person you will ever meet when it comes to modern culture. I am into sports. Hollywood and politics do not interest me at all. I have never seen a full episode of the Simpsons, King of the Hill, South Park, Married with Children, and a lot of other popular shows. Most of them I have not seen more than the time it takes to surf past the channel.

3. I have not had a carbonated drink of any kind since October of 1988 and will probably never drink one again.

4. I have been married 20 and a half years and never had a fight with my wife, and if you know me on this site you know that is impossible. It is all her. I am not good enough for her by any wild stretch of the imagination.

5. I have never been drunk, never smoked a cigarette, or done any kind of drugs.

I propose that you are skirting the rules of the game.

This is weird stuff you DO, not normal stuff you haven't done! Let's hear about the fact that you only eat brown M&M's for dinner or something, geez. :laugh2:
I have never done drugs....ever.

I don't's a disgusting habit.

I rarely mix the food on my plate.

If a shirt has any kind of tag I remove it. I hate them.

I have to wash any new clothes before I will wear them.

I can't stand having unnecessary icons on my desktop. If it's on my desktop it's because I use it.

I can cook a pot of spaghetti and no get a single drop of sauce on the stove. When my wife cooks it you'd think someone died on the stove.

My worst one......I check this site 100's of times a day :laugh2:
You guys are weird... I don't have any quirks like that. Everything I do is perfectly normal.

I eat sandwiches/burgers in a circle. Outsides first, counterclockwise, working my way in. Any pickles will be the last bite.

I never drink anything while I'm eating... unless I get something extra spicy. Otherwise, I'll have my drink there, but won't touch it until I'm done.

I clip my fingernails every other Saturday.

When I'm wearing a tie, the seatbelt in my car always goes underneath the tie. Not sure if most people do that or not, but I feel like it's gonna choke me if I don't do it.

When I'm sleeping, my legs are sort of in a figure four. One of my legs is always bent and the bottom of that foot touches the knee of the straightened leg. My arms are almost always either under the pillow or above my head.

See nothing weird.
Yeagermeister;3993226 said:
I have never done drugs....ever.

I don't's a disgusting habit.

I rarely mix the food on my plate.

If a shirt has any kind of tag I remove it. I hate them.

I have to wash any new clothes before I will wear them.

I can't stand having unnecessary icons on my desktop. If it's on my desktop it's because I use it.

I can cook a pot of spaghetti and no get a single drop of sauce on the stove. When my wife cooks it you'd think someone died on the stove.

My worst one......I check this site 100's of times a day :laugh2:

That is not odd...actually it is what you should do.

Have been cases of people getting rashes and much much worse from not washing new clothes before wearing them.
My feet have to be uncovered when I sleep.

I will not ever use a business where their commecials or billboards include their pets or their kids. Your kids are not cute and including them in your commercial is not going to make me want to buy a car from you.

I can't stand for anything greasy or oily to be on my hands. If I need lotion my wife has to apply it for me, even if it is on my knuckles. I wash my hands many, many times a day.

I'm sure my wife could add hundreds more but I can't think of anything atm.
BrAinPaiNt;3993261 said:
That is not odd...actually it is what you should do.

Have been cases of people getting rashes and much much worse from not washing new clothes before wearing them.

For sure, I don't even like to buy a new cap without disenfecting it somehow.
AmarilloCowboyFan;3993269 said:
My feet have to be uncovered when I sleep.

I will not ever use a business where their commecials or billboards include their pets or their kids. Your kids are not cute and including them in your commercial is not going to make me want to buy a car from you.

I can't stand for anything greasy or oily to be on my hands. If I need lotion my wife has to apply it for me, even if it is on my knuckles. I wash my hands many, many times a day.

I'm sure my wife could add hundreds more but I can't think of anything atm.

My wife is a germ x, or any other brand of hand sanitizer, nut. She always washed her hands a great deal but now with the hand sanitizers it is even worse.
Every once in a blue moon she will say...My hands are dry and I don't know why to which I have to tell her it might be the number of times she uses germ x and the alcohol in it drying her hands out...which she replies she does not think that is what it is and I just have to roll my eyes.

The other day she gets off the phone and runs over to put that stuff on. I said you did not just have to use germ x for using a phone that only you use.:laugh2:

There will be times she does something and I see her get that look in her eye so I will tell her...Go OCD it up and get your germ x. :laugh2:

There is nothing wrong with cleaning your hands when they get dirty or the normal situations like after you use the bathroom, before you eat and just the general times one would wash their hands but she goes through bottles of the stuff. Drives me crazy sometimes.

Tell your wife I feel her pain. :p: ;)
I definitely eat my food in a strategic fashion as to create the perfect last bite. I want my last bite to be the best tasting of the whole meal. If it's a burger, it better have a decent amount of every topping that the burger had on it, on it. (ie. burger, bun, bacon, lettuce, cheese, onion, etc, all in on the last bite.) This goes for every type of food in the meal. So I better have 2 fries left to compliment that last burger bite, and some soda left to wash it down. I do this with everything I eat.
CowboyDan;3993284 said:
I definitely eat my food in a strategic fashion as to create the perfect last bite. I want my last bite to be the best tasting of the whole meal. If it's a burger, it better have a decent amount of every topping that the burger had on it, on it. (ie. burger, bun, bacon, lettuce, cheese, onion, etc, all in on the last bite.) This goes for every type of food in the meal. So I better have 2 fries left to compliment that last burger bite, and some soda left to wash it down. I do this with everything I eat.

Same here
Rynie;3992666 said:
I'll start.

1. Sometimes i'll snack on raw spaghetti. I don't know why. It has no taste.

2. I'll chew on glue sticks. You know those glue sticks you put into hot glue guns? Yeah, I'll chew on those sometimes. LOL.

3. I always tear the label off whatever beer I'm drinking. Or, I'll pull the tabs off the cans completely.

4. I'll fantasize conversations in my head. Like stuff I wish I could tell people, but can't. Or stuff I WISH I had told people.

5. I am constantly clicking my teeth to a beat. My dentist ask if I grind my teeth in my sleep. I was like "maybe?" ...haha.


I read this in Charlie's voice, and chewing on glue sticks is exactly something he'd do on It's Always Sunny, which made this post extra awesome. :laugh2:
Wow, this could turn in to the "OCD thread".

Like the crazy woman on 105.3 (Jasmine?)...she was saying yesterday how she (a) HAS to put her curling iron in the freezer after use (to make sure it's unplugged) (b) HAS to vacuum all her carpet every night before bed...lots of other weird OCD stuff.
I knew a couple of people over the years that would not do the dookie at work and would hold it till they got home.

Never really understood that.

Is it a fear of getting germs from the seat...if so you could use cleaning products before using it and or use a toilet seat guard.

Is it a fear of someone hearing you?

Is it a fear of someone smelling you?

Is it a fear that someone might jump you in a vulnerable condition?

Just never got it. You can clean the seat before hand. You can do a courtesy flush to help with the smell issue, you can lock the door to prevent someone from busting in.

If it is an issue of noise...I say make a bunch of noise to the level of overdoing it.

Sometimes I make loud fake noises in the bathroom at work, sometimes holler out a WOOOO like ric flair. Then when I come out of the bathroom and see someone in the area I will start singing I'm a YANKEE doodle Dandy with a funny look on my face.

I guess we all have our quirks but I never understood that one.

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