Am I weird? (stuff you think only YOU do)

I'm left brained to the extreme, but without the social awkwardness that plagues so many of us. It's definitely weird to my wife though, because she can't fathom why I plan every mundane detail. If we come home from work for the evening, I will know how many minutes I'm going to be working out, how long my shower will take, how many minutes a TV show we're going to watch will be, etc.

She loves my analytical mind when it comes to handling money, so it works out. =)
VietCowboy;3993000 said:
1) I can only eat one thing at a time (i.e. if I've got fries and a burger, I'll eat the fries first and then the burger. If I move onto the burgers and there are still fries left, it signals to my company that those fries are fair game as I will not be touching them now).

Ah. You're from Kronos then?
BrAinPaiNt;3993371 said:
I knew a couple of people over the years that would not do the dookie at work and would hold it till they got home.

Never really understood that.

Is it a fear of getting germs from the seat...if so you could use cleaning products before using it and or use a toilet seat guard.

Is it a fear of someone hearing you?

Is it a fear of someone smelling you?

Is it a fear that someone might jump you in a vulnerable condition?

Just never got it. You can clean the seat before hand. You can do a courtesy flush to help with the smell issue, you can lock the door to prevent someone from busting in.

If it is an issue of noise...I say make a bunch of noise to the level of overdoing it.

Sometimes I make loud fake noises in the bathroom at work, sometimes holler out a WOOOO like ric flair. Then when I come out of the bathroom and see someone in the area I will start singing I'm a YANKEE doodle Dandy with a funny look on my face.

I guess we all have our quirks but I never understood that one.


I personally don't do it because I don't like walking around without taking a shower afterward. I don't feel clean. So I make sure it's all over before my morning shower.

Is that an odd quirk? :D
vta;3993381 said:

I personally don't do it because I don't like walking around without taking a shower afterward. I don't feel clean. So I make sure it's all over before my morning shower.

Is that an odd quirk? :D

Not the morning thing. I usually go in the morning as well but not due to your reason...just my bodies normal time I guess.

We have those wet wipe things in the bathroom where I work since we are a sheltered workshop. So that the feeling clean thing is not an issue.

One of the people I talked about at work that would not go at work also had another quirk where they said they had to take all of their clothes off before doing a number 2. Always thought that was crazy.

One thing that can happen with people that hold it all day like that is that it can cause some health issues. The body is telling you it has to go and continually holding it like that is not really good for you.
BrAinPaiNt;3993389 said:
One of the people I talked about at work that would not go at work also had another quirk where they said they had to take all of their clothes off before doing a number 2. Always thought that was crazy.

:confused: ***?
CowboyDan;3993390 said:

Yeah it is confusing.

The craziest part is that they said their spouse does the same thing. I guess there is someone out there for everyone.:laugh2:

The only thing I could figure is that when they were kids the parents would take their clothes off the kids to put them on the potty chair and for whatever reason they just kept that up over the years into adulthood.

I just can not imagine taking all of my clothes off every time I had to sit on the thrown. As much as I go I would start feeling like a professional stripper. :laugh2:
BrAinPaiNt;3993389 said:
Not the morning thing. I usually go in the morning as well but not due to your reason...just my bodies normal time I guess.

We have those wet wipe things in the bathroom where I work since we are a sheltered workshop. So that the feeling clean thing is not an issue.

One of the people I talked about at work that would not go at work also had another quirk where they said they had to take all of their clothes off before doing a number 2. Always thought that was crazy.

One thing that can happen with people that hold it all day like that is that it can cause some health issues. The body is telling you it has to go and continually holding it like that is not really good for you.

:lmao: That is hilarious that part about the person having to go full nude to do it.

Your last paragraph is spot on and I wouldn't struggle if I had to go, I just normally don't have to because it's all taken care of in the am. Holding it in is asking for problems.
I hate to continue on this strange tangent that the thread has taken but......
I have to have the toilet paper roll out from the top. I even change it in friend's houses. (no I'm not afraid to go to the bathroom at a friend's house, or a public bathroom. When nature calls, I answer. What were you expecting to smell when you walked in here, roses? :p:)

I do not understand the logic of TP rolling out from the bottom.
When I lived in town I was always sensitive about using the toilet in public places or even at work. Not only are you vulnerable during this time but are also open to criticism or embarrassment if someone feels offended by the odor.

Only the physically well endowed enjoy using troughs or urinals without dividers.

The thing I love about living way out in the middle of nowhere unable to see or hear any neighbors is the ability to pee wherever the hell I please, whenever I please and even carry a spare roll of TP in the pickup for those awkward moments when I've had chili for dinner. My bathroom's bigger'n yours.

Dinner is what the noon meal is called out here - ya have supper at night and lunch is somethin' they do in town. Solitude has its moments.

Life is good.
Hilarious...there is some crazy stuff in this thread.

I have this wooden smiley face (love anything with a Yellow and it has to be yellow smiley face on it) on a clip that I have on the visor of my car and have had it since I started driving and before I can start driving I have to kiss my index finger and then touch the smiley face.

It is very worn from all the times I have done it.

Very normal behavior obviously.

I save a favorite piece of food for the last bite. If I have shrimp on my plate, I make sure the last bite is shrimp. If it's steak, I make sure it's steak and so on.
BrAinPaiNt;3993393 said:
Yeah it is confusing.

The craziest part is that they said their spouse does the same thing. I guess there is someone out there for everyone.:laugh2:

The only thing I could figure is that when they were kids the parents would take their clothes off the kids to put them on the potty chair and for whatever reason they just kept that up over the years into adulthood.

I just can not imagine taking all of my clothes off every time I had to sit on the thrown. As much as I go I would start feeling like a professional stripper. :laugh2:
There was a bit on the TV show Scrubs about that. JD and Turk were saying it's unnatural. Man is the only animal that wears clothes while making twosies.

Side note: What happened to the posts on urinals? Deleted really?
CowboyDan;3993404 said:
I hate to continue on this strange tangent that the thread has taken but......
I have to have the toilet paper roll out from the top. I even change it in friend's houses. (no I'm not afraid to go to the bathroom at a friend's house, or a public bathroom. When nature calls, I answer. What were you expecting to smell when you walked in here, roses? :p:)

I do not understand the logic of TP rolling out from the bottom.
I have heard, but not from experience, that if you have a cat and have it roll from the bottom, the cat cannot take all the TP off the roll when it scratches at it. Makes sense. But I think to the general population (non-cat owners), rolling over the top is the accepted standard.
When I was younger I used to pour white glue on my hand,spread it out, let it dry and then peel it off. Now I have a problem picking my scabs to the point that I have lots of small scars.:( Also I cant stand having long nails, I clip them every couple days.
dez_for_prez;3993451 said:
When I was younger I used to pour white glue on my hand,spread it out, let it dry and then peel it off.
By the way this is exactly how to get all of those tiny little cactus stickers out. You know the real fine ones that you can feel but can't see without a magnifying glass? Spread the glue, let it dry, peel it off, and the stickers come right out too.
TheCount;3993224 said:
I propose that you are skirting the rules of the game.

This is weird stuff you DO, not normal stuff you haven't done! Let's hear about the fact that you only eat brown M&M's for dinner or something, geez. :laugh2:
It has to work both ways, but I'll try.

Early in the morning, the first pee, my left hand has to be on the wall to brace myself. I have no idea why. I never feel like I am going to fall. Just something I do, but never any other time.
I used to drink capful shots of worcestershire sauce

I use a tremendous amount of pepper on EVERYTHING

I also require a fan to sleep and a pillow between my knees

I have a childlike imagination. For instance if I have problems sleeping, I'll imagine myself as a super hero, fighting crime. I think my mind's distraction helps me sleep.
I can't pass a rock on the sidewalk or in a parking lot without kicking it back in with the other rocks.

I eat all the oats then the charms last when eating lucky charms cereal.
I didn’t want to contribute at the fear of being hospitalized, but after seeing some crazy stuff, i may not be so bad.

I prefer to drink out of glass cups. I do not like plastic cups.

I have to straighten the bed sheets (no wrinkles) before i lay down.

I over wipe. Even wet the toilet paper. No poop residue can be left.

I clean my desk, mouse and keyboard about 10 times a day.

All food and drinks have to be covered with paper towels. If i see a fly land on my food, i won’t eat it.

I pick at my nails when not on the computer.

I don’t toot or burp in front of people (at least not intentionally)
Everlastingxxx;3993494 said:
I didn’t want to contribute at the fear of being hospitalized, but after seeing some crazy stuff, i may not be so bad.

I prefer to drink out of glass cups. I do not like plastic cups.

I have to straighten the bed sheets (no wrinkles) before i lay down.

I over wipe. Even wet the toilet paper. No poop residue can be left.

I clean my desk, mouse and keyboard about 10 times a day.

All food and drinks have to be covered with paper towels. If i see a fly land on my food, i won’t eat it.

I pick at my nails when not on the computer.

I don’t toot or burp in front of people (at least not intentionally)

Im honestly trying to IMAGINE the kind of women you attract.

Pretty sad huh?

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