Am I weird? (stuff you think only YOU do)

Faerluna;3995889 said:
I didn't even know what sweet tea was until I started dating Kilyin. I had also never heard of spoon bread.

I hadn't until you mentioned it. What is it?
Faerluna;3995889 said:
I didn't even know what sweet tea was until I started dating Kilyin. I had also never heard of spoon bread.

AmarilloCowboyFan;3995950 said:
I hadn't until you mentioned it. What is it?

spoon bread is new to me too.
Faerluna;3995991 said:
It's made with cornmeal, eggs, milk and butter. You mix everything together and bake it and it turns our like a very moist bread. You have to eat it with a spoon or fork and its best if you eat it hot with a pat of butter melting on it.

It's pretty yummy!

Sounds good - sounds basically like cornbread with a little less cornmeal and a little more of the dairy.
Stautner;3995800 said:
When and where did this damn sweet tea craze start anyway? People used to use sugar or an artificial sweetner, but this trend for restaraunts to offer both sweet and unsweet seemed to just pop up overnight a couple of years ago. More than once have I been given sweet tea by mistake and I almost gag.
I used to always drink sweet tea, hated unsweet. Now, I probably drink more unsweet tea than sweet.

But getting unsweet tea and trying to sweeten it was always a pain in the ***. The sugar doesn't dissolve if the tea's not hot, just floats to the bottom. I guess you could stir the sugar around for 3 minutes until it all dissolved, but gah what a pain.
Faerluna;3995991 said:
It's made with cornmeal, eggs, milk and butter. You mix everything together and bake it and it turns our like a very moist bread. You have to eat it with a spoon or fork and its best if you eat it hot with a pat of butter melting on it.

It's pretty yummy!

Kilyin;3996034 said:

They stopped making the mix in the box, but thats the recipe.

sounds pretty good, I'll have to try it out.
Stautner;3995937 said:
Really? I still go to restaraunts that don't offer both, and 5 years ago no restaraunts I went to offered both.

Don't you remember going to restaraunts with suger dispensers on the table? They weren't there to put sugar on your steak or salad.

Where do you live? Maybe it's something that has been common in some areas of the country for some time, but not in Texas.


I remember the sugar jar but mostly for coffee or that's what my parents used it for
peplaw06;3996049 said:
I used to always drink sweet tea, hated unsweet. Now, I probably drink more unsweet tea than sweet.

But getting unsweet tea and trying to sweeten it was always a pain in the ***. The sugar doesn't dissolve if the tea's not hot, just floats to the bottom. I guess you could stir the sugar around for 3 minutes until it all dissolved, but gah what a pain.

My kids drink sweet tea and they tell me the same thing. I guess I can understand that, and if restaraunts are willing to offer both, what the hell. Of course they probably bumped the price on all tea and it may affect my ability to pay for my daughter's education, but no worries.
Yeagermeister;3996071 said:

I remember the sugar jar but mostly for coffee or that's what my parents used it for

That's true about it being for coffee too - I don't like sugar in my coffee either.

Anyway, I seriously don't remember anyone in Texas selling presweetened tea before 4-5 years ago other than maybe a random place you might stumble onto that advertised it as something unique.
When my hands are dirty and I go to the bathroom to piss..I usually wash my hands before I piss..and then again after.

Is that weird?
SkinsandTerps;3995381 said:
I cut my food and eat it with the same hand. I hold whatever I am cutting with one hand and then switch back to the cutting hand to eat it.

I wear an undershirt every day. Even when I wear a T-shirt.

I am sure there are plenty of silly things but, those are off the top at this moment.
never thought about it but i do that too
peplaw06;3996049 said:
I used to always drink sweet tea, hated unsweet. Now, I probably drink more unsweet tea than sweet.

But getting unsweet tea and trying to sweeten it was always a pain in the ***. The sugar doesn't dissolve if the tea's not hot, just floats to the bottom. I guess you could stir the sugar around for 3 minutes until it all dissolved, but gah what a pain.

If you're at home, you should make yourself some sugar syrup. You just dissolve a cup of sugar in a cup of boiling water. Then cool it in your fridge and it will remain in solution. Now just pour it into whatever drink you want and the sugar will mix freely throughout the new solution with only a minimum of stirring.
Sometimes for fun I think about me being in the sea with about 10 or 15 lovely mermaids. These are the nice mermaids not the ones the kill humans. In fact these mermaids save me from drowning.
Eskimo;3996281 said:
If you're at home, you should make yourself some sugar syrup. You just dissolve a cup of sugar in a cup of boiling water. Then cool it in your fridge and it will remain in solution. Now just pour it into whatever drink you want and the sugar will mix freely throughout the new solution with only a minimum of stirring.

Grandma calls that "simple syrup" and she makes some pies to die for with that little mixture.
Hoofbite;3996363 said:
Grandma calls that "simple syrup" and she makes some pies to die for with that little mixture.
I see them using it on food tv occasionally too.
trickblue;3995793 said:
I add a space after the colon to any thread title that doesn't have one.

I use the appropriate number of ellipses (three) every time. Any thread title I see with more or less dot dot dots gets changed (even Reality threads). Any thread title that doesn't have a space after dot dot dots gets fixed...

Alright; someone get the straight jacket, we got a real psycho here!
Eskimo;3996281 said:
If you're at home, you should make yourself some sugar syrup. You just dissolve a cup of sugar in a cup of boiling water. Then cool it in your fridge and it will remain in solution. Now just pour it into whatever drink you want and the sugar will mix freely throughout the new solution with only a minimum of stirring.

I don't drink sweet tea. Unsweetened tea (freshly brewed that is) is the best thrust quencher on a hot day period.

As for sugar syrup, my grandmother used to make it for breakfast poured over biscuits with butter. That was my favorite breakfast as a kid. Today, it's way to sweet for me to eat.

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