Am I weird? (stuff you think only YOU do)

theogt;3994058 said:
Tea has almost no caffeine in it, so it shouldn't be considered a caffeine drink. I seriously doubt you'd fall asleep after 5 cups of coffee, unless you've already been on a 36 hours studying binge.

I'll drink Diet Coke too (not the uncaffeinated stuff).

I don't drink coffee, for the same reason I don't drink alcohol, taste. Although if there's a lot of condensed milk and made the vietnamese-style, I can bear vietnamese-style coffee.

I'm just the kind of person that likes to sleep minimum 9 hours a day, sometimes I get 12 hours. So, my body just likes to sleep, and no amount of sugar or caffeine really detracts from that.

I've tried Red Bull, RockStar, etc. (not that 5 hour energy thing though), and they don't have any effect on me.
I get freaked out when people belch. I would infinitely take a good solid fart any day of the week than a belch. Gross.

I like my popcorn cold/borderline stale. It makes the butter taste better to me for some reason.

I will eat like 3 string cheeses at once and let it all acumulate in my mouth then slowly swallow it chunk by chunk. I also chew up a ton of popcorn and do the exact same thing.

MetalHead;3994099 said:
I will not eat steak,chicken or pork with bones in it.EVER.
I ate rice and beans for lunch every day while growing up.Still love it.
I do not eat fruit,none.
I hate seafood...will not touch it.
I only own 3 pairs of shoes.

I'm with you on the seafood. I have never even tried lobster, crab, oysters, clams, etc. I can't be around people eating river roaches (crawfish). It's so disgusting.

Also, when I bake cookies, I burn them on purpose and immediately put them in fridge. They taste better burnt, and I like them CRUNCHY.
Speaking of belching, I literally cannot do it. Don't know how, and don't care to.
Rynie;3994170 said:
I'm with you on the seafood. I have never even tried lobster, crab, oysters, clams, etc. I can't be around people eating river roaches (crawfish). It's so disgusting.

Also, when I bake cookies, I burn them on purpose and immediately put them in fridge. They taste better burnt, and I like them CRUNCHY.

Seafood is delicous

and as far as the second part.

You are probably the only person in the world that does that to your cookies. Burnt and not chewy? Why dont you just chew on charcoal
cowboyeric8;3993853 said:
I'm the same way, caffeine doesn't have an effect on me. I thought it might be because I'm addicted. But I've gone without after lengthy periods, and then didn't feel anything. If anything it makes me more tired. Weird.

Caffeine doesn't usually do much for me.

But, I've gone a good while without drinking and then bought a monster, it will do something to you.....make you run to the bathroom and dump for an hour.
locked&loaded;3994203 said:
Seafood is delicous

and as far as the second part.

You are probably the only person in the world that does that to your cookies. Burnt and not chewy? Why dont you just chew on charcoal

Well, this is a thread about stuff i think ONLY I DO.
:bang2: :bang2:
MetalHead;3994099 said:
I only own 3 pairs of shoes.
I own 27 pairs..why? I have no idea. Don't even wear some of them...Was just thinking about that the other day.
Boom;3993472 said:
I used to drink capful shots of worcestershire sauce

I use a tremendous amount of pepper on EVERYTHING

I also require a fan to sleep and a pillow between my knees

I have a childlike imagination. For instance if I have problems sleeping, I'll imagine myself as a super hero, fighting crime. I think my mind's distraction helps me sleep.
i do all of these, well not so much the worcesershire thing but when i was a kid i did.

i also imagine what i would do if a random person attacked me, like if im sitting at a stop light and a bum is asking for money(common place in austin) i think of what i would do if he just snapped and tried to get into my car. or if im in line at a bank and i see someone walk in i think what i would do if he tried to rob the place.

i am a really picky eater, meat, cheese, and bun is the norm for me. i hate mayo, i love miracle whip.

the shower curtin has to be as closed as possible, no heat can escape if i can help it.

i hate clipping my finger nails, i cant stand the way they feel afterward, i hate the tip of my fingers feeling unprotected and most of all i hate trying to scratch an itch and end up basically rubbing it.

i only eat one thing at a time and i have to take a sip after every bite to wash it down.

when i was a kid i used to love pickle juice, one time i drank a whole big jar of it and got sick and now i hate pickles
VietCowboy;3994109 said:
I'll drink Diet Coke too (not the uncaffeinated stuff).

I don't drink coffee, for the same reason I don't drink alcohol, taste. Although if there's a lot of condensed milk and made the vietnamese-style, I can bear vietnamese-style coffee.

I'm a regular coffee drinker, and I just had Vietnamese-style coffee the other day for the first time.

I thought it was fantastic. Wish there was a place near where I live that served it.
When I see a movie on home video or at the theater I always like to watch the credits and the studio logo and everything that comes up after the credits. When I see a movie I want to see everything.
I cut my food and eat it with the same hand. I hold whatever I am cutting with one hand and then switch back to the cutting hand to eat it.

I wear an undershirt every day. Even when I wear a T-shirt.

I am sure there are plenty of silly things but, those are off the top at this moment.
SkinsandTerps;3995381 said:
I cut my food and eat it with the same hand. I hold whatever I am cutting with one hand and then switch back to the cutting hand to eat it.

I wear an undershirt every day. Even when I wear a T-shirt.

I am sure there are plenty of silly things but, those are off the top at this moment.

And you cheer for the Commanders...weirdo:)
Just thought about this, but I wear long sleeve cotton shirts year round. I cannot wear any long sleeve shirt without an undershirt. It just doesn't feel right.

I really don't like having hot feet and will untie my shoes when I'm anywhere sitting down, and will pull them half out of any boots I wear.

I just discovered I like the smell of fiberglass resin. Not particularly something I "do" per se, but my neighbor abhors the stuff.
ChldsPlay;3994506 said:
Why so many?

This isn't bad. I have four and each have a use. (nothing to do with fashion) I have my sneakers, my old sneakers (for mowing the lawn, etc), a pair of brown dress shoes for earthen tone color dress clothes and a pair of black dress shoes for blues, grays, and blacks.

Anyone who wears brown shoes with a blue suite should be beaten and stabbed. I don't give a damn what people say, it's freaking ugly.
tiny tim;3995253 said:
When I see a movie on home video or at the theater I always like to watch the credits and the studio logo and everything that comes up after the credits. When I see a movie I want to see everything.

I'm sure the no-names appreciate your support. :D
JonJon;3994491 said:
I own 27 pairs..why? I have no idea. Don't even wear some of them...Was just thinking about that the other day.

Learn. If it isn't used, toss it out / drop it in a clothes drop. Hoarding is bad. ;)

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