Am I weird? (stuff you think only YOU do)


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I'll start.

1. Sometimes i'll snack on raw spaghetti. I don't know why. It has no taste.

2. I'll chew on glue sticks. You know those glue sticks you put into hot glue guns? Yeah, I'll chew on those sometimes. LOL.

3. I always tear the label off whatever beer I'm drinking. Or, I'll pull the tabs off the cans completely.

4. I'll fantasize conversations in my head. Like stuff I wish I could tell people, but can't. Or stuff I WISH I had told people.

5. I am constantly clicking my teeth to a beat. My dentist ask if I grind my teeth in my sleep. I was like "maybe?" ...haha.



Chicks dig crutches
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Hmm this should be fun. Haha.

1. I have to have the money in my wallet in correct order and facing up.

2. I have to have my movies alphabetized.

3. The inside of my pick-up has to be clean or it will bug me.

I thought I could think of more, maybe some will come to me.


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I can't sleep without a fan on....even in the winter.

I will NEVER eat ranch dressing. EVER. It grosses me out.

big dog cowboy

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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Rynie;3992666 said:
1. Sometimes i'll snack on raw spaghetti. I don't know why. It has no taste.

2. I'll chew on glue sticks. You know those glue sticks you put into hot glue guns? Yeah, I'll chew on those sometimes. LOL.

3. I always tear the label off whatever beer I'm drinking. Or, I'll pull the tabs off the cans completely.

4. I'll fantasize conversations in my head. Like stuff I wish I could tell people, but can't. Or stuff I WISH I had told people.

5. I am constantly clicking my teeth to a beat. My dentist ask if I grind my teeth in my sleep. I was like "maybe?" ...haha.
1, and 2 are weird, 3, 4 and 5 are only 1/2 weird.

cowboyeric8;3992679 said:
1. I have to have the money in my wallet in correct order and facing up.

2. I have to have my movies alphabetized.

3. The inside of my pick-up has to be clean or it will bug me.
1 and 2 are not weird, 3 is.

Rynie;3992682 said:
I can't sleep without a fan on....even in the winter.

I will NEVER eat ranch dressing. EVER. It grosses me out.
Both not weird.


The Duke
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1. I have never received or sent a text message, don't have it on my cell phone, and can't see ever having it.

2. I am the most stupid person you will ever meet when it comes to modern culture. I am into sports. Hollywood and politics do not interest me at all. I have never seen a full episode of the Simpsons, King of the Hill, South Park, Married with Children, and a lot of other popular shows. Most of them I have not seen more than the time it takes to surf past the channel.

3. I have not had a carbonated drink of any kind since October of 1988 and will probably never drink one again.

4. I have been married 20 and a half years and never had a fight with my wife, and if you know me on this site you know that is impossible. It is all her. I am not good enough for her by any wild stretch of the imagination.

5. I have never been drunk, never smoked a cigarette, or done any kind of drugs.


Suspicious looking stranger
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I eat Mac & Cheese with Soy Sauce on it.

My I was a child I would eat mud and paper. Come to think of it, I still eat mud when I visit TGI Fridays.


Formerly sm0kie13 ROY
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CowboyDan;3992787 said:
I don't have a personal Facebook account. :eek: :eek: :eek:

that makes two of us.

sometimes i flush the toilet before i'm completely done whizzing in it.


Active Member
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I do the beer label/can tab thing. Don't know why but it can find locating it later easier. So it's got an advantage. :)

EDIT: I also do the money ordering thing...Biggest bills in back to smallest in front and all facing up and ahead. I also do the ambient noise thing when sleeping...I discovered that when I was about 7 or 8. I always had trouble sleeping until my parents bought me a tiny fan for one of my birthdays, probably mostly on a lark. The difference that thing made running next to my bed at night was immediately noticeable. I find the drone of most window AC units to be particularly sleep inducing.

I double and triple tie my shoe laces, and on certain pairs of shoes I'll mess with the knots, tie them really weird on purpose or run the laces through the knots a few times to make it even bigger. Then I'll kinda run the knot around in my fingers and manipulate it, make it tighter or looser or compare the sizes of the loops. If one loop is noticeably bigger than the other sometimes I'll twist them up together by inverting the bigger one into the smaller one over and over. It's probably my weirdest habit and kind of OCD. I'll build up the knots until they're "satisfying" in my fingers and then leave them that way for a week or two before untying them and re-doing the knot in a different way. I've limited myself to a pair I have sitting next to me at my computer. I'll hold one shoe in my lap and mess around with the knot while I'm reading or surfing the web. When I get bored with it I set it down and grab the other shoe in the pair.


Pixel Pusher
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Weird things I do:

When I dry my hands, I have to use three sheets of paper towel.

I never use a wet bath towel.

I never drink soda's unless I'm eating, never been the type of person to just pop a can of coke to drink while I watch tv or something and I don't find it satisfies my thirst when I'm really thirsty.

I only give and accept gifts with both hands, part of how I was brought up.

I always sit facing the exit like I'm some kind of fugitive or something.


Blank Paper Offends Me
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Eat spaghetti sauce right out of the jar with a spoon. Chunky mushroom being my favorite.

Eat Gundelsheim barrel pickles four or five at a time.


Chicks dig crutches
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Hostile;3992763 said:
1. I have never received or sent a text message, don't have it on my cell phone, and can't see ever having it.

2. I am the most stupid person you will ever meet when it comes to modern culture. I am into sports. Hollywood and politics do not interest me at all. I have never seen a full episode of the Simpsons, King of the Hill, South Park, Married with Children, and a lot of other popular shows. Most of them I have not seen more than the time it takes to surf past the channel.

3. I have not had a carbonated drink of any kind since October of 1988 and will probably never drink one again.

4. I have been married 20 and a half years and never had a fight with my wife, and if you know me on this site you know that is impossible. It is all her. I am not good enough for her by any wild stretch of the imagination.

5. I have never been drunk, never smoked a cigarette, or done any kind of drugs.

Right there with you on number 5. And my parents have been married 31 years and say the same thing, I've never witnessed one so I have to believe them, haha.


Be Realistic. Demand the Impossible.
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1) I can only eat one thing at a time (i.e. if I've got fries and a burger, I'll eat the fries first and then the burger. If I move onto the burgers and there are still fries left, it signals to my company that those fries are fair game as I will not be touching them now).

2) It takes me hours to eat desserts, particularly baked goods or those that are very sweet, as I do not have a sweet tooth at all (I'm 100% savory / salt).

3) on that note, I often add salt like a fiend to most food I eat. Salt actually brings out the sweetness in a lot of things, particularly fruits.

4) I have a slightly irrational fear of stairs and will often count stairs to make sure I don't miss one, hold on for dear life, and take each step at a time.

5) If there's something in the sink, I have an urge to take it to the dishwasher. I cannot stand a dirty kitchen. But, my room is messy and I don't care about that. Nor vacuum (someone else does that, and if they didn't, i would never vacuum).

6) I've got an insane academic memory but if you asked me what we ate this morning for breakfast, I cannot remotely recall it.

7) I hate mornings not because they are mornings, but because if I have something to do that morning, particularly if it is an appointment, class, or meeting, I don't get much sleep the night before because I have an intense fear of oversleeping and missing something important. That is why most of day starts after 12.

8) Not sure about other women, but I can fake cry on a dime that is so convincing, I can make myself hyperventilate and bawl (I hyperventilate when I cry, for real or fake).


Well-Known Member
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Hostile;3992763 said:
5. I have never been drunk, never smoked a cigarette, or done any kind of drugs.

OUt of curiosity, why?

To answer the original question; I guess I have no odd ticks or tendencies.

I could say that I eat weird food, but I just am not picky.

I honestly cant think of anything I do that is terribly weird.


Unfriendly and Aloof!
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  1. I hate it when people don't towel dry off before getting out of the shower. Really, that isn't the problem, it's getting the bathroom floor wet, that pisses me off. (I wear socks around the house and if my socks get wet. Hell to pay!)
  2. I eat the same stuff for lunch every day except Fridays when I buy lunch. (not including weekends) If my wife changes my lunch without my approval, it does not go over well with me! :D (no I'm not nasty to her, but I make a stink about it) Yeah, I know. Most wifes don't make their husband's lunch everyday before work, but I'm good like that! ;)

Hmm. That might be the best I got. :eek::


Unfriendly and Aloof!
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Hostile;3992763 said:
5. I have never been drunk, never smoked a cigarette, or done any kind of drugs.

I didn't beat up kids when I was a younger, but the one I did. That must have been you! :laugh2:


Pixel Pusher
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nyc;3993027 said:
  1. I hate it when people don't towel dry off before getting out of the shower. Really, that isn't the problem, it's getting the bathroom floor wet, that pisses me off. (I wear socks around the house and if my socks get wet. Hell to pay!)
  2. I eat the same stuff for lunch every day except Fridays when I buy lunch. (not including weekends) If my wife changes my lunch without my approval, it does not go over well with me! :D (no I'm not nasty to her, but I make a stink about it) Yeah, I know. Most wifes don't make their husband's lunch everyday before work, but I'm good like that! ;)

Hmm. That might be the best I got. :eek::

Oh man, add me to the "I hate wet socks" list, if my socks get wet, I have to take them off right away.