Video: AM: O-line run blocking


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Exactly. The top end speed is not there. The acceleration is not there. The vision and decisiveness is not there.

The blocking has regressed as well... put that all together and you get an average ground attack.

Zeke is a grinder and a thumper now. Durable and at times he can still stack yards up— but he simply is not a threat to break a run wide open anymore.

And he is being paid to be a game-breaker.

We've all seen it, but its hard to accept his game has changed so much.

He is still really young and doesn't have a history of major injuries which would contribute to him losing a step.

I think he needs an off season where his focus is on leaning up and finding his old explosiveness.

I know he's taken a beating in his first 2.5 years but its hard to believe his explosiveness is gone already. The other huge difference which serves to make him appear less explosive is his patient style of running. Zeke waits for blocks to be set up and then hits the hole, as opposed to Cook who burst through as soon as he touches the ball and has faith the hole will be there.

Maybe its time for a new RBS coach? On another note is Marinelli the LBS coach or do we have a coach assigned to LBS? Because that coach needs to go TODAY.


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We've all seen it, but its hard to accept his game has changed so much.

He is still really young and doesn't have a history of major injuries which would contribute to him losing a step.

I think he needs an off season where his focus is on leaning up and finding his old explosiveness.

I know he's taken a beating in his first 2.5 years but its hard to believe his explosiveness is gone already. The other huge difference which serves to make him appear less explosive is his patient style of running. Zeke waits for blocks to be set up and then hits the hole, as opposed to Cook who burst through as soon as he touches the ball and has faith the hole will be there.

Maybe its time for a new RBS coach? On another note is Marinelli the LBS coach or do we have a coach assigned to LBS? Because that coach needs to go TODAY.

I would fire the LBs, STs, and RB coach yesterday. Maybe OL as well. Our output and production considering our talent is just awful.

There is not a team that does less with more than your Dallas Cowboys lol...

Back to Zeke... I honestly think this is a mental/maturity issue for him. He is used to being able to live life on his terms and trust his natural ability to come through for him. Now— he is learning that taking care of himself, and dedicating himself to his craft is the only way to ensure longevity and a successful legacy in the NFL—- is he willing to make the needed sacrifices to succeed? We will see. He has already gotten paid— so hopefully he digs down and finds the will to be a champion


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What this video tells you, is simple... our coaching SUCKS! From the play design, to the actual execution, they have to be COACHED. And just WHO is our illustrious leader....Garrett. His only job now is to WATCH the game unfold, and then go to his OC/DC's and tell them to change it up, cause what they are doing ISN'T working... I get the, need to impose our running game, but if your RB is running into a wall of d linemen for no gain or loss's then CHANGE SOMETHING!!! We don't see ANY screens, or mis directional plays to get the defense moving off a play, the Vikings NEW what we were, cause we show it EVERY stinking Sunday. ALL 4 teams that beat us, knew just how to....that speaks volumes about who we are.


Taco Engineer
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When the O line does a good job blocking Elliott has had over 100 yards. When the O line blows, he can't get up to speed to break longer runs. I think the idea that he's not what he used to be is overrated because of these facts. In those well blocked games he looked quicker and sharp. I find it obvious that if the defense is meeting him in the backfield or LOS, than how exactly is a RB expected to get through all of that?


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
There is also another dynamic at work here. In 2016, DC's were not as focused on stopping the run but the new crop of RB's like Gurley, Elliott and Barkley have brought about a more concentrated effort and the NFL is turning back to stopping the run first. Prior to this, we had SEA with Lynch and that run game and a bunch of passing teams. Of course, NE has always been about the run and the D but many can't see past Brady to see that.

The OL has had problems and Elliott is inconsistent in hitting the holes and he's a power back, he has to have holes. He is also the highest paid RB and therefore must get the lion's share of the carries and be featured to make sure the FO doesn't look dumb for paying him that % of the cap. Coaches have not dictated who plays since Parcells left.

The question I have about Elliott is there something about him we don't know about. I remember one season we were all thinking Emmitt was finally worn down and later came to know that they'd been hiding his bad ankle all season long. He wasn't at 100%. Elliott has been quick to pull himself out of the game, quicker than the other backs I've watched and I wonder if there's something to that? The guy has been a battering ram since he came into the NFL, how much can his body take?


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan

He is a Zeke Fan-Boy and he over-shadows a few good points with some blatantly false information.

The scheme is the top issue. When watching ALL snaps the individual OLinemen are playing reasonably well in the run game.

The 2nd issue is that Zeke does not threaten defenses to the far outside edge like he did in the past.

Defenses don't quickly jump play-side on outside zone runs which allows them to stay in place against the cut-back or the outside run just outside the OT.

Columbo played in Houck's man blocking scheme. When Bill Callahan replaced Houck in 2012, it was the biggest upgrade in coaching that the Cowboys have had since Parcells replaced Campo. Connor Williams would be perfect with Callahan as the OL coach.

The best way to understand the Cowboys blocking problems is to study the problems the Cowboys defense is having against Zone Blocking teams. ZBS teams are able to box out some defenders just by scheme because they manage to impede some defenders with "traffic" which means if an OL is blocking a defender and those players get in the path of a defender trying to move laterally.

The Cowboys have been trying far to many reach blocks which increase the difficultly for an OLineman to execute. If reach blocks work, then then another OL gets a good angle on a LB but when reach blocks fail it does not matter if LBs get blocked.

Starting with the Eagles game the Cowboys changed blocking assignments in an attempt to solve the reach block problem.

Unfortunately their work-around has backfired.

In the play below they would have blocked it differently before the change and in this scenario their method before the change would have been correct.

They have Martin block the DT and Frederick attempt to kick out to block a LB.

Previously, they would have had Frederick block that DT which would be a type of reach block; however, it is the type of reach block that they should use. There is another type of reach block that was the problem

Envision if Frederick basically does not move laterally. The DT that Martin blocked would take himself to the outside of Frederick initially because the blocking initially appears to be a run in to the side of the LT. Notice the LB takes a step to the outside initially. The DT would do the same on this type of play. If the DT takes a step or two towards the outside, then Frederick would have a leverage block when the run goes inside of Frederick and the DT. Martin would easily be able to block the LB that Frederick could not block in the actual play that they ran.

Just that simple set of blocking assignments for 2 OL is the type of issues that are causing the Cowboy blocking problems.

The problem that they were having with reach blocks is when the DL was flowing away from the OLineman that was attempting the reach block which would force that OL to try to "out run" the DL laterally in order to get to the other side of that DL. On the play in this video the DL would do the work for them and Frederick would only have to let the DL cross his face.

This concept is even more evident on outside zone runs where DL move very quickly to the play-side and can be boxed out when the RB cuts back inside (i.e. What the Rams did to the Cowboys defense over and over).



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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
This video breakdown highlights a lot of what people have been saying. Frederick is not who he was. Martin is not who he was. Tyron Smith is not who he was either. All true. But the 2019 video shows something else. Almost every play shown in this video from 2019, count the bodies at the LOS after the snap compared to blockers. Both Philly and the Vikings put one more in the box than the Cowboys had lined up as blockers. If the Cowboys offensive linemen can;t win their one on one battles then there will always be a free defender to make a play. Also, watch how fast the Vikings LB attacks the LOS after the snap which overwhelms the offensive line. Compare the Vikings LBs filling gaps to how the Cowboys LBs play well off the LOS and are slow to fill the gaps. This is why how many in the box before the snap doesn't always matter. Having extra guys come down and attack the gaps is how they play to stop the run.

The Cowboys offensive line was losing 1 on 1 battles against the Vikings front 4. It was actually worse against the Jets. I guess the question is, why? Its not just technique. Its as if the Cowboys OL lacks strength which may be the case for Frederick who ise dealing with the after effects of GB syndrome. Martin has back and knee issues which could prevent him from getting the kind of leverage he'd like to get. Connor Williams is still not strong enough. Tyron Smith is dealing with knee and back issues and Collins is dealing with the same. Consequently, the Cowboys are getting out-muscled at the point of attack. But they are pass protecting pretty well.

So what do you do about this? One thing is to recognize the limitations of the front 5. They pass protect better than they run block. Maybe against the stronger defenses it would be smart to throw more on 1st downs and key situations, like 3rd and 2 inside the red zone. It is what it is and I don;t think the offensive line is going to just flip a switch and suddenly block like supermen. The coaches have to play to their strengths, not stubbornly press a weakness hoping it works.

I could make a video picking out all of the bad blocking plays from previous seasons and the good plays from this season and I could claim that the current blocking is better.

Just watching a few plays is like watching highlights (or low-lights) of a draft prospect on youtube. It really does not mean much without really reviewing complete games and obviously the guy making these videos can't show complete games.

I study ALL plays using the coaches film and overall the individual OLinemen show plenty of ability to make blocks.

The issue in 2019 is primarily the scheme that makes it more difficult to execute blocks.

The peak was in 2014 when Callahan was the OL coach. He was a master of both Zone and Man blocking.

Columbos' experience was all in a man blocking scheme but the Cowboys are continuing to attempt to use both Man/Zone.

The other issues as compared to last season and definitely to 2016 is that defenses have not fear of Zeke running to the far outside. That allows defenses to stay bunch tightly in the middle and not immediately move play-side when the Cowboys show outside run but then attempt to cut back inside.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Never, ever compare this offensive line to the 90's dynasty version. They aren't even remotely close.
Same thing could be said about Emmitt and Zeke

The 2014 OL was as good overall and possibly better when comparing each position individually.

The primary thing the 2014 OL didn't have was the intimidation factor of Erik Williams.
- EW in 92 & 93 put fear into defenses in a way that not even Larry Allen did year later.
- The modern rules probably wouldn't allow EW to function.
- The NFL did implement a rule specifically to limit EW.
- Even fans of other teams that I meet know Hands to the Face as the Erik Williams rule.


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Also, I saw a tweet that indicated that Pollard is possibly running better than Zeke. Pollard has four broken tackles on the year to Zeke's 6. Which Pollard has far fewer carries than Zeke. It also stated that on a per attempt basis, Pollard is getting more yards after contact than Zeke. If i can find the tweet I'll edit the post.

Pollard is averaging 3.8 ypc in his last 5 games. He has 58 yards in 5 games and this is they guy you believe is running better than Zeke?
The longer the season goes on the more disillusion this fan base becomes.


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It's not an either/or situation here.
This place is awesome.

It went from, "Zeke is only good because he is running behind the best OL in football". To "well the line may not be playing well......but nether is Zeke".

Let's ignore that he is getting crucified by the Jaylon Ramsey mob with an unhealthy dose of Salary Cap nerd mob for the season he is having while ignoring that he is only 38 yards behind his last years pace with 2 more Tds.

Zeke could run for 200 per game for the rest of the season and you mobs would either be silent or would give the credit to the OL.

I love this place. Every loss we have drives people closer to the edge.


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"Zeke is great when the oline gives him huge holes and he is not touched like in 2016."

How many RBs *aren't* great when they have huge holes and are not touched?

The natural conclusion from this video is that Zeke's elite performance in 2016 was manufactured by the oline, not by Zeke.

I don't know that I buy that, but that's the natural conclusion from what he asserts here.


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Pollard has a second gear, much like Cook when hitting the hole. Has anyone seen that from Zeke this year? Even lineman catch him by his ankles when getting past them.

An offseason in an NFL training program will do Pollard good. Add a little more power to the speed.


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Right on queue.
“An elite RB like Zeke should NOT be expected to run to daylight if that’s not where the play was designed to go!!!

He also should never be asked to break a tackle or make a guy miss!! So who cares that he did NEITHER of those things AT ALL vs the Vikings!?!?”


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Pollard is averaging 3.8 ypc in his last 5 games. He has 58 yards in 5 games and this is they guy you believe is running better than Zeke?
The longer the season goes on the more disillusion this fan base becomes.

I didn't say I believe Pollard was running better than Zeke. I said the tweet "possibly" indicated that. Learn to read.

America's Cowboy

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Exactly. The top end speed is not there. The acceleration is not there. The vision and decisiveness is not there.

The blocking has regressed as well... put that all together and you get an average ground attack.

Zeke is a grinder and a thumper now. Durable and at times he can still stack yards up— but he simply is not a threat to break a run wide open anymore.

And he is being paid to be a game-breaker.
Told y'all (defenders of Zeke's new hefty contract extension) it was a HUGE MISTAKE for Jerry to pay Zeke this year as the highest paid RB in league history.


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“An elite RB like Zeke should NOT be expected to run to daylight if that’s not where the play was designed to go!!!

He also should never be asked to break a tackle or make a guy miss!! So who cares that he did NEITHER of those things AT ALL vs the Vikings!?!?”
I have no idea what you are going on about.
You are just yelling nonsensical failed points that are not even tying back to the conversation.

I'm not trying to be rude but jebus christ dude. You just come from know where and start saying stuff with no relevance.

America's Cowboy

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He is a Zeke Fan-Boy and he over-shadows a few good points with some blatantly false information.

The scheme is the top issue. When watching ALL snaps the individual OLinemen are playing reasonably well in the run game.

The 2nd issue is that Zeke does not threaten defenses to the far outside edge like he did in the past.

Defenses don't quickly jump play-side on outside zone runs which allows them to stay in place against the cut-back or the outside run just outside the OT.

Columbo played in Houck's man blocking scheme. When Bill Callahan replaced Houck in 2012, it was the biggest upgrade in coaching that the Cowboys have had since Parcells replaced Campo. Connor Williams would be perfect with Callahan as the OL coach.

The best way to understand the Cowboys blocking problems is to study the problems the Cowboys defense is having against Zone Blocking teams. ZBS teams are able to box out some defenders just by scheme because they manage to impede some defenders with "traffic" which means if an OL is blocking a defender and those players get in the path of a defender trying to move laterally.

The Cowboys have been trying far to many reach blocks which increase the difficultly for an OLineman to execute. If reach blocks work, then then another OL gets a good angle on a LB but when reach blocks fail it does not matter if LBs get blocked.

Starting with the Eagles game the Cowboys changed blocking assignments in an attempt to solve the reach block problem.

Unfortunately their work-around has backfired.

In the play below they would have blocked it differently before the change and in this scenario their method before the change would have been correct.

They have Martin block the DT and Frederick attempt to kick out to block a LB.

Previously, they would have had Frederick block that DT which would be a type of reach block; however, it is the type of reach block that they should use. There is another type of reach block that was the problem

Envision if Frederick basically does not move laterally. The DT that Martin blocked would take himself to the outside of Frederick initially because the blocking initially appears to be a run in to the side of the LT. Notice the LB takes a step to the outside initially. The DT would do the same on this type of play. If the DT takes a step or two towards the outside, then Frederick would have a leverage block when the run goes inside of Frederick and the DT. Martin would easily be able to block the LB that Frederick could not block in the actual play that they ran.

Just that simple set of blocking assignments for 2 OL is the type of issues that are causing the Cowboy blocking problems.

The problem that they were having with reach blocks is when the DL was flowing away from the OLineman that was attempting the reach block which would force that OL to try to "out run" the DL laterally in order to get to the other side of that DL. On the play in this video the DL would do the work for them and Frederick would only have to let the DL cross his face.

This concept is even more evident on outside zone runs where DL move very quickly to the play-side and can be boxed out when the RB cuts back inside (i.e. What the Rams did to the Cowboys defense over and over).

I believe the Cowboys Oline would best be served by running some trap blocking inside. This would more easily counter having to reach block...and miss as has been happening lately. It would also better counter opposing Dlinemen lining up in the gaps or shooting the gaps in order to disrupt the run play like they have lately.