Signed by Cowboys Amari Cooper traded to Cowboys **merged**

Low IQ move by a low IQ GM. This fool didn’t learn anything from the Galloway and Roy Williams trades.
There is nothing positive about this...

this is not a fix.. but a ********* band aid in all this mess.

What an idiotic move! Absolutely stupid. I had a feeling this morning that Jerry would panic and trade for Cooper. I was hoping it would only be for a 4th or 5th rounder. But , no. Ridiculous.
We got lucky and Jerry lost out on bidding for Sammy Watkins when it got over $14M/yr.

Idiotic! Stupid! Moronic! Imbecilic! Beyond belief.
Who else would you guys rather have? The big picture is the guy has 1st round talent and may be cheaper to sign than any other FA WR at the end of the year, and he is more than likely better than any WR in the upcoming draft. IMO, this takes care of a "need."

Amari is owed like 14 million for next year. The 2019 draft is LOADED at WR. Amari hasn't been good for a season and a half now. On no planet is he worth a 1st.
We all may or may not agree on the trade for Cooper but at least it shows the players FO is trying to win.
Coolio, now can we get Cooper to pass to Cooper, that just sounds fun!
In all honesty, this may be the most blatantly dumb move I’ve ever seen a sports franchise make. 8-8 (I don’t count the last win) last year and now a team going nowhere with obvious flaws...I know, let’s trade a 1st round pick for a struggling WR! Just incredibly dumb. No other word for it, just flat out DUMB.

I’m really going to have a hard time continuing to be a fan of this team when I know for a fact the front office is too inept to put together a winning team. This 1 almost literally hurt me

Dumb football but a great bu$ine$$ deci$ion. Jerry just brought a lot of interest to our next game which I believe is a Monday night game.
In our last two losses, the coach went conservative and cost us a chance at a win.

So what's the owner's response?

Trade your first round pick for a WR.

Makes sense.

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