Twitter: Amari on if he can override rotation “guess I could if I wanted to cause a ruckus.”


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what some keep forgetting in keeping criticism and focus on Cooper is that Randall Cobb was ALSO on the sidelines when it simply matter the most
on final play of Cowboys drive, ....

You best players on the damn sideline ? And you mean the damn head coach cannot use one of his timeouts to get them Un- gassed and Un- Rotated ?
Geeeez !
and he let his stubborn vet WR coach and very inexperienced OC take away the game like that ? Tavon Austin and Vertell Bryant ??!! Yikes !!

And the other thing that was bothering in that neither Cooper nor Cobb were pleading and rallying their case for staying in the game to be the difference makers in trying to win that game ?? !!
- where are the alpha male dogs ?
- where is the competitive hate to lose/love to win it juice flow in a must win crisis ??!!!


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Didn't we have timeouts? I mean, we're notorious for NOT using them at opportune times, they save them up until the last couple of minutes out of desperation. You're basically telling the other team we're probably going to crap the bed. So if a player is exhausted, call a timeout! If it's down to a single play, call a timeout! How many games have lost in the very end because the play calling was just plain awful? I can think of a bunch.
I always remember Terrell Davis in the Super Bowl, he had a migraine so bad he couldn't see, but the HC had enough presence of mind to keep him the game because he would still be considered a threat. So he played anyway.

We don't have that sense of urgency. JG is too laid back and conservative.

Clock management isn't his forte'. If you're looking to fold and rest players at inopportune times. He's great!! There's never a sense of urgency from Garrett or the FO. Even in pain Terrell Davis was awesome like Emmitt was awesome, like you expect from the 'star' players on this team that just don't show up in huge moments. Never really seen anything like this!! But the personality of the coach is certainly a huge presence in those clutch moments. You just come to expect it at this point. A new coach with some balls can't get here soon enough.
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*Amari Cooper doesn't want to cause a distraction so does what coaches tell him to do* "OMG what a terrible player he doesn't even care!!!!!!!!!!"

*Dez does/did anything* "OMG get this diva off the team he's a massive distraction/headache!!!!!!"


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Bull crap, The fact that he was perfectly fine with being on the sideline on the most important play of the season is a punk move.

No punks are the people that think nobody has authority over them. Most of us were raised to RESPECT our elders and those in authority. You obviously weren't. Please the next time your boss tells you to do something you don't want to do or won't let you do something you want to do, just get in his face and yell at him and then we can all watch you in the unemployment line.


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Waste of a 1st round pick. True playmakers want to be on the field not watching from the sideline.

Him and Zeke came across as losers against the Eagles. Biggest game of the season and taking themselves out of the game? Boooo!

True divas make a fuss to play regardless of whether their play hurts the team.

A well run team would have coaches worthy of having the players march to their orders.


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He should not have to ask to be in the game, that’s the problem.

This. We should have coaches that make calls that players can respect even when they don't agree.

Recall that Cooper does have some rebellion in him, and it gave us a TD last year when he rebelled against yet another lame Linehan call.