An Apology to Members of the Forum


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After some self-introspection, I’ve realized that I’ve often times been harsh and abrasive to fellow members on the forum for their opinions and part of it was accompanied with a feeling of arrogance.

I wanted to apologize to all those members I was rude and abrasive too, particularly those who defend Dak and even Jerry and guys like Garrett. It is, in the end, football and we all share our love if the team.

This includes everybody who thinks to himself that he may be referring to me and if that is the case, it definitely refers to you. Again, my apologies for my rude behavior and often times condescending approach towards debating and plan on changing

This includes guys like @Streetwise and @OmerV especially. If you have any personal gripes please don’t hesitate to message me personally so I can apologize individually.
Well, I like this! Never been harsh or rude to me and I feel left out. I am not even thinking this refers to me.

Damnit, khiladi, I demand you insult me and then apologize. I will, of course, being the bigger man, accept your apology and groveling with the promise to do better in the future. I will then, and only then, remove my sleep depriving threats to put you on...….IGNORE!!! A threat known to make the strongest men lose their bladder.


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I would like to apologize to any member who was rude to me and I just ignored them. It was shallow of me not to recognize the efforts you put into being rude and I should have responded, I'm sorry I chose not to. My apologies for not allowing myself to be baited ;)


"We Are Penn State"
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After some self-introspection, I’ve realized that I’ve often times been harsh and abrasive to fellow members on the forum for their opinions and part of it was accompanied with a feeling of arrogance.

I wanted to apologize to all those members I was rude and abrasive too, particularly those who defend Dak and even Jerry and guys like Garrett. It is, in the end, football and we all share our love if the team.
Very nice. There are several others who could learn a thing or two from your post. Name calling/putting someone down in public doesn't make one look superior nor more knowledgeable, but instead it makes them look like a bully hiding behind a keyboard.

It is a family forum and with that said, your going to have all different ages & fans from all over the world posting. I sincerely hope, besides the mentioned, you weren't put on ignore by the others affected, being they will not see your post. But thank you for doing so, it's greatly appreciated.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Very nice. There are several others who could learn a thing or two from your post. Name calling/putting someone down in public doesn't make one look superior nor more knowledgeable, but instead it makes them look like a bully hiding behind a keyboard.

It is a family forum and with that said, your going to have all different ages & fans from all over the world posting. I sincerely hope, besides the mentioned, you weren't put on ignore by the others effected, being they will not see your post. But thank you for doing so, it's greatly appreciated.
I do believe the ignore is more threat than actually used although I had one poster take me off ignore just to come back and tell me he was putting me back on. I felt as if someone had walked across my grave.


"We Are Penn State"
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This is new and I don't mean that in a bad way
Yes you do. :p

I do believe the ignore is more threat than actually used although I had one poster take me off ignore just to come back and tell me he was putting me back on. I felt as if someone had walked across my grave.
Aw, I'm not laughing at you dear, I'm laughing with you. That was absolutely brutal. How dare they. Hopefully you put them on ignore. ;)


Well-Known Member
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After some self-introspection, I’ve realized that I’ve often times been harsh and abrasive to fellow members on the forum for their opinions and part of it was accompanied with a feeling of arrogance.

I wanted to apologize to all those members I was rude and abrasive too, particularly those who defend Dak and even Jerry and guys like Garrett. It is, in the end, football and we all share our love if the team.

This includes everybody who thinks to himself that he may be referring to me and if that is the case, it definitely refers to you. Again, my apologies for my rude behavior and often times condescending approach towards debating and plan on changing

This includes guys like @Streetwise and @OmerV especially. If you have any personal gripes please don’t hesitate to message me personally so I can apologize individually.

I've often thought of posting something similar, as I have felt the same way at times. Kudos to you for actually doing so.

And because I'm lazy...I'll take this opportunity to echo your sentiments.


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
Ironic since I thought you were too soft in your comments.


Well-Known Member
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After some self-introspection, I’ve realized that I’ve often times been harsh and abrasive to fellow members on the forum for their opinions and part of it was accompanied with a feeling of arrogance.

I wanted to apologize to all those members I was rude and abrasive too, particularly those who defend Dak and even Jerry and guys like Garrett. It is, in the end, football and we all share our love if the team.

This includes everybody who thinks to himself that he may be referring to me and if that is the case, it definitely refers to you. Again, my apologies for my rude behavior and often times condescending approach towards debating and plan on changing

This includes guys like @Streetwise and @OmerV especially. If you have any personal gripes please don’t hesitate to message me personally so I can apologize individually.

Good job.


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Why someone would get upset with someone for what says on this site is beyond me. Most have never met each other personally so I just don't get it.

It's a choice to correspond with those being rude to you. I've made that choice many of times and I've also made the choice to disengage when it got ridiculous.

As long as you're within the guidelines of the site do you. IMO it makes it more fun.


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Hey it's not only football, but it also is only a forum. I don't think you emotionally battered anyone. All's well.


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You’re a good poster @khiladi

I think every one of us can be abrasive at time. But it takes a big person to post a thread specifically apologizing for any type of behavior that may have offended.

While we have strong disagreements on you know who in particular, I’ve always thought you bring strong knowledge of the game to the table and enjoy reading your posts.