An event that you will always remember.

trickblue;4618639 said:
Care to elaborate on your son? Lot's of members here would be willing to offer comfort/prayers...

Many of our membership have lost children... it's never good but you could relate to some in the same situation...

The day he was born, he was air lifted to Children's Hospital in Dallas. Long story short... he had 3 valves instead of 4 in his heart. he was blue...literally blue....commonly refered as blue baby syndrome. he's 8 years old now,...3 open heart surgeries. more to come as his heart grows. he's my nephew/son...I'm the only dad he's ever known. real dad & mom=BIL & SIL..BOTH ARE A POS. signed over parental rights before he was born so CPS wouldn't take him at birth. Thankful for Dr. John Hopkins for discovering how to correct the heart valve problem years ago.
One more...

Experiencing a huge earthquake measuring 7.6 Richter scale, lasting over 60 seconds while I was stationed on an Island called Diego Garcia in Indian Ocean, in 1983. Lot of damages but no deaths.
The day we drafted Greg Ellis over Randy Moss. I was 11 sitting in my Cowboys bean bag chair planning on going ape**** b/c I had watched Moss since he was in high school (killed us every year), but when Taglibue said Greg Ellis I literally threw up in my trash can.
SMASHMOUTH9473;4619237 said:
The day he was born, he was air lifted to Children's Hospital in Dallas. Long story short... he had 3 valves instead of 4 in his heart. he was blue...literally blue....commonly refered as blue baby syndrome. he's 8 years old now,...3 open heart surgeries. more to come as his heart grows. he's my nephew/son...I'm the only dad he's ever known. real dad & mom=BIL & SIL..BOTH ARE A POS. signed over parental rights before he was born so CPS wouldn't take him at birth. Thankful for Dr. John Hopkins for discovering how to correct the heart valve problem years ago.
Thanks for sharing this. I admire how you stepped in and took over as his dad. Sorry for the circumstances that led to that, but it seems you love him very much and treat him as though he is your natural son.

How has he been handling all of the things life's thrown at him ever since he was born?

As trickblue said, many here have lost children or seen their kids face mortal danger and can truly empathize. I don't know who they all are, but personal stories like these get shared from time to time. Appreciate you trusting all of us by telling us about this situation. People here are respectful about this sort of thing.

My best wishes go out to you, your son (closer than a nephew now) and any and all others who play a part in making his life better. He deserves a break or two. You both do.
Thanks for all the great memories/stories...

But, I'm surprised nobody mentioned the times when Casey Anthony or O.J. were found not guilty. (although WG did mention the car chase).

Also, I know exactly where I was when the eruption of Mount St. Helens in 1980.
Your welcome...he's been a blessing. Dr won't let him play football. He does play Little League Baseball. Hellva pitcher...smallest kid out there yet he throws strike after strike. When he throws, he's damn near impossible for the other kids to get a piece of the ball. Real deceiving just by looking at him. Only gave up 4 hits this year. Played in PeeWee division. He plays with HEART....I'M EXTREMELY PROUD OF HIM. He'll have to have more surgeries until his heart stops growing. We have told him where he came from recently... he understands. He's made me look a life differently. He's made me grow up just by being who he is. Me and God talk a lot. I'm thankful that he listened.
5Stars;4619380 said:
Thanks for all the great memories/stories...

But, I'm surprised nobody mentioned the times when Casey Anthony or O.J. were found not guilty. (although WG did mention the car chase).

Also, I know exactly where I was when the eruption of Mount St. Helens in 1980.
Well, on the day of the verdict, I was in a journalism class, and they had a TV set up for us to watch.

Needless to say there were some shocked expressions on people's faces.
WoodysGirl;4619389 said:
Well, on the day of the verdict, I was in a journalism class, and they had a TV set up for us to watch.

Needless to say there were some shocked expressions on people's faces.

When O.J. was found not guilty I had just got off work and was in a pub with about 25 others when the verdict came out on TV. Up until that time, the crowd was buzzing, then came the announcement on the TV that everyone was waiting for...the whole place just kinda froze in disbelief.
On the bad side, it was hearing about John Lennon's death. I'd been teaching skiing all day and turned on my car radio, only to hear he'd been shot. Before I knew it, 45 minutes had passed while I listened to the details. Growing up in the 60's, I was huge Beatles fan.

On the good side (you guys are going to hate this one) was when Sid "the Kid" Crosby scored in O/T to help Canada defeat the U.S.A. for the gold medal at the Winter Olympics in Vancouver. Ironically, I was on a cruise ship in the Carribean, surrounded by American fans. It was all great fun and we spent the rest of the time buying each other drinks, discussing what a great game it was.

There were many others, including 9/11, but those are the ones to spring to my mind.
Another one of mine was when Ali And Foreman Rumbled In The Jungle. I thought for sure that Ali was going to get his butt kicked. :laugh2:

I think Foreman retired after that fight he was so devastated!
SMASHMOUTH9473;4619382 said:
Your welcome...he's been a blessing. Dr won't let him play football. He does play Little League Baseball. Hellva pitcher...smallest kid out there yet he throws strike after strike. When he throws, he's damn near impossible for the other kids to get a piece of the ball. Real deceiving just by looking at him. Only gave up 4 hits this year. Played in PeeWee division. He plays with HEART....I'M EXTREMELY PROUD OF HIM. He'll have to have more surgeries until his heart stops growing. We have told him where he came from recently... he understands. He's made me look a life differently. He's made me grow up just by being who he is. Me and God talk a lot. I'm thankful that he listened.
Man, that all sounds awesome! And your son sounds like a great boy with a great outlook, who has a great relationship with you. And it looks like you've got a smart, budding little star of a baseball player... pitcher, no less... coming up. Loved all the particulars you included. I used to watch a very special little boy (like yours) as he came up in Pee Wee Ball, too.

As it happens, my older of two sons played baseball, from Pee Wee T-Ball on up through Varsity Baseball for 3 years in HS. Lefty pitcher. At 6'4, 215, the HS Football Coach, who I knew pretty well, kept asking him if he'd consider going out for the Varsity Football team. I was even asked to put a bug in his ear about it. I asked but didn't push.

He just plainly told me he would prefer to stick with one sport, Baseball, and dedicate himself to being the best he could be. What could I say? He was carrying straight-As in all of his classes so who was I to rock his boat, even if I was the type of father to be so inclined?

I've always been very proud of him. Very close, also. In fact I moved to So. Arizona to live with him. He was here all by himself and I was living alone in another state, as it happened. He and I still get along extremely well. I tell you this to say, keep it up, it's all worth it to have the kind of supportive relationship with your son that you described.

And the last part (black bold) sounds wonderful. You're doing it right, it seems. Again, keep it up. And keep your spirits up. The rewards will keep coming. If right wins out, I guarantee it. ;)
jimmy40;4619224 said:
I was almost 7 years old and we only got one channel on tv, sometimes two depending on the weather and it was a really big deal on our one channel with Walter Cronkite and at school so it stuck with me.
Ron Howard wasn't even nominated for best director for the movie, and Hanks wasn't nominated for best actor, hard to believe.
I think your sig line is the perfect, reasoned response to this. "You can't spell bias without BS." Not saying that certain of the competition shouldn't have won, but for Howard and Hanks to not even be nominated in those catagories... ???

Hollywood Awards Shows and their "What were they thinkin'?" moments. :confused:

I gave up even trying to figure it out a long time ago. Lots of backroom dealing involved, in general, say what they may about fair balloting practices. Just my opinion.

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