An ominous site on the evidence for/against M Vick

Anyone who REMOTELY condones this behavior is a dredge to society...

Lock them up and throw away the key...

While I despise all cruelty to animals, I do hunt. I also donate plenty of money to conservation efforts...

There is a DISTINCT difference between killing game legally as opposed to having dogs fight it out to the death for money. I have owned so many dogs over the years that I couldn't imagine doing that to them. Now I have never owned a Pitt Bull although my former neighbor owned 23, one of which took a face-full of #2 shot when it charged my daughter one night (dead), but I did own a very docile sweet rotty for a couple of years until she was stolen by a ring of dog fighters (according to the Sheriff).

I now own very small dogs (two mini long-haired dachs that love the Cowboys). My larger one took a snakebite to the face two weeks ago and was on the verge of death. I spent a fortune on that emergency visit to the vet on a Sunday, but it was worth it. I did it because I love her, not for the money she could make me by tearing apart another dog. The worry I put into my dogs makes me know that people that fight dogs don't care about them whatsoever, and don't deserve the priveledge of owning dogs...
trickblue;1513807 said:
I now own very small dogs (two mini long-haired dachs that love the Cowboys). My larger one took a snakebite to the face two weeks ago and was on the verge of death. I spent a fortune on that emergency visit to the vet on a Sunday, but it was worth it. I did it because I love her, not for the money she could make me by tearing apart another dog.

That's my biggest summertime fear living out in the woods, the snakes... we see a couple-three black snakes on the property each year, and have seen a few copperheads on the property (including up on the carport once)... so this time of the year, we make REAL sure to keep all the brush and weeds cut well back away from the house, we clear the banks of the stream... I'm not overly fond of work, you understand, but I don't want my dog getting snakebit... we always go out and look around before we let the dog out; at night, I check with a flashlight...

Sounds like your dog's doing OK, and of course I'm glad to hear it...
silverbear;1513813 said:
That's my biggest summertime fear living out in the woods, the snakes... we see a couple-three black snakes on the property each year, and have seen a few copperheads on the property (including up on the carport once)... so this time of the year, we make REAL sure to keep all the brush and weeds cut well back away from the house, we clear the banks of the stream... I'm not overly fond of work, you understand, but I don't want my dog getting snakebit... we always go out and look around before we let the dog out; at night, I check with a flashlight...

Sounds like your dog's doing OK, and of course I'm glad to hear it...

I tell you SB... it was horrible...

My two dachs are Lucy and Ricki (yes, named for the sitcom those of our age love)...

We live in the country on four acres. It gives our dogs a chance to be free. We back up to a deer lease and I have a spring that runs 24/7 on my property. Unfortunately, that water lends to Cottonmouth/Water Moccasins in our ponds, not to mention the hardwoods we sell for firewood and the Copperheads that that attracts...

I looked out on the back of the porch after I let them out and Lucy's head was the size of a junior football...

At first I didn't know what to think, until I saw the two punctures about a half inch above her nose. The whole inside of her mouth has fire red as one of the fangs punctured all the way into her cheek and the poison went into her mouth. The funny thing (it's funny now) is that the day we brought her home from the breeder, she turned onto her back to get a belly rubbin'. I walk out on the back porch and see this beautiful dog with a head the size of a football. I call her close and what does she do? Turns over for me to rub her belly. Even facing death she wants that belly rubbin'...

The vet said in 30 more minutes she would have been a goner as her throat was so swollen and getting bigger. Form the spacing of the fangs we pretty much surmised it was a Cottonmouth...

Now I see these arseholes that fight dogs to the death... I don't get it...

Oh... shout out to Clinton Portis, you miserable piece of crap... :rolleyes:
trickblue;1513833 said:
I tell you SB... it was horrible...

My two dachs are Lucy and Ricki (yes, named for the sitcom those of our age love)...

We live in the country on four acres. It gives our dogs a chance to be free. We back up to a deer lease and I have a spring that runs 24/7 on my property. Unfortunately, that water lends to Cottonmouth/Water Moccasins in our ponds, not to mention the hardwoods we sell for firewood and the Copperheads that that attracts...

Got a creek that runs under my back porch (I do mean under my back porch), but never have seen a cottonmouth up here... timber rattlers and copperheads are about it... which is more than enough, thank you very much...

Oh, and there's the odd bear... let's just say I don't take my health walks up through the woods any more, I drive out to the bottoms and do my walking out in the open...

I looked out on the back of the porch after I let them out and Lucy's head was the size of a junior football...

At first I didn't know what to think, until I saw the two punctures about a half inch above her nose. The whole inside of her mouth has fire red as one of the fangs punctured all the way into her cheek and the poison went into her mouth. The funny thing (it's funny now) is that the day we brought her home from the breeder, she turned onto her back to get a belly rubbin'. I walk out on the back porch and see this beautiful dog with a head the size of a football. I call her close and what does she do? Turns over for me to rub her belly. Even facing death she wants that belly rubbin'...

The vet said in 30 more minutes she would have been a goner as her throat was so swollen and getting bigger. Form the spacing of the fangs we pretty much surmised it was a Cottonmouth...

And of course, you were completely calm the whole time...

Well, at least I know what my nightmares will look like the next few nights...

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