Android Fragmentation: It's Complicated...

theogt;3840126 said:
It's funny how you want to include the iTouch when comparing which operating system to operating system (for purposes of fragmentation), but you only want to include iPhone sales when comparing the Android operating system's sales to the iOS operating system.

Umm, dude. We were discussing fragmentation of the OSes. If you write an app for an iPhone I'm guessing the developer expects it to work on the iTouch too right?

As for smartphones, the iTouch isn't a smartphone. Nor is the iPad. Soon we will be discussing iPad vs Android tablets though.
nyc;3840128 said:
I think the update from 3->4 cost money. I know my wife paid for an upgrade at one point.

Can't speak to that.

I have not paid yet and I have already updated my phone. Course it is just minor updates and not a full OS update but you get the point.

It's kind of funny for me to watch you guys go at it.

I was always the guy, and still am, who would never buy an apple computer. Always liked PCs due to the number of hardware and software choices I had vs just having to buy apple hardware from an apple store of sorts.

However with the Ipod, Iphone and perhaps the Ipad...I have no problem with it.

Two different mindsets due to different products.

I know my wife would like an Ipad down the road. And personally I think it is probably a better option for her then getting another notebook computer or other brand of Ipad style devices. It makes it easier on her as she knows what she would be doing, makes it easier on me so I don't have to work on another laptop (I hate working on laptops).

However when it comes to a desktop...I will not buy an Apple computer. With a computer I like the power of opening it up, changing the hardware when I want without taking it to a store or having a limited number of hardware choices and places I can buy from.

So...I have views that go from good and happy with apple to don't even think of getting me to buy apple. :p:
nyc;3840135 said:
Umm, dude. We were discussing fragmentation of the OSes. If you write an app for an iPhone I'm guessing the developer expects it to work on the iTouch too right?

As for smartphones, the iTouch isn't a smartphone. Nor is the iPad. Soon we will be discussing iPad vs Android tablets though.
Actually, we're already discussing the Android tablet. If you actually read the article linked in the OP, the gist of the article was that the tablet-only version of Android causes EVEN MORE fragmentation.

Pointing to the fact that there is only some fragmentation across devices on iOS only emphasizes how unified the iOS world is, which is great for developers who want their iPhone product to port over to the iPad or iTouch. Android developers will need to write software for a table-specific operating system with the Android tablets.
nyc;3840128 said:
I think the update from 3->4 cost money. I know my wife paid for an upgrade at one point.
For the iTouch, yes. I think BP was talking about the iPhone, which is always free.
nyc;3840135 said:
Umm, dude. We were discussing fragmentation of the OSes. If you write an app for an iPhone I'm guessing the developer expects it to work on the iTouch too right?

As for smartphones, the iTouch isn't a smartphone. Nor is the iPad. Soon we will be discussing iPad vs Android tablets though.

I think they write for both the phone and the ipad. I think it is different as they show up with options for the Iphone and Ipad when you get your search results.

I think (could be wrong in this) that apps that work for the Iphone also work for the Itouch. I don't remember seeing them separated when I have done searches in the appstore.
theogt;3840146 said:
Actually, we're already discussing the Android tablet. If you actually read the article linked in the OP, the gist of the article was that the tablet-only version of Android causes EVEN MORE fragmentation.

Pointing to the fact that there is only some fragmentation across devices on iOS only emphasizes how unified the iOS world is, which is great for developers who want their iPhone product to port over to the iPad or iTouch. Android developers will need to write software for a table-specific operating system with the Android tablets.

The iOS that runs on the iPad is an iPad ONLY. That iOS does not run on the iPhones or iPad. There are apps that only run on the iPad. I'm not sure what point you are making with that statement. If you are trying to imply that Android smartphone apps won't work on Honeycomb, you would be wrong. Just like iPhone apps on the iPad and just like some iPad apps do not run on iPhone.
BrAinPaiNt;3840143 said:
Can't speak to that.

I have not paid yet and I have already updated my phone. Course it is just minor updates and not a full OS update but you get the point.

It's kind of funny for me to watch you guys go at it.

I was always the guy, and still am, who would never buy an apple computer. Always liked PCs due to the number of hardware and software choices I had vs just having to buy apple hardware from an apple store of sorts.

However with the Ipod, Iphone and perhaps the Ipad...I have no problem with it.

Two different mindsets due to different products.

I know my wife would like an Ipad down the road. And personally I think it is probably a better option for her then getting another notebook computer or other brand of Ipad style devices. It makes it easier on her as she knows what she would be doing, makes it easier on me so I don't have to work on another laptop (I hate working on laptops).

However when it comes to a desktop...I will not buy an Apple computer. With a computer I like the power of opening it up, changing the hardware when I want without taking it to a store or having a limited number of hardware choices and places I can buy from.

So...I have views that go from good and happy with apple to don't even think of getting me to buy apple. :p:

Pretty much the mindset of most anti-Apple PC folks out there. You can't compare the PC and Macintosh as far as customizing and flavors. The Apple approach is extremely limited as far as choices. That is what kills Apple from the start and has been for a VERY long time now. Not in the personal ipod/phone department but def in the business enterprise level and home level of personal computer choice. You can't argue that fact. Apple realized they weren't going to gather that market share back anytime soon so the switch to personal device business approach was where they put the full force of the company behind and you can see that in the sales of these devices.

As far as Android and iOS is concerned. I think the argument is rediculous. I look at the android platform kind of like the PC side of things. I enjoy android far more because I have some much customization available and I can basically make my phone "MINE" and what I wish it to be besides being forced to tow some imaginary company line as far as my purchase.

Android is available to how many tablets and diff phones now? Who cares if its a bit more difficult to develop on. At the end of the day the user experience at least for me and my circle is far more enjoyable than some zombie iphone user. No offense but that's how I really feel. If you just don't have the technical know how then I completely understand your infatuation w/ such a limited phone as the iPhone 4. I have had iPhones up through the 3gs before deciding to step away from Apple completely. This after spending 2-3k on apps/music and adapters out the wazzoo.

For me the phone is extremely limited and nothing I ever care to experience again as an IT professional.

BTW: If the OS is soooo bad as Kap and Count are tossing out, then why do you have companies like Teleca/SirusXM announcing its new platform based on Android for SiriusXM enableing support for devices intended for pockets, car dashboards, and home entertainment centers?

One would think that if the Android OS is so bad and will die a slow death in the coming future, why these companies are jumping on board and constantly developing on it.

You would think the ones making these calls would know full well the limits and "complicated fragmentation" issues the OS has.
Dallas;3840185 said:
Pretty much the mindset of most anti-Apple PC folks out there. You can't compare the PC and Macintosh as far as customizing and flavors. The Apple approach is extremely limited as far as choices. That is what kills Apple from the start and has been for a VERY long time now. Not in the personal ipod/phone department but def in the business enterprise level and home level of personal computer choice. You can't argue that fact. Apple realized they weren't going to gather that market share back anytime soon so the switch to personal device business approach was where they put the full force of the company behind and you can see that in the sales of these devices.

As far as Android and iOS is concerned. I think the argument is rediculous. I look at the android platform kind of like the PC side of things. I enjoy android far more because I have some much customization available and I can basically make my phone "MINE" and what I wish it to be besides being forced to tow some imaginary company line as far as my purchase.

Android is available to how many tablets and diff phones now? Who cares if its a bit more difficult to develop on. At the end of the day the user experience at least for me and my circle is far more enjoyable than some zombie iphone user. No offense but that's how I really feel. If you just don't have the technical know how then I completely understand your infatuation w/ such a limited phone as the iPhone 4. I have had iPhones up through the 3gs before deciding to step away from Apple completely. This after spending 2-3k on apps/music and adapters out the wazzoo.

For me the phone is extremely limited and nothing I ever care to experience again as an IT professional.

BTW: If the OS is soooo bad as Kap and Count are tossing out, then why do you have companies like Teleca/SirusXM announcing its new platform based on Android for SiriusXM enableing support for devices intended for pockets, car dashboards, and home entertainment centers?

One would think that if the Android OS is so bad and will die a slow death in the coming future, why these companies are jumping on board and constantly developing on it.

You would think the ones making these calls would know full well the limits and "complicated fragmentation" issues the OS has.

My iphone works for me for what I use it for. Pretty much as simple as that.

I just use it for some games and apps. Other than that I don't need a bunch of stuff on it.

I think a good deal of people probably feel the same way.

Sometimes KISS works for a good deal of people.

It is limited for some and more of a welcome to others.

It's ok.

I am sure if I would have gotten the EVO I would be just as happy.
People declaring Android is going to die are seriously have no clue. Not only is it not going to die, it's the fastest growing mobile operating system in existence. Not only is it the fastest, it's blowing the doors of everything else.

Stating such just puts their ignorance on the subject on display. If you don't know what you're talking about shut the hell up and you won't look so stupid! :laugh2:
nyc;3840176 said:
The iOS that runs on the iPad is an iPad ONLY. That iOS does not run on the iPhones or iPad. There are apps that only run on the iPad. I'm not sure what point you are making with that statement. If you are trying to imply that Android smartphone apps won't work on Honeycomb, you would be wrong. Just like iPhone apps on the iPad and just like some iPad apps do not run on iPhone.
Actually, it's not. You can get the same version on the iPad and iPhone. And all apps that run on iPhone can run on iPad; it's just that the graphics may not look great on a larger screen.
nyc;3839980 said:
nyc casts "take that you fiend" on kapolani for 5 billion damage!
kapolani is dead.

You're doing it wrong.

You should have cast the "Hand over Antennae" spell, rendering him incapable of casting or receiving spells.

He would then equip the "Case of Amplification" to render your spell useless. He then counters with the spell "Rage of the Hipster", but he realizes to late that that spell hasn't been approved my Lord Jobs and is banished from the realm.
BadWolf;3840227 said:
You're doing it wrong.

You should have cast the "Hand over Antennae" spell, rendering him incapable of casting or receiving spells.

He would then equip the "Case of Amplification" to render your spell useless. He then counters with the spell "Rage of the Hipster", but he realizes to late that that spell hasn't been approved my Lord Jobs and is banished from the realm.

:lmao2: :lmao2: :lmao2: :lmao2:

Some phone vendors are really nutritiously slow at getting the updates certified on their phone hardware (Cough cough you suck sprint).

That is one advantage of controlling everything yourself which is why Windows decided they are not leaving updates to the vendor in their new platform
BadWolf;3840227 said:
You're doing it wrong.

You should have cast the "Hand over Antennae" spell, rendering him incapable of casting or receiving spells.

He would then equip the "Case of Amplification" to render your spell useless. He then counters with the spell "Rage of the Hipster", but he realizes to late that that spell hasn't been approved my Lord Jobs and is banished from the realm.

BadWolf for the win!

Kangaroo;3840239 said:
Some phone vendors are really nutritiously slow at getting the updates certified on their phone hardware (Cough cough you suck sprint).

That is one advantage of controlling everything yourself which is why Windows decided they are not leaving updates to the vendor in their new platform

I believe they are banning bloatware from being preinstalled too in the future. I read something like that a while back.
I dunno. I have no issues with my Motorola Droid 1. The updates come in a timely manner and I've never run into issues where I'm running a version of Android that I can't download the latest and greatest apps on.

Yeah, if you're sporting a phone from a couple of years back and running 1.x, I'd imagine you might run into the occasional issue, but anything remotely current? No way.
Ozzu;3840294 said:
I dunno. I have no issues with my Motorola Droid 1. The updates come in a timely manner and I've never run into issues where I'm running a version of Android that I can't download the latest and greatest apps on.

Yeah, if you're sporting a phone from a couple of years back and running 1.x, I'd imagine you might run into the occasional issue, but anything remotely current? No way.

Verizon is one of the better vendors at pushing out updates that is why. Sprint is terrible and moves like molasses on updates which is one if the reason why I did not sign up with them even though I got a bigger discount and saved more money.
BrAinPaiNt;3840143 said:
Can't speak to that.

I have not paid yet and I have already updated my phone. Course it is just minor updates and not a full OS update but you get the point.

It's kind of funny for me to watch you guys go at it.

I was always the guy, and still am, who would never buy an apple computer. Always liked PCs due to the number of hardware and software choices I had vs just having to buy apple hardware from an apple store of sorts.

However with the Ipod, Iphone and perhaps the Ipad...I have no problem with it.

Two different mindsets due to different products.

I know my wife would like an Ipad down the road. And personally I think it is probably a better option for her then getting another notebook computer or other brand of Ipad style devices. It makes it easier on her as she knows what she would be doing, makes it easier on me so I don't have to work on another laptop (I hate working on laptops).

However when it comes to a desktop...I will not buy an Apple computer. With a computer I like the power of opening it up, changing the hardware when I want without taking it to a store or having a limited number of hardware choices and places I can buy from.

So...I have views that go from good and happy with apple to don't even think of getting me to buy apple. :p:

That is exactly how I felt. At one point I never liked APPL. I thought only tree huggers and VW driving hippies liked them.

My wife took the initiative to buy me an iPhone for Christmas. It was the 3G. I immediately jailbroke it so I never felt the 'walled garden' so to speak. I have a JB'ed 4 now. Customized to my exact standards and setup. I love being able to do that. Truth be told - I wouldn't mind one bit if someone put out an Android phone worth jumping ship for. I only want the best. I have a lot invested in APPL through apps and itune's account, but I would switch in a heartbeat. Nothing has come out yet enticing me to do that.

One last thing. You don't have to pay to go from OS to OS.

I don't think I'll get an iPad, but I'll definitely pick one up for the wife - shes wants one pretty bad. I told her to wait for the next iteration. I'm pretty sure my next laptop is going to be a MacBook Pro. I can run a virtual environment and code for any OS.
theogt;3840106 said:
This is the age old Apple/anti-Apple argument.

Yes, Apple keeps a much tighter control on their product than other companies. Typically that's not a good thing. But the reason Apple does so is not because they're control freaks -- but because they want the product to work properly. That's a tough stance to take, because it means you have to be on the cutting edge across the board. Otherwise, your product becomes outdated too quickly and no one adopts. But keep one step ahead of the rest has been Apple's strength with the iPhone.

you don't have a clue why apple chooses to block some apps while allowing others.

I don't either, but I've seen enough inconsistency to know it has zero to do with the stability of the app itself. other factors are at play

as for keeping ahead, they have already fallen behind with their o/s because they don't allow you to rewire the core functionality.

for instance - you can't you make your iphone operate like a pager because apple doesn't allow you to circumvent the core notification system for receiving text messages.

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