Anonymous NFL Executive had harsh words for Dak


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  • A majority of U.S. adults (82%) say that there are times when it is acceptable for journalists to use anonymous sources, with 67% saying it is acceptable only in special cases – a view which echoes the standards of professional journalism

Most Americans see a place for anonymous sources in news stories, but not all the time​

Most see a place for anonymous sources in the news, but say they should not be used at will
Yeah, but "special cases" usually refers to issues of national security or whistleblowers where corruption is being exposed or where exposing somebody's identity could put them in harm's way.

The issue of if a professional football player elevates his team or not hardly qualifies as a special case where anonymity is needed to protect the individual from harm or retaliation.


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Step up? Do you realize how many players on our team that didn't step up in that GB game and many other big games previously?

I have no problem with what you have to say, but one position alone cannot take us where we need to go. EVERYBODY has to step up, especially the coaching staff in those most important games.

How many times were we out-hustled and out coached?
But how many players get to dictate the game in a way of the QB.....he touches the ball every offensive play, dictates the play and can even improvise. You cant hide behind other's failings when the QB has a blindspot in demanding situations. He's not held to the same scrutiny of level of responsibility. That's why he's paid to much, you cant (to use a chess analogy) deflect the pawn's failure, when the Queen gets taken.

Your post there, is the reason why I come across as anti-Dak, because you cant ignore his personal inability to step up . For the record (again), im not anti-Dak i'd sign him to a career ending contract......but he's got to accept that he needs a defense built to keep him within 3 pts if possible, which is difficult to do when he's getting $55m+.