Another hospital calls CPS on parents who question routine medical procedures

JBond;4568866 said:
You can not believe someone would defend a doctor that does not want his kid to have unnecessary shots? That is silly and short sighted.

Oh...I know lets call the government, because they always do the right thing. The government is the only group that is capable of knowing what is best for your child.

I am amazed you think that government agents needed to be called because a doctor wanted his kid to take and oral medication as opposed to a shot.

What is wrong with people these days? We are from the government and we are here to help you stupid little people...Only the government knows best. Shut up and do what we say or we will steal your child.

CPS? Really? Child protective services needed to called because a doctor wanted his child to take an oral vitamin instead of a shot? This thread is full of fools that have no business being parents. I would hate to be as inept as the folks that need the government to tell them how to raise their kid.

Damn lawyers are ruining this country.

Well said, JBond.
Hoofbite;4568723 said:
You have absolutely no clue what you are talking about.

and you have no clue on life apparently that does not mean slavishly obeying government
JBond;4568866 said:
You can not believe someone would defend a doctor that does not want his kid to have unnecessary shots? That is silly and short sighted.

Oh...I know lets call the government, because they always do the right thing. The government is the only group that is capable of knowing what is best for your child.

I am amazed you think that government agents needed to be called because a doctor wanted his kid to take and oral medication as opposed to a shot.

What is wrong with people these days? We are from the government and we are here to help you stupid little people...Only the government knows best. Shut up and do what we say or we will steal your child.

CPS? Really? Child protective services needed to called because a doctor wanted his child to take an oral vitamin instead of a shot? This thread is full of fools that have no business being parents. I would hate to be as inept as the folks that need the government to tell them how to raise their kid.

Damn lawyers are ruining this country.

It's because people who have thinking like this want a nanny state because they don't think they can make the right choices for themselves. They want to have someone to blame other than themselves if they screw it up.
Why on earth would anyone want a home birth over a hospital in this day and age is beyond me.

Why on earth would anyone would feel so passionate about an oral vitamin over an injected one in this day and age is beyond me.

I have a feeling this kid's parents will micromanage this kid so bad that the kid will run away as soon as possible. Poor kid will have to go to his friend's house just to get some junk food. Skateboard and bicycle are out of the question unless the kid wears full body armor. ;)
ninja;4569096 said:
Why on earth would anyone want a home birth over a hospital in this day and age is beyond me.

Why on earth would anyone would feel so passionate about an oral vitamin over an injected one in this day and age is beyond me.

I have a feeling this kid's parents will micromanage this kid so bad that the kid will run away as soon as possible. Poor kid will have to go to his friend's house just to get some junk food. Skateboard and bicycle are out of the question unless the kid wears full body armor. ;)

I hope to God this is a sarcastic post.
ninja;4569096 said:
Why on earth would anyone want a home birth over a hospital in this day and age is beyond me.

Why on earth would anyone would feel so passionate about an oral vitamin over an injected one in this day and age is beyond me.

I have a feeling this kid's parents will micromanage this kid so bad that the kid will run away as soon as possible. Poor kid will have to go to his friend's house just to get some junk food. Skateboard and bicycle are out of the question unless the kid wears full body armor. ;)

Some people would rather have a natural child birth without the additives that are being pushed, epidural, etc. Nothing at all wrong with that. Not all hospitals will push, but anyone considerate enough about their and their child's health will normally look into the hospital and it's reputation and make a decision.

Ironically, just yesterday someone I know gave birth in her home with a mid-wife to a completely healthy new brat. Their previous kid's were 'natural' (i.e. no epidural or pain killers and no vaccines), but not home birthed and they are perfectly healthy.

There's an obvious push for people to start moving away from institutionalized medicines and even schools. There' nothing wrong with that.
Institutions become corrupt and start placing priority on the institution over the general welfare of the people. It's not conspiratorial or crazy, just some one else's viewpoint.
Cajuncowboy;4568711 said:
Well, let's put it this way, What we know is that since the child wasn't taken away or the CPS didn't mandate the baby go back to the hospital, we know the baby wasn't in danger. So clearly we know the hospital over reacted.
No, we really don't. Unless we conclude that nobody with concerns about a child's welfare should ever contact CPS unless it's 100% certain in advance that a CPS investigation will go against the parents.
Cajuncowboy;4569102 said:
I hope to God this is a sarcastic post.

Feh, I don't think people listen to what really happened and, even more so, they don't care what happens that they don't see. If the media didn't report it, it didn't happen, et cetera.

Not wanting your kid poked by needles is not something unnatural for a parent to feel while establishing a bond. It's a parenting instinct. If there are other options where the same benefit can be had, i.e, oral versus injection. Then why not save the kid a stick from a needle.

Everything is an assembly line process these days. No love. Just give 'em what they need. Stick it to 'em.

If you ask me, opting to poke a baby with a needle when it's not necessary... that's sadistic thinking. Some of these CPS creeps aren't who you'd call good samaritans. I'm sure this Dr. had experience handling them. But I think if you look at it deeper, his purpose could be to expose the sort of situations where CPS pounces in and doesn't ask questions. Bear in mind most are literally uneducated and varying intelligence levels, but they can snatch your kid without a legal expert, such as a judge... if you want a jury, that's 8 months or so out. So even with a judge checking things, some are too liberal and afraid to stand for something lest they "find their names in the paper". Meanwhile, your child dies in their custody, they blame it on you.
CowboyMcCoy;4569158 said:
Feh, I don't think people listen to what really happened and, even more so, they don't care what happens that they don't see. If the media didn't report it, it didn't happen, et cetera.

Not wanting your kid poked by needles is not something unnatural for a parent to feel while establishing a bond. It's a parenting instinct. If there are other options where the same benefit can be had, i.e, oral versus injection. Then why not save the kid a stick from a needle.

Everything is an assembly line process these days. No love. Just give 'em what they need. Stick it to 'em.

If you ask me, opting to poke a baby with a needle when it's not necessary... that's sadistic thinking. Some of these CPS creeps aren't who you'd call good samaritans. I'm sure this Dr. had experience handling them. But I think if you look at it deeper, his purpose could be to expose the sort of situations where CPS pounces in and doesn't ask questions. Bear in mind most are literally uneducated and varying intelligence levels, but they can snatch your kid without a legal expert, such as a judge... if you want a jury, that's 8 months or so out. So even with a judge checking things, some are too liberal and afraid to stand for something lest they "find their names in the paper". Meanwhile, your child dies in their custody, they blame it on you.

So what is the word on your lawsuit Cowboy?
burmafrd;4568974 said:
and you have no clue on life apparently that does not mean slavishly obeying government

What are you talking about?
CowboyMcCoy;4568951 said:
Well said, JBond.

Hmm...We are agreeing far to often lately. Maybe I need to rethink my position. ;)
jimnabby;4569145 said:
No, we really don't. Unless we conclude that nobody with concerns about a child's welfare should ever contact CPS unless it's 100% certain in advance that a CPS investigation will go against the parents.

You should have to have some kind of evidence or suspicion that the baby is in danger and they didn't have that. Otherwise anyone with a bug up their rear end can create problems for people. Common sense isn't so common anymore.
Cajuncowboy;4568315 said:
On one hand you talk about "professionals" telling us we are wrong yet you ignore the professional doctor that was the baby's father.

Did you read the entire article? He may very well be a doctor, but he comes off as a paranoid quack. And again, legally this means nothing.

I would take the baby's father's word over it before anyone on this forum since no one on this forum is the baby's father. The hospital had no right to over step it's bounds. Families have a right to determine care when there is no danger.

And I would agree with you if he didn't sound like someone who was afraid the hospital was going to steal his kid and give them AIDS. I would not however agree with you that the hospital did anything that is punishable in court, and inf act what they did was to PREVENT potential legal action.

Further, it is these "professionals" (read lawyers) who have put us in this situation with their over litigiousness and suing for every little thing. So if you are going to take up their legal perspective, then you have to deal with the fact they are the evil scientists who created the monster.

I'll agree with this, but that doesn't mean that casmith's thoughts are any less true.
CowboyMcCoy;4568643 said:
This coming from an Aggie who we've seen spill stupidity over the board time and time again....

It's coming from someone who grows tired of your gross mischaracterizations and, at times, flat out lies about the medical industry. You speak with authority on matters which you have no reason to be doing so and clearly a very limited knowledge of. It would be like me walking into NASA and saying "You folks did a nice job, but I got this". It's foolish and makes you look both arrogant and silly.

I understand you've had bad run ins with the medical industry, law enforcement and just about every other profession out there it seems. I'm sorry that you have had a rough go of it, but it's turned you into a bitter, cynical, paranoid individual who believes that everyone is out to get you, nobody is to be trsuted and everyone BUT YOU is out for nothing but their own benefit. It's sad and certainly no way to live.
The30YardSlant;4569323 said:
Did you read the entire article? He may very well be a doctor, but he comes off as a paranoid quack. And again, legally this means nothing.

Parental Rights

The30YardSlant;4569323 said:
And I would agree with you if he didn't sound like someone who was afraid the hospital was going to steal his kid and give them AIDS. I would not however agree with you that the hospital did anything that is punishable in court, and inf act what they did was to PREVENT potential legal action.

Parental Rights

The30YardSlant;4569323 said:
I'll agree with this, but that doesn't mean that casmith's thoughts are any less true.

At the end of the day, the hospital LIED? What part of this is a problem for you to realize? They said the baby was in possible danger. He obviously wasn't. I would be okay with them calling CPS if the baby was in distress or there was some immediate danger but this was a parent having a disagreement with the hospital over a bath and the administration of a vitamin. The hospital got all butt hurt and called CPS. They were wrong. End of story.
ninja;4569096 said:
Why on earth would anyone want a home birth over a hospital in this day and age is beyond me.

Why on earth would anyone would feel so passionate about an oral vitamin over an injected one in this day and age is beyond me.

I have a feeling this kid's parents will micromanage this kid so bad that the kid will run away as soon as possible. Poor kid will have to go to his friend's house just to get some junk food. Skateboard and bicycle are out of the question unless the kid wears full body armor. ;)

I can't tell if you're being sarcastic, but wanting to have a natural home birth or preferring one supplement over the other is perfectly normal and safe. Home births are statistically just as safe so long as a person trained in such matters is present. These issues are not what this is about, this is about parents who defied a hospital trying to carry out proper procedure for their legal protection. They werent simply disagreeing, they were checking their child out against medical advice in what the article makes it sound like was a paranoid frenzy.
The30YardSlant;4569323 said:
Did you read the entire article? He may very well be a doctor, but he comes off as a paranoid quack. And again, legally this means nothing.

Where was the paranoid quack part? I read the entire story, but I must have missed that.

Is there a solid medical reason the kid should have a shot instead of the liquid the form?

Just from afar it sounds more like someone at the hospital had a beef with their old boss and decided to cause as much trouble as possible. I wonder how many times the hospital has reported parents to CPS for not wanting their kid to have a shot. Some more info would have been nice to see if there was a consistent pattern or this guy was singled out.
Cajuncowboy;4569336 said:
Parental Rights

The fact that he is a doctor and once workled there is the irrelevant part.

Parental Rights

Which can and have been superceded by doctors and hospitals in a number of different instances. Parents do not have supreme authority in a medical setting and court orders can be handed down turning over the right of care to the hospital or a given physician when it is determined the parents were either not fit to make decisions or were not acting in the best interest of the child...but that isnt the point. The point is that the parents are upset because the hospital was following procedures that are in place because of people LIKE THEM who will sue hospitals if anything goes wrong. Now, in a stroke of pure irony, they are attacking them legally for doing the very thing meant to prevent legal action.

And thus is America.

At the end of the day, the hospital LIED? What part of this is a problem for you to realize? They said the baby was in possible danger. He obviously wasn't. I would be okay with them calling CPS if the baby was in distress or there was some immediate danger but this was a parent having a disagreement with the hospital over a bath and the administration of a vitamin. The hospital got all butt hurt and called CPS. They were wrong. End of story.

Because legally they didn't lie. I can look at and feel your ankle and tell it's not broken but medically I'm not lying in saying that it could be broken until a conclusive test is done. If they let that baby leave, even IF nothing is wrong with it, the parents would have a legal right to sue if they had a mind to do so. "They looked fine" doesn't hold up in court.

The hospital could have handled it more professionally, but after reading how paranoid it seems the parents were acting I have trouble faulting them too much.
JBond;4569349 said:
Just from afar it sounds more like someone at the hospital had a beef with their old boss and decided to cause as much trouble as possible. I wonder how many times the hospital has reported parents to CPS for not wanting their kid to have a shot. Some more info would have been nice to see if there was a consistent pattern or this guy was singled out.

I'm certainly not excluding the possibility, but I also tend to give people the benefit of the doubt. As ugly as I've seen doctors and staff get, I've never personally witnessed one who sacrificed treatment for vengence. There's a line that most healthcare workers don't cross.

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