Another year we get to watch from the sofa


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If there is any pattern, over the past decade, we've rebounded after disasterous seasons.

went 6-10 in 2010, ended up winning the division the next year

went 4-12 in 2015, ended up 13-3 and the #1 seed in the NFC.


Well-Known Member
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This season is gone. I will still watch the cowboy's games. However, I will be watching a couple of other teams first.


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yeah so put the team for sale and let Jeff Bezos buy it for 7 or 8 billion.
Jerry is not like the Rooney, that organization has a vision they have a mission statement.
Jerry does not care about Super Bowls. The quicker us fans realize that, the better for our lives.

you and I both know he will never sell and that this is the golden goose for his family....but we can hope his son cares more about winning than he


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...yep, .. my fellow Cowboy Die-hards. This one even came sooner, didn't even get 8-8 yet. And Dallas population is already talking draft leverage. While many teams are playing for something, be it playoff, wildcard or just winning the division.

We're back in the saddle riding the sofa again. Wondering how long can this keep up? To be honest, Al Davis never really died, just reincarnated into someone else.

...signed, long time frustrated cowboy fan.
the more things change the more they stay the same, thanks Jerry for fielding another team just one player away................


"We Are Penn State"
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How do you think Egals fans feel? The same coaching staff that won a recent Superbowl & a starting quarterback who went completely south after his big pay day.

Wentzie should in no way be a starter. All that money down the drain. WOW!


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
This season is going bad? Really? Thank God for yet another thread to tell us that, otherwise how would we know?


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you and I both know he will never sell and that this is the golden goose for his family....but we can hope his son cares more about winning than he
Yeah this team will never win another Super Bowl, unless a player like Mahomes falls in our laps.
I can at least remember 89-91 then 92-93&94,95. 1-15 to SB champs. Innovation, going for it on 4th down, passing out of the endzone, speed on defense, rotating on defense, stressing turnovers, discipline, toughness.
Please tell me do any of those things even show up for this team anymore?
In the 92 championship game, after SF cut the lead to 24-20, Jimmy said the hell with running the ball, go for the win.. mind you this was after they were up 24-13 on the SF 10 yard line and could not convert a 4&1, SF came back and scored a TD. All the momentum was in SF's favor.
Aikman to Harper on the slant, and the rest is history. If any coach had the guts to run that play today in 2020 in the same situation, the NFL media & announcers would lose their mind.
Please give Jimmy the respect he deserves. The greatest coach for a 5 year span EVER. There is no question, no one was better in transforming a bunch of losers to the ultimate champion.


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the more things change the more they stay the same, thanks Jerry for fielding another team just one player away................

One player? As John McEnroe used to say "You cannot be serious".

Never ceases to amaze the ways people here can squeeze in another "Dak sucks" post..



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Yeah this team will never win another Super Bowl, unless a player like Mahomes falls in our laps.
I can at least remember 89-91 then 92-93&94,95. 1-15 to SB champs. Innovation, going for it on 4th down, passing out of the endzone, speed on defense, rotating on defense, stressing turnovers, discipline, toughness.
Please tell me do any of those things even show up for this team anymore?
In the 92 championship game, after SF cut the lead to 24-20, Jimmy said the hell with running the ball, go for the win.. mind you this was after they were up 24-13 on the SF 10 yard line and could not convert a 4&1, SF came back and scored a TD. All the momentum was in SF's favor.
Aikman to Harper on the slant, and the rest is history. If any coach had the guts to run that play today in 2020 in the same situation, the NFL media & announcers would lose their mind.
Please give Jimmy the respect he deserves. The greatest coach for a 5 year span EVER. There is no question, no one was better in transforming a bunch of losers to the ultimate champion.

He didn't so much transform a bunch of losers as he got rid of a bunch of losers. Adding 8 draft picks and 4 players would help any poor team...


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One player? As John McEnroe used to say "You cannot be serious".

Never ceases to amaze the ways people here can squeeze in another "Dak sucks" post..

Posted In jest, to Jerry they are always one player away, get real the team flat out sucks.


Last Man Standing
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This is the worst season since ever.

No, each one of the Dave Campo years was worse. But I’m not going to lie, this one is pretty bad.

I guess what hurts this year is that many of us really thought we had a legitimate shot. And, of course the injuries will give everyone, especially the Jones, false hope that this same roster can be successful next year, when in fact what needs to happen here is a complete blowup of the roster.

Another thing that worries me is Jerry’s age. If he was twenty years younger, there’s no way he caves in to Zeke. But he has talked often about his mortality and any season could be his last - so he’s always all-in every year when what we need to do is start over.


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One player? As John McEnroe used to say "You cannot be serious".

Never ceases to amaze the ways people here can squeeze in another "Dak sucks" post..

Just curious how is Dak ever enter the post in your mind?


Well-Known Member
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Just curious how is Dak ever enter the post in your mind?

"One player away" And what's the most important player on any NFL team? And what one player do people complain about here more than any other?

Just because somebody doesn't mention a player by name doesn't mean who they are talking about isn't as plain as the nose on your face. I'm not that dumb, and neither are you...


Well-Known Member
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"One player away" And what's the most important player on any NFL team? And what one player do people complain about here more than any other?

Just because somebody doesn't mention a player by name doesn't mean who they are talking about isn't as plain as the nose on your face. I'm not that dumb, and neither are you...
Had zero to do with Dak, if you follow the cowboys the last 25 years Jerry is always saying the team is 1 or 2 players away, you must have Dak syndrome, believe it or not every post is not about Dak, it has almost become a paranoid obsession with Dak fans. You need to read the post in context.


Beyond tired of Jerry
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After the last two decades you should be used to it. I don't watch anymore with the expectation of winning I only watch to be entertained, much better for the blood pressure

Yeah, that's happened to me. I used to be excited about the games. Now it's just out of habit and curiosity - there are no longer expectations of competing for a championship.

I used to go to a game every year - no small feat from Ohio - but that stopped in 2012. Can't remember the last time I purchased any sort of Cowboys merchandise.

Jerry has turned the Cowboys into a joke. Had I not grown up a fan of the team this board would be the funniest place on the internet, full of false hopes and failing to see the forest for the trees.