Anthony Spencer: If You're Wade, What Would You Do?

InmanRoshi;2575601 said:
I believe the Steelers publicly reprimanded & suspended Santonio Holmes for a game in mid season after he got a misdemeanor possession of marijuana in which he was completely cooperative with police.

But what does that organization know about winning?

Also, didn't we see Spencer getting suspended in Hard Knocks for skipping rehab assignment, under some lame excuse of having to get his electricity turned on or something? And didn't Spencer's return from injury take significantly longer than expected? And hasn't Spencer pretty much been a disappointment his first two years in the league? Spencer is quoted as saying "Who cares?" after police informed him he would be arrested. Never would I have thought two words could have so adequately described this personality and disposition of this team and organization.

How many legal issues did Spencer run afoul? For Santonio, that was his third incident and would have been suspended at least 1 game by the league anyway, so they most likely assured he would only miss 1 game by suspending him themselves.
sacase;2575595 said:
SOme of you guys are crazy and hold players to standards that are astronomical. Cousel him and fine him enough to get his attention. It doesn't even need to be made public. This is between Spencer and Wade/Jerry.

A one-game team suspension is "astronomical"? Hell, Steve Smith got two games, and he didn't even commit a crime. He's already been fined once; a second one would just be a copout.
odog422;2575412 said:
We all know Wade's intent to change and hold the players more accountable. Well, he got his first chance sooner than expected, I think. So what will he do?

If you were Wade, what would you do?

Well as head coach I would suspend Spencer for one game, without pay.

From a Wade Phillips method acting standpoint, I would take Spencer to dinner, reaffirm his value to the team and then hone in on the player behavior protocols over a couple of scotch and sodas.
bbgun;2575625 said:
A one-game team suspension is "astronomical"? Hell, Steve Smith got two games, and he didn't even commit a crime. He's already been fined once; a second one would just be a copout.
Steve Smith wasn't charged with a crime, but had Ken Lucas wanted to, he could've pressed charges. From all accounts, it was, at minimum, assault.
WoodysGirl;2575670 said:
Steve Smith wasn't charged with a crime, but had Ken Lucas wanted to, he could've pressed charges. From all accounts, it was, at minimum, assault.

Exactly, it was assult, SS would have been looking at a little bit of jail time with that one.

Some fans have some real twisted perspectives.
sacase;2575595 said:
SOme of you guys are crazy and hold players to standards that are astronomical. Cousel him and fine him enough to get his attention. It doesn't even need to be made public. This is between Spencer and Wade/Jerry.

I don't think this is a "punishment matches the crime" scenario. Its not about what necessarily is fair to Spencer, its about sending a message to the rest of the team that this type of behavior is no longer tolerated.

Heck, Parcells cut Killer because he had the audacity to get shot.

Also, several people have said this is his first offense and he doesn't have a history. Well, this would be a real good time to make sure this doesn't become a pattern with him. A weak fine his bank account will barely register and some counseling which he will no doubt take as seriously as he did his 'rehab' is no message at all, to him or anyone else on the team.
I don't know what kind of problem he may have been in the past. If this is his first real spot of trouble then any of the options up to and including a suspension is in order. We don't know him or his past. That bears great influence on any discipline.
WoodysGirl;2575589 said:
Banned substance is different from personal conduct.

And if you haven't noticed, the number of suspensions have gone down since he took over. The amount of fines have risen, tho for both on-field and off-field conduct.

Have you seen him suspend someone with no previous personal conduct issues? I also think his discipline is subject to the level of the actual incident.

I'd argue that the suspensions have went down because the arrest totals have. Goodell has been very public about doling out discipline for anything that effects the NFL's public image.

I also think he looks to teams to take action much more readily now so he doesn't have to. And teams such as the Steelers and Giants have done so.

For Dallas it is a chance to set a tone for the off-season and try to get the attention of one of your most talented young players who seems a bit lost right now.

You could also probably reduce his suspension later if you deemed him worthy after a training camp without incident.
wileedog;2575693 said:
I don't think this is a "punishment matches the crime" scenario. Its not about what necessarily is fair to Spencer, its about sending a message to the rest of the team that this type of behavior is no longer tolerated.

Heck, Parcells cut Killer because he had the audacity to get shot.

Also, several people have said this is his first offense and he doesn't have a history. Well, this would be a real good time to make sure this doesn't become a pattern with him. A weak fine his bank account will barely register and some counseling which he will no doubt take as seriously as he did his 'rehab' is no message at all, to him or anyone else on the team.

I agree. This is the reason I started the thread - because I wanted to get a temp for what the CZ thought about this.

As I said in my opening post, fate (or Spencer's silliness, take your pick) has created a situation right off the top that will allow a "message" to be sent by Wade. If he so chooses.

Jerry said staff, meaning Wade, is status quo. Wade goes on in the PC about "making changes" and the fact he has to. Now while he was somewhat vague about exactly what he planned to do, a situation now falls into his lap in which he can send a message to the rest of the team that the foolishness stops. Accountability begins. Price to pay.

In this thread I've seen fines and suspensions suggested as punishment as well as nothing at all.

I'm with you -- it's not the punishment to fit the crime, it's about the message sent. Max fine, miss a game.
jobberone;2575725 said:
I don't know what kind of problem he may have been in the past. If this is his first real spot of trouble then any of the options up to and including a suspension is in order. We don't know him or his past. That bears great influence on any discipline.

Hard Knocks - failure to show for rehab.
GimmeTheBall!;2575694 said:
Finally, a dose of common sense.

Makes as much sense as trading Ratliff and starting Tank Johnson next year.

Off-field stuff aside, Spencer, on the field did nothing to suggest he can be the guy opposite of Ware. We badly need an answer with Ellis being father time but Spencer can't come close right now to outperforming Ellis so the point is moot. The best chance to reach him and maximize him is to punish him now and get his attention.

For a team whose critics scream for discipline you simply must set a tone at some point. Cutting Pacman was a nice first bullet, but you really should empty the clip this off-season in ways that give you a chance to be better next December.
I agree that it is an opportune time to discipline a player and send a message to the rest of the team, however this early in the offseason is the wrong time to send that message.

I would wait till day one of camp to pull out a list or all indescretions and their consequences. Let them think they got away with whatever all offseason and then slap them in the face the first day back.

Let them know, we no longer tollerate these things, you will fight for your jobs and no one gets passes. Spencer, IF you make it to the final roster this year, you will be staying home game one. If you DON'T make it, you're no longer my problem.
Can we have a re-do on the Carpenter and Spencer picks?

Demeco and LaMarr instead? That'd be a beastly LBer group.

Instead, we have 1st round scrubs like Carp and Spencer.
odog422;2575744 said:
Hard Knocks - failure to show for rehab.

I hardly have a problem with that. If there is a general attitude of ignoring coaching and defying them even is subtle then this is an important event. If it is isolated then it is nothing more than a small fine.
dallasfaniac;2575792 said:
I agree that it is an opportune time to discipline a player and send a message to the rest of the team, however this early in the offseason is the wrong time to send that message.

I would wait till day one of camp to pull out a list or all indescretions and their consequences. Let them think they got away with whatever all offseason and then slap them in the face the first day back.

Let them know, we no longer tollerate these things, you will fight for your jobs and no one gets passes. Spencer, IF you make it to the final roster this year, you will be staying home game one. If you DON'T make it, you're no longer my problem.

I disagree. Discipline should be done as quickly as possible to reinforce the message to one and then all. I would be strongly considering a one game suspension. Again it depends on his past and present behavior and personality. Some need a spanking. Others need a gentle word.
jobberone;2575879 said:
I disagree. Discipline should be done as quickly as possible to reinforce the message to one and then all. I would be strongly considering a one game suspension. Again it depends on his past and present behavior and personality. Some need a spanking. Others need a gentle word.

That's where we disagree I guess.

If you send the message now, first off the players know you are just trying to send a message. Second, If they are the type of players that need a message to keep them in line or whatever, then most likely they will completely forget about that message months from now.

Punishments being handed out first day of camp lets them know you have been thinking about it all offseason and that things are changing. If you can't change, then we'll make the change for you. To me, that's much better than saying "Now remember, I gave Spencer a 1 game suspension 5 months ago, so keep that in mind while you are practicing."
khiladi;2575444 said:
Get rid of Greg Ellis and play this guy as much as you can... Playing Greg Ellis just slows his progression down, and his talent is unquestionable....

I agree with you, this is a non-issue....there is no reason to suspend the guy for a bar fight, especially since this is his first problem with the law. If you're going to do anything maybe fine the guy, nothing more.

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