Anti-soccer blog post

bbgun;3457112 said:
I want to thank all of you for giving this thread more views than the official WC thread, which is kinda amazing. Well done.
This thread deserved more attention than that one. Here the plumbing was clear. That one was full of crap.
Hostile;3457177 said:
This thread deserved more attention than that one. Here the plumbing was clear. That one was full of crap.

Where did the other go?
This story was posted on one of the blogs I read. Not sure how big of a problem it is though:

Beyond Spain's spectacular win in the FIFA World Cup final was a less-talked about issue: Racism. It's an ugly thorn in the beautiful game.

Fans at European games, as well as coaches and officials, have become infamous for heckling black players. They've been heard and seen chanting "monkey" at non-white players, throwing bananas onto the field, spitting, and holding up insulting signs like the one held by fans intended for French player Thierry Henry that read, "Peanuts and bananas are the pay for your infamy."

Some players, like Italy's Marc Zoro, originally from Cameroon, have become so fed up with taunts that he's walked off the field in the middle of play.

But the racism isn't exclusive to just fans. Luis Aragones, coach of the Spanish national team, was overheard saying to one of his players about Thierry Henry, arguably the best player in the world: "Show that black piece of **** that you're better than he is." Aragones was fined $5,000, but continues to coach.
Thierry took it upon himself, with Nike's sponsorship, and with other players of color to create ads criticizing the blatant racism, holding a sign in a Nike commercial that says: "We are still abused for the color of our skin."

Where is FIFA in all of this? Or any of the league's owners? They were quiet on the subject up until this year's World Cup with its media frenzy cause by South Africa's historic hosting. FIFA's President Sepp Blatter instituted rules that resulted in the loss of three points to any team or coach espousing racial slurs. But there are no consequences for the fans, though FIFA's president said any game will be stopped if a racial slur is heard.
Hostile;3457175 said:
I'm not an NBA fan, so your lame attempted little dig missed wide right.

I was not implying you were an NBA fan, so your lame attempted little dig missed wide left.
Hostile;3457085 said:
Thank goodness the biggest toilet clog in the world has been cleared and they were able to flush that crap. It's over. No more avoiding sports reports. The drain is clear.

I went to Colorado where I did not have much contact to the outside world at BoyScout summer camp was great did not have to here anything about the dam world cup for days.

The next thing soon as America was elminated they quit trying to cram it down our throats on ESPN etc.

Funny how that was what happen it was that great event and the coverage dwindled to nothing when the home team lost hum.
Cythim;3457799 said:
I was not implying you were an NBA fan, so your lame attempted little dig missed wide left.
What dig? I merely told you I am not an NBA fan.

Me not being an NBA fan is an attempted dig at you?

Toughen up buttercup.

^^^That was a dig at you.^^^

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