Any guesses why no holding calls involving Parsons?


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It has become blatantly obvious that Parsons is being held on a huge number of plays and officials refuse to call it. One in particular was the sack Parsons got on Hurts and Lane Johnson had in him in a bear hug for 10 yards. Lane had his arms around Parsons, a bear hug, holding him from the get go to to the qb and Parsons still sacked Hurts. It was blatant, obvious, and egregious. It can be nothing other than corruption or incompetence. To say that Parsons has not done enough to get the calls falls in the corruption category because this would suggest officials see the hold but refuse to call it because Parsons is not the player that merits consideration. On the other hand, not one of the 7 officials on the field observed the hold, at the point of attack, with the ball in Hurts hands, and Johnson with Parsons in a bear hug grip and that is not incompetence????? There are dozens of other examples, including a hands to face that was not called on Philly agains Parsons but called against Parsons on an earlier play. None of this is making sense.
If they call it once, they have to call it every play which would destroy the game. So they won’t break the seal.


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He's likely going to have to start selling the calls more. Same crap the Eagles were doing, Fletcher Cox and em doing pirouettes to draw the refs attention
This is true. He continues to drive through to get the sack, instead of turning on the theatrics. Refs are more comfortable calling things when they see visual cues. Referee manipulation is a very real tactic.

Chuck 54

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It sounds crazy, but offensive holding seems to be called much more when a player pulls on the jersey when the defender is past him or when the OL pulls the defender down on top of him or the defender is tackled or when the OL has stopped the defender’s progress with a holding tactic. Look how often we see an OL use an arm bar across the defenders neck, slowing him, but not stopping the progress towards the QB, yet it isn’t called. (Shrug)

Parsons gets held a lot with everything except grabbing his jersey or tackling him. He gets the arm bar extended in front or practically around his neck, but he pushes through it and never stops. While that is to his credit, he probably needs to start selling it. When a lineman gets that arm up around his neck from the side, he would be better served to lean back with the arm instead of leaning into it and simply go down, arms flailing and look for the call.

But that’s easier said than done. We should start charting what type of holds are being used on him because linemen are smart and study film; I’ll bet they are all using similar tactics they’ve seen used on Micah that are not called. If so, maybe he needs to develop a technique that takes that holding tactic away and forces linemen to use one that gets called more often.


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You made the claim and now you can’t back it up because that wasn’t the case. Then you just repeated some lame platitude that you’ve heard.

Deal with facts. Not your feelings. If you want to name the bad calls in favor of the Cowboys (America’s Team) as you claimed was the case do it. Otherwise, shut up.

You’re sounding erratic and desperate.
Isn’t this thread great? All it takes is a little Raid and you can clear out the infestation


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They really have been clearing out. Who knew my team winning had even more pluses than I realized.
Cracks me up that they scurried out but blaming the refs for the Eagles getting blown out is what brought them back. If you’re an Eagles troll hiding out here blaming the refs for that blowout has got to be the most obvious tell you could pick but they just can’t help themselves