Any word on Ferguson- Brady's voice is annoying!

Honestly these networks are nuts, outside of Madden 30 years ago, I never tune into any game because of the announcers. Doubt many people do.
I never even tuned in for Madden.. I watch the games I want to watch for the games. I barely listen to any of the announcers. Especially since most of them hate the Cowboys anyway... It was refreshing to see/hear Brady not bashing the Cowboys every chance he got like some of these other clowns. Hopefully he'll find his sea legs as a broadcaster if for no other reason than after 20+ years with Belichick he's got to have some of the funniest stories we could ever want to hear!
I have a 600 ft driveway....keeps the door to door salesmen away....
Hmmm mine is only about 60 feet but we live in a gated community so they have a hard time getting in to bother us as well. I was really hearkening back to my younger days..
Honestly these networks are nuts, outside of Madden 30 years ago, I never tune into any game because of the announcers. Doubt many people do.
I agree. I usually mute the TV for football games. I will listen to Romo, though, but I don't care if he is doing the game and even when he does I don't pay much attention. Collinsworth is good, too, even though a lot of people say they don't like him.
I think FOX needs to hire Bledsoe and pull him in the 2nd week for Brady to have any success.
I think Brady just has a milquetoast personality when he is not being the fierce competitor on the field.
He's sort of the Peter Perfect type, and actually a little bit nerdy when he starts talking about something.

That said he's an all-time great and I'm sure he'll be fine in the booth over time he does have a lot of knowledge. I'm not one of those who pays a lot of attention to the commentating anyway
I had high hopes for Brady, but honestly, the guy just doesn't have a TV voice at all.
Being a perfectionist at football you know it was driving him nuts watching the Browns on offense
No doubt. But at least he was not hypercritical every time a QB made a bad throw or bad decision like some of those ex-QBs like Jaworski, Dilfer, Theisman and that Ilk ... Joe Namath might have been the absolute worst. Dude talked about other QBs like he never missed a read or made a bad throw. Dude had a losing record and threw 50 more INTs than TDs in his career. He had 3 winning seasons out of 13. He won a Super Bowl in a year he completed 49.8% of his passes and had 17 INTs to go with 15 TDs yet people will still put him in the GOAT conversation for some reason. I don't get it.. at all. But I digress.
Brady was fine. He wasn't overly pro or con vs either team. Didn't gush incessantly over the smallest thing. I'd rather Tom call a game than Chris collinsworth.
I didn't hear anything about Fergie, but from the video I didn't think it looked that serious. Then again, I have seen guys get injured that looked like it was nothing and it turned out to be season ending, so who knows.

As for Brady, I'll cut him some slack, it is his first gig so he has some learning to do. I will say this, Witten got a lot of criticism for his short stint announcing and I thought he was better than Brady. But yeah, he doesn't seem to have the voice for TV. I think Fox was hoping to capitalize on Brady's popularity.
I think it was after halftime he gave a speech on what he thought so far, it felt like it hurt to say all of those words lol he was out of breath and sounded confused
Brady is a guy who thinks a lot more of himself than he wants to let on. He's gone so far down the rabbit hole of pretending to be a "vanilla" guy that he almost can't be a real dude sometimes.

The most awkward moment is when they gave him his flowers - because they know how insecure he still drove his greatness for goodness sakes - and recounted his first TD. A light-hearted moment as the sideline reporter passed the baton back up to the booth. Brady's AWKWARD response, " do you expect me to remember THAT? It was such a long time ago..." as if he was too embarrassed for the moment.

Between the hairplugs and the fake persona ...that's the very reason you took this job is to have every moment to remind people you are the best.

I don't mind his ego...he's 1000% earned it. I mind that he LIES about it...and it comes through on his broadcasts.
I swear every response he had was “negative yards” lol
Bill's voice is in his head. I'm watching Bill's analysis and Tom' can see why they won. They are in synch mentally as regards football 101s.
I have a 600 ft driveway....keeps the door to door salesmen away....
My driveway ain't that long, but I live on a rough dirt road with my closest neighbor about .75 miles away. No door-to-door salesman in their right mind would target my area.

About Brady in the broadcast booth, turnip comes to mind.
I'm a little surprised at the Brady criticism. I went it with low expectations and maybe even a bit of a desire to not like the guy, but came away impressed. I thought he was very balanced and his insights interesting. Have to cut the guy a little slack since he went from zero experience to the brightest stage in one step.
I have a 600 ft driveway....keeps the door to door salesmen away....
I'm about 1500 ft off a class 3 town road. You can begin to hear the banjos as you get up to the top of the hill and make the final turn to the house you still can't see.

Multiple times over the years and twice so far this summer I've been outside, heard the dogs alert on someone coming, walked over to check it out to find my dogs standing in front of a strange car as the car goes into reverse and backs out a couple hundred feet until they can turn around and skedaddle.
My wife said he has a face made for high Def TV and a voice made for a Moose Lodge Bingo night.
I'm about 1500 ft off a class 3 town road. You can begin to hear the banjos as you get up to the top of the hill and make the final turn to the house you still can't see.

Multiple times over the years and twice so far this summer I've been outside, heard the dogs alert on someone coming, walked over to check it out to find my dogs standing in front of a strange car as the car goes into reverse and backs out a couple hundred feet until they can turn around and skedaddle.
I took the back roads to New Orleans once, walked into a mom and pop store to buy some beer and there was a creepy guy playing a banjo! Bought and extra 12 pack! Lol

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