Anybody heard if Henson...

5Stars said:
"so - let's get on the field and see what happens and who's right / wrong and hope in the end we can all remember we are fans of the same team even with diverse opinions."

This quote of yours...:rolleyes:

Somehow, I get the feeling, and others might as well, that you are HOPING that the Oline blows this year, so you can be RIGHT.

You give absoutely no credit whatsoever, to what WAS done to at least try to upgrade that area...

Also, this Hutch and Bently stuff you throw out there is getting old....! Stop crying over spilled milk. You have no CLUE what the Cowboys did or did not do to persue those players, and why those players are not with the Cowboys...yet, every Oline post, here you are with the same old same old...because somehow, I think you WANT to be right...

who doesn't wanna be right? if we didn't wanna be right we'd not sit around and compare opinions and get all nuts on each other, would we?

now, that said - i'd love to be wrong as well as right - but the on the field play will tell, not ripping each other up in here, as you pointed to my past quote.

as for "let it go, it's done" - fine. now as long as we're picking what *others* must let go, drop the star handout dude. it's old and done. : )

kidding - but people will continue to talk until the season starts. what you're asking for is more or less the equal of shutting down the forums till camp starts cause we run the risk of recycled opinions.


i don't want this team to fail. i don't want the line to blow chunks so i can come back in a NEENER NEENER style. i've been posting with most of these guys for almost 8 years in various forums, i would think. i've been right at times, i've been wrong at times, but it's always been both fun and frustrating to talk to other fans who feel their own thoughts outweigh my own.

should the line hold and do it's job - i'm wrong, flat out that simple. should it cost us games and or playoffs, i'm right. that simple. in the end it's just another of hundreds of opinions we all share and no reason to gloat or be ashamed, depending on which "side" you were on. *THIS* is what fans do - talk about our team. the good, the bad, ugly and the beautiful. in the end, i talk about it a lot cause it's what my "passion point" is for the team.

just as much as henson, witten, TO and so on - passion points that will come up over and over again as along as we're all here. think what you will, dude. i've told people they were wrong in how they saw me in the past and sometimes they'll understand what i'm trying to say, other times i'm still wrong so arguing the point is useless.

so yes, i want to be right. but i can certainly live with and admit it when i'm not. that's either ok with you or not.
Jarv said:
I would have put my money LAST YEAR into a PROVEN offensive line coach instead of a Gumba from the Sapranos.The 92/93 Super Bowl teams were not high priced OL FA's we signed....

I'm more inclined to belive our coaching is worse than the player selection.

and that's quite possible. good thought.
5Stars said:
That iceberg poster probably has a BURNING desire to we all do, maybe that's why he always complains about Hutch abd Bentely, but, man, it's over and done...

And, iceberg, don't take what I'm posting as an insult, if you did, accept my apology!


just stating how you feel man. you can't be outspoken in anything w/o being prepared to back it up. : )
iceberg said:
as for "let it go, it's done" - fine. now as long as we're picking what *others* must let go, drop the star handout dude. it's old and done. : ) have earned five Beautiful Stars!

:starspin :starspin :starspin :starspin :starspin
5Stars said: have earned five Beautiful Stars!

:starspin :starspin :starspin :starspin :starspin

reverse psychology - works every time. : )

and i meant "i've been posting with a lot of these guys for 8 years" and they've not seen me "neener neener" when right. i have an aversion to it cause i don't like my nose rubbed in it when wrong, so while we'll all talk our opinions, hopefully we can still be respectful regardless of right or wrong.
iceberg said:
reverse psychology - works every time. : )

and i meant "i've been posting with a lot of these guys for 8 years" and they've not seen me "neener neener" when right. i have an aversion to it cause i don't like my nose rubbed in it when wrong, so while we'll all talk our opinions, hopefully we can still be respectful regardless of right or wrong.

Leave me alone!

Stop bugging me!

Are you a troll, or what?

Get a life!

I'm gonna PM a Mod!

Go away!

Stop the harrassment!

Go melt somewhere!

I'm getting Sean Taylor after you!

Just, just...go away!

POOF! Be gone!

I know you don't like me!

Go away, now....PLEASE!!

Take care, my friend!

Ice, 5stars: Can I go throw up now that you've "kissed and made up" :puke:

I was so looking forward to a 10 page thread on how much the OL sucks. :p:

Maybe we can re-write this into how MikeD17 sucks for his Henson release prediction that he's now locked into tonight or tomorrow.:rolleyes:
MikeD17 said:
Fellas Drew Henson has been released the announcement will come through the wire either this evening or tommorow


WoodysGirl said:
Ice, 5stars: Can I go throw up now that you've "kissed and made up" :puke:

I was so looking forward to a 10 page thread on how much the OL sucks. :p:

Maybe we can re-write this into how MikeD17 sucks for his Henson release prediction that he's now locked into tonight or tomorrow.:rolleyes:

oh man - didn't know you were watching or i'd have acted up more.

it's what us "renegade_icebergs" do. : )

but just for you
<insert 7 pages of ranting back and forth that does nothing more than restate the 1st page but the rest was a frantic effort to re-establish ourselves after being misunderstood for on a word or two>

there. all better?
iceberg said:
oh man - didn't know you were watching or i'd have acted up more.

it's what us "renegade_icebergs" do. : )

but just for you
<insert 7 pages of ranting back and forth that does nothing more than restate the 1st page but the rest was a frantic effort to re-establish ourselves after being misunderstood for on a word or two>

there. all better?

Shrooms are a helluva drug!

iceberg said:
oh man - didn't know you were watching or i'd have acted up more.

it's what us "renegade_icebergs" do. : )

but just for you
<insert 7 pages of ranting back and forth that does nothing more than restate the 1st page but the rest was a frantic effort to re-establish ourselves after being misunderstood for on a word or two>

there. all better?
No :cool:


This part of offseason sucks. By this time every argument on most players on the team have been made.

I need to find an annoying Commander fan to threaten... :p:
5Stars said:
Shrooms are a helluva drug!


drinking and smoking - my only 2 crimes. but from the sound of it, some organic shrooms may not be a bad idea. :eek:
WoodysGirl said:
No :cool:


This part of offseason sucks. By this time every argument on most players on the team have been made.

I need to find an annoying Commander fan to threaten... :p:

This is the time of year I start picking on Juke......:p:
WoodysGirl said:
Ice, 5stars: Can I go throw up now that you've "kissed and made up" :puke:

I was so looking forward to a 10 page thread on how much the OL sucks. :p:

Maybe we can re-write this into how MikeD17 sucks for his Henson release prediction that he's now locked into tonight or tomorrow.:rolleyes:

I don't know what she looks like, so I would not be kissing her! That would be like licking a frozen flag pole...don't try it!

Ok, so, what happens to MikeD17 if this is not true? Would that constitute "bogus" information, worthy of a flogging?

It's Friday night, should'nt you be out stalking Woody? :eek:

Cbz40 said:
This is the time of year I start picking on Juke......:p:

Where in the Hades have you been Cbz40? I think your last post was on August 22, 2001...!

MikeD17 said:
Fellas Drew Henson has been released the announcement will come through the wire either this evening or tommorow


you'll rue the day you said that.
5Stars said:
I don't know what she looks like, so I would not be kissing her! That would be like licking a frozen flag pole...don't try it!

Ok, so, what happens to MikeD17 if this is not true? Would that constitute "bogus" information, worthy of a flogging?

It's Friday night, should'nt you be out stalking Woody? :eek:

There's still too much daylight. :cool:
5Stars said:
Where in the Hades have you been Cbz40? I think your last post was on August 22, 2001...!


I've been around.....lurking in the shadows.....reading all the hype, rumors, Henson being cut etc........During the HOT DAYs of summer I'm busy trying to stay cool, calm, and collected waiting for TC to begin. :)

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