Anybody heard if Henson...

WoodysGirl said:
There's still too much daylight. :cool:

Oh...I get it!

You're a "night stalker"? :eek:

(those are the worse kind)!!
Damn, we've gotten sophisticated around here. Big Argument with heavy opinions being thrown around with no cuss words, no calling of names and no threats and all is well in the end after they have let their feelings out. The Old West has finally been tamed. Congrats to the debaters and the mods for a saloon well run. OK Corral is out of business.
notherbob said:
Damn, we've gotten sophisticated around here. Big Argument with heavy opinions being thrown around with no cuss words, no calling of names and no threats and all is well in the end after they have let their feelings out. The Old West has finally been tamed. Congrats to the debaters and the mods for a saloon well run. OK Corral is out of business.

Then you showed up! :eek:

notherbob said:
Damn, we've gotten sophisticated around here. Big Argument with heavy opinions being thrown around with no cuss words, no calling of names and no threats and all is well in the end after they have let their feelings out. The Old West has finally been tamed. Congrats to the debaters and the mods for a saloon well run. OK Corral is out of business.

Haven't we......:) I don't know what to think about all of this.....Guess I can put away my sixguns....:)
Juke99 said:
..and the last four months have been what????

Now Juke!!!!! ...... I only give you heck during the months of June and July and as for the other 10 months I treat you with all due respect....:eek: :)
Cbz40 said:
Now Juke!!!!! ...... I only give you heck during the months of June and July and as for the other 10 months I treat you with all due respect....:eek: :)

Which explains why there is absolutely no difference.
Juke99 said:
Which explains why there is absolutely no difference.

Now Sir Juke......I beg to exaggerate. :)

Oh Gawd let TC begin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
MikeD17 said:
Fellas Drew Henson has been released the announcement will come through the wire either this evening or tommorow


Still sticking to your story I see. If he's not released by midnight tomorrow, I would be prepared for the onslaught if I were you. :(

I'm feeling generous though and will actually wait until Monday afternoon to see confirmation of his release before publically railing on you for posting such a prediction in the first place. :p:
Hey, no offense...but could you two, Cbz40 and crosseyes...take this conversation to a PM?

I'm tired of looking at an old Cowboy and a cross-eyed guy! While you're at it...take iceshroom with you, OK? :rolleyes:

This a Cowboy forum, not the Local Pub!

:starspin :starspin :starspin :starspin :starspin
5Stars said:
Hey, no offense...but could you two, Cbz40 and crosseyes...take this conversation to a PM?

I'm tired of looking at an old Cowboy and a cross-eyed guy! While you're at it...take iceshroom with you, OK? :rolleyes:

This a Cowboy forum, not the Local Pub!

:starspin :starspin :starspin :starspin :starspin

5Stars said:
Hey, no offense...but could you two, Cbz40 and crosseyes...take this conversation to a PM?

I'm tired of looking at an old Cowboy and a cross-eyed guy! While you're at it...take iceshroom with you, OK? :rolleyes:

This a Cowboy forum, not the Local Pub!

:starspin :starspin :starspin :starspin :starspin

I beg your pardon!
......Dadgum ........:banghead:
Hey, no offense...but could you two, Cbz40 and crosseyes...take this conversation to a PM?

I'm tired of looking at an old Cowboy and a cross-eyed guy! While you're at it...take iceshroom with you, OK? :rolleyes:

This a Cowboy forum, not the Local Pub!

Whatever happened to respecting your elders? :nono2:
OK...I'm sorry that I blew up at you, cross-eyes and ole Cowboy...

I apologize to anyone that I might have offended....:(

OK...SOUP for you Mods! YES!!!


Cowboy fans....losers!! :mad:

:star: :star:
Yeagermeister said:
I don't know. It appears that he shaves his legs :D


paper bag......
5Stars said:
Leave me alone!

Stop bugging me!

Are you a troll, or what?

Get a life!

I'm gonna PM a Mod!

Go away!

Stop the harrassment!

Go melt somewhere!

I'm getting Sean Taylor after you!

Just, just...go away!

POOF! Be gone!

I know you don't like me!

Go away, now....PLEASE!!

Take care, my friend!


girls tell you that stuff too? :p:
iceberg said:
hutch or bentley are both legit studs on the line. we "ignored" stud players (if people wanna wordsmith i wish they'd get it right from the context at which i say it vs what they hear and apply it on their own terms) and it's gonna cost us.

Did I quote you? It was a general comment about the OL.

Do you honestly feel paying $56 million for a guard is the best move for this franchise? Hutchinson is good, but paying that much for a guard is what makes franchises like Minnesota perpetually inept.

I liked Bentley as well, but not for a $12.5 million signing bonus.

What was the last offensive line constructed through high priced free agents that was successful? For that matter, who was the last high priced free agent offensive line signing that made you say "Oh, that was money well spent."

now - as soon as i say that you'll get the excuse parade of why it was impossible to even try for those players.

then a few who will say "how do you know we didn't???????????

it wasn't impossible and i don't know - i just know what happened in the end and like any other fan, how it looked from the cheap seats.

Smart, hopefully. I am totally against paying big money to offensive linemen. I'll dig this up once again for your viewing pleasure. Great offensive lines are built by continuity, coaching and a dedication to finding players to fit your scheme.....not by throwing money at the problem.

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