Anybody want to bet... back up Qb

DrewHensonSoonerNotLater said:
Henson or Romo, if they switched jerseys no one would be able to tell them apart. They both stink right now, and I don't feel comfortable at this point with either one of them being the #2. I WILL guarantee you, though, that Henson will have a more successful NFL career than Romo will. Never understood the fascination with Romo. I guess football fans LOVE underdogs.

oh my... the Romologists are gonna be miffed at you... ;)
I really can't agree with this. When your evaluation players, you don't grade them higher because the mistake didn't cost you. You grade them on mistakes. For example, if a RB coughs up the ball and your RG recovers it, it's still a fumble. When a QB throws a strike and the WR drops it, it's not counted against the QB. No difference at all IMO.
assume your another coach in the league and your in need of a backup qb you look at his stats. and almost int's aren't on a stat sheet but INT's are...

and dropped passes count against the QB it's an incomplete either way...

I agree with the assement that neither are doing well actually less than well. I was contending with the argument that Henson put us in better positions to score which IMO he didn't....He threw an INT the others threw passes that should have been INT'd but wheren't and the O kept the ball which gave us more of an chance to score than not having the ball. Granted it was only 1 int and in preseason... And Drew B has thrown his fair share and more but we are discussing Henson putting us in a better chance to score position...
DrewHensonSoonerNotLater said:
Henson or Romo, if they switched jerseys no one would be able to tell them apart. They both stink right now, and I don't feel comfortable at this point with either one of them being the #2. I WILL guarantee you, though, that Henson will have a more successful NFL career than Romo will. Never understood the fascination with Romo. I guess football fans LOVE underdogs.

I don't agree with this. I think these two players are very different. I don't know, I guess I just can't bring myself to be down on either one. I like them both. I'm just not as pessimistiic about either one of these guys as other's appear to be. I think were going to be OK.

The real problem here is that nobody wants to pay the dues, IMO. This day has been coming for 10 years and now that it's hear, eveybody wants to skip on the check. Young QBs take time to develope. All those who didn't want to spend picks on QBs when Aikman was here are now paying the price. All those who wanted to keep QC around are paying the price. All those who didn't want to draft a Leftwich or whomever else we had an opportunity to get are paying the price. All those who didn't want to spend money on a decent FA QB in the past are paying the price.

The check is due, we're all going to have to pick up the tab on this one. Might as well get used to the idea of a young QB or two throwing INTs.
Go back and look at the two preseason games. Henson has definatly put us in possition to score more thus far.....
jksmith269 said:
assume your another coach in the league and your in need of a backup qb you look at his stats. and almost int's aren't on a stat sheet but INT's are...

and dropped passes count against the QB it's an incomplete either way...

I agree with the assement that neither are doing well actually less than well. I was contending with the argument that Henson put us in better positions to score which IMO he didn't....He threw an INT the others threw passes that should have been INT'd but wheren't and the O kept the ball which gave us more of an chance to score than not having the ball. Granted it was only 1 int and in preseason... And Drew B has thrown his fair share and more but we are discussing Henson putting us in a better chance to score position...

Irrelivant. If I'm another coach, I'll obtain film on the prospect and grade him accordingly. That's what personnel guys get paid for. The approach your suggesting is exactly how Tom Brady slipped to the 6th round. How Favre got traded in Atlanta to GB and how Hasselbeck had the same deal in reverse to Seattle.

For what it's worth, I think the first poster is correct. Henson has QBed scoring opportunities. He has had a few things go against him that have hurt him where this is concerned. This can not be held against him. He didn't drop the passes and he didn't create the penalties. It's just how things work.
All QB's will throw INT's even the best but how you respond after throwing an INT is a major key at that position. Some guys will get very tentative with their passes almost trying to guild the ball instead of just dropping back and firing it in there. One thing I have always noticed with a guy like Favre, he never changes his play after throwing a pick he just comes right back at you I think you can say that about most of the top QB’s who play in this league. You can't be afraid to make mistakes
jksmith269 said:
assume your another coach in the league and your in need of a backup qb you look at his stats. and almost int's aren't on a stat sheet but INT's are...

and dropped passes count against the QB it's an incomplete either way...

I agree with the assement that neither are doing well actually less than well. I was contending with the argument that Henson put us in better positions to score which IMO he didn't....He threw an INT the others threw passes that should have been INT'd but wheren't and the O kept the ball which gave us more of an chance to score than not having the ball. Granted it was only 1 int and in preseason... And Drew B has thrown his fair share and more but we are discussing Henson putting us in a better chance to score position...

Sorry JK, but ABQCowboy wins this argument hands down.
Coaches/general managers wouldn't buy a product without checking it out first. Game film my man. No idiot coach or GM besides the one in Denver would pick someone up by looking at a freaking Stat sheet. Now, a stat sheet might help alert him to a player that may picque (sp?) his interest, but that's all.

I guarantee that a coach counts a dropped INT just as much as one that was caught. He counts a recovered fumble the same as one that was lost.

PS: Neither QB has done enough in my opinion to be a formidable back-up at this point :(
Doomsday101 said:
All QB's will throw INT's even the best but how you respond after throwing an INT is a major key at that position. Some guys will get very tentative with their passes almost trying to guild the ball instead of just dropping back and firing it in there. One thing I have always noticed with a guy like Favre, he never changes his play after throwing a pick he just comes right back at you I think you can say that about most of the top QB’s who play in this league. You can't be afraid to make mistakes

I completely agree Dooms. That's a good observation.
cowboyfreak said:
Sorry JK, but ABQCowboy wins this argument hands down.
Coaches/general managers wouldn't buy a product without checking it out first. Game film my man. No idiot coach or GM besides the one in Denver would pick someone up by looking at a freaking Stat sheet. Now, a stat sheet might help alert him to a player that may picque (sp?) his interest, but that's all.

I guarantee that a coach counts a dropped INT just as much as one that was caught. He counts a recovered fumble the same as one that was lost.

PS: Neither QB has done enough in my opinion to be a formidable back-up at this point :(
I agree with you and ABQ about the film but if your looking for a young Qb as a backup what do you look at first? the teams with more than one young backup then you look at the players available stats granted 1 int difference won't make a difference and one thing Henson has is the Hype he had coming out of college.... anyway if you compare two Qb's from one team and one has say 8 more int's in the same number of games which would you look film on first? Me I'd look at the one who threw the least int's and if he sucked I'd look at the other one or move on to another team. Now Henson faced better D this week than did Romo just like the week before Romo faced better than did henson. Who has the better stats thus far in Preseason? I haven't looked but I will and honestly I don't care which is the back up. I want to see Bledsoe look better then maybe I will worry about the backup position....
Henson has better physical skills and that can't be denied. Romo looks polished and it's a credit to his work. Romo just has the look of a career backup while Henson is a boom-bust type player who if he can put it all together will either be very good or be out of the league.
Henson's pick could have EASILY been a 13 yard completion he only overthrew Witten by about 3 feet which isnt much because he didnt throw a tight spiral and it sailed. Thats what happens when they overhaul your throwing motion. I think Henson is a long way off from starting but I think he has more potential then Romo. Romo does looks comfortable in the offense but thats not what counts. I think neither is more ready then the other to start so I would give the edge to Henson over romo.
ravidubey said:
Henson has better physical skills and that can't be denied. Romo looks polished and it's a credit to his work. Romo just has the look of a career backup while Henson is a boom-bust type player who if he can put it all together will either be very good or be out of the league.
I agree with the Romo assesment and the boom or bust part on Henson but where do you get Henson has better physcial skills? Didn't he have to completly redo his throwing motion? which may have actually hurt him in the short term? and are you basing your assesment on his abilities on his college days because he surley hasn't shown that yet in the NFL and if you are do you not think that his time away could have hurt his abilities? Just wondering and again I don't think either is very good right now....
jksmith269 said:
I agree with the Romo assesment and the boom or bust part on Henson but where do you get Henson has better physcial skills? Didn't he have to completly redo his throwing motion? which may have actually hurt him in the short term? and are you basing your assesment on his abilities on his college days because he surley hasn't shown that yet in the NFL and if you are do you not think that his time away could have hurt his abilities? Just wondering and again I don't think either is very good right now....

Arm strength and physical size. Henson has a cannon. Romo for all his "moxie" will have trouble zinging the deep out in a real game on a consistent basis. Henson is still in development, but I have a feeling the ceiling is far higher for Henson than for Romo. And Romo, for his recent preseason success, is also still developing. Against Seattles' third stringers Romo panicked when facing a LB blitz and lobbed a pitiful pass straight into the chest of a safety. The ball bounced out, but you wonder what would happen had that blitz been in a real game.

Right now Dallas fans definitely do not want to see Bledsoe getting hurt because at this point we're talking a total disaster of a season should that happen.
ravidubey said:
Arm strength and physical size. Henson has a cannon. Romo for all his "moxie" will have trouble zinging the deep out in a real game on a consistent basis. Henson is still in development, but I have a feeling the ceiling is far higher for Henson than for Romo. And Romo, for his recent preseason success, is also still developing. Against Seattles' third stringers Romo panicked when facing a LB blitz and lobbed a pitiful pass straight into the chest of a safety. The ball bounced out, but you wonder what would happen had that blitz been in a real game.

Right now Dallas fans definitely do not want to see Bledsoe getting hurt because at this point we're talking a total disaster of a season should that happen.

I agree with you on this and you know Drew B hasn't really been tearing it up either. I do think BP has been holding him back a bit so far. I think we will be fine at QB barring injury
Romo looks comfortable, Henson still does not. Who cares if Hensons arm is stronger, Romo makes the plays. He is a play maker. I will take Romo as my backup.
I find it soooooooo funny, the extremes people are going to, I really do.

Romo is in his 3rd year coming right from college, the offense is clicking for him, his mechanics are more fluid and he has fun while he's out there, so he looks like he's doing more than he is really doing. That does not change the fact that he threw 3 times late over the middle on Monday and did it twice in AZ. You replace 2nd and 3rd stringers with starters and Romo's mistakes become 3 or 4 INTs.

Henson is in his second year after a layoff, with a brand new throwing motion, so it is understandable that he does not look as polished. Through two games he has made really only one bad throw. Yeah, he's missed some receivers and threw several away, but I'm talking obvious mistakes in judgement.

The difference between them is Henson's mistake got picked, Romo has had a horseshoe in his pocket and his mistakes have not ended up on the stat sheet, but I quarantee they made it on Parcells stat sheet.
VirusX said:
Henson's pick could have EASILY been a 13 yard completion he only overthrew Witten by about 3 feet which isnt much because he didnt throw a tight spiral and it sailed

That's almost as good as "Carter's INTs are as good as punts".

Hey, I supported Carter, but even I knew that was completely stupid.
Never understood the fascination with Romo. I guess football fans LOVE underdogs.[/QUOTE said:
I don't get the Romo love either. I keep hearing how he has potential and just needs to play. Well, except for the pre-season comeback last year vs. Oakland, Romo has shown me nothing to merit him being a #2. At least henson has a strong arm and upside. Again, if Henson got some playing time at the end of last season he'd be that much further ahead. Good thing Vinny played the whole season... :confused:
blindzebra said:
I find it soooooooo funny, the extremes people are going to, I really do.

Romo is in his 3rd year coming right from college, the offense is clicking for him, his mechanics are more fluid and he has fun while he's out there, so he looks like he's doing more than he is really doing. That does not change the fact that he threw 3 times late over the middle on Monday and did it twice in AZ. You replace 2nd and 3rd stringers with starters and Romo's mistakes become 3 or 4 INTs.

Henson is in his second year after a layoff, with a brand new throwing motion, so it is understandable that he does not look as polished. Through two games he has made really only one bad throw. Yeah, he's missed some receivers and threw several away, but I'm talking obvious mistakes in judgement.

The difference between them is Henson's mistake got picked, Romo has had a horseshoe in his pocket and his mistakes have not ended up on the stat sheet, but I quarantee they made it on Parcells stat sheet.

Now thats a crock of crap... Romo played against first and second team against the Cards and went 8-10 no int's for 71 yards

Henson against the cards went 6-13 for 64 yards against 3rd and future unemployeed

against the Hawks Henson against first and second team went 4-10 for 38 yards and an INT

Romo went 2-6 for 48 yards against 3rd and future unemployeed players.

Looks like against the same comp of first and second team players Romo beats Henson hands down. Period
jksmith269 said:
Now thats a crock of crap... Romo played against first and second team against the Cards and went 8-10 no int's for 71 yards

Henson against the cards went 6-13 for 64 yards against 3rd and future unemployeed

against the Hawks Henson against first and second team went 4-10 for 38 yards and an INT

Romo went 2-6 for 48 yards against 3rd and future unemployeed players.

Looks like against the same comp of first and second team players Romo beats Henson hands down. Period

I rest my case mister stat sheet.:rolleyes:

Damn I love it when they prove my point.:D

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