Anyone else displeased by the possibility of Lawson @ 18?


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Sorry, but I am.
Just wondering if anyone else felt this way, as well.
He's a freak and will probably be a good player.
But he is not what we need (IMO). Not by a longshot.
And it scares me that he looks more and more like this draft's "workout warrior".

Billy Bullocks

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Qwickdraw said:
Sorry, but I am.
Just wondering if anyone else felt this way, as well.
He's a freak and will probably be a good player.
But he is not what we need (IMO). Not by a longshot.
And it scares me that he looks more and more like this draft's "workout warrior".

Parcells knows RB's and LB's. I trust his judegement on this one. Merriman was a lock for us last year too by all media outlests, that didn't happen either. Im not too worried about BP on this one.


Not as good as I once was but as good once as I ev
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I remember something about Merriman being called a work out warrior last year as well. Good work out numbers don't make you a work out warrior. It makes you athletically gifted. Lawson was a projected #1 pick based on his play. Good workouts only solidified that. Isnt that what dedicated and talented prospects are supposed to? Use the workouts to build on their draft status?


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I would be after finding out Lawson only weighed 233 lbs as of right now. Dallas needs a linebacker to come in at least 240 lbs.


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Bill Parcells spit in the parking lot of Valley Ranch this morning....

that spit knows more about football than any of us.

Bill Parcells is the Godfather of drafting Linebackers, so whoever he picks no matter what, I will have full confidence that he is the best choice at 18.


I've got moxie
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Like someone else said, I trust Parcells judgement on linebackers.

Personally, I wonder if Lawson has the ability to stack and shed against the run. No doubt he is a freaky athlete.


Not as good as I once was but as good once as I ev
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neosapien23 said:
I would be after finding out Lawson only weighed 233 lbs as of right now. Dallas needs a linebacker to come in at least 240 lbs.

Send him to Carl Jr's for lunch and let him weigh in again or better yet, throw him in a NFL weight room for a month. There's a crazy idea.


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Wimbley, Lawson, Carpenter... sheesh.. they are all running into one and becoming the same person to me at this point..


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
Qwickdraw said:
Sorry, but I am.
Just wondering if anyone else felt this way, as well.
He's a freak and will probably be a good player.
But he is not what we need (IMO). Not by a longshot.
And it scares me that he looks more and more like this draft's "workout warrior".

I'm with you here. I really don't want Lawson at 18. We have the same player in Ware, and even though it might be nice having two pass rushing specialist at OLB, thats not exactly what you need in the 3-4. And if your just wanting to put Lawson in on certain downs....why waste a mid 1st round pick on a part time player?!?!? Especially when there are as many options out there in this draft, for a good OLB.

Anyways, IMO, we'll be fine with Al coming back healthy. He's a vet. and knows whats he's doing. This would be alot better to have right now, than a rookie, who is bound to make just as many screw ups and great plays. I'll take consistancey anyday, over one great play, and then being out of position everyother play. (see Lavar Arrington).

Just my thoughts atleast :)


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Wimbley, Lawson, Carpenter... sheesh.. they are all running into one and becoming the same person to me at this point..

maby if we take hair samples of all 3 we can start now on cloning the perfect Outside Linebacker that will be ready for the Cowboys in 23 years.


That Guy
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rexrobinson said:
Bill Parcells spit in the parking lot of Valley Ranch this morning....

that spit knows more about football than any of us.

Bill Parcells is the Godfather of drafting Linebackers, so whoever he picks no matter what, I will have full confidence that he is the best choice at 18.

Please somebody tell this to all the people who are calling Burnett a bust after one half of a season:rolleyes:


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rexrobinson said:
Bill Parcells spit in the parking lot of Valley Ranch this morning....

that spit knows more about football than any of us.

Bill Parcells is the Godfather of drafting Linebackers, so whoever he picks no matter what, I will have full confidence that he is the best choice at 18.
You mean, like Kevin Burnett...?:eek::


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HomeOfLegends said:
Send him to Carl Jr's for lunch and let him weigh in again or better yet, throw him in a NFL weight room for a month. There's a crazy idea.

When a palyer drops weight after the combine, I seriously doubt he will gain weight in a month. He weighed 240 lbs pounds less than a month ago and now he weighs 233 lbs. He may be better of making the transition to safety if his ideal weight is somewhere in the 220 lbs range. It will take him at least 2 years to put on the necessary weight to play linebacker and that is being generous. Wimbly and Carpenter may not have that speed, but they are big enough to play right now.


Not as good as I once was but as good once as I ev
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neosapien23 said:
When a palyer drops weight after the combine, I seriously doubt he will gain weight in a month. He weighed 240 lbs pounds less than a month ago and now he weighs 233 lbs. He may be better of making the transition to safety if his ideal weight is somewhere in the 220 lbs range. It will take him at least 2 years to put on the necessary weight to play linebacker and that is being generous. Wimbly and Carpenter may not have that speed, but they are big enough to play right now.

Wow, you can't be any more off. Don't eat for one day and sit in the sauna for 30 minutes. You will lose 7 pounds guaranteed.

Even better for ya though, head to a gym 5 days a week for a few hours for 28 days and if you don't put on 10 pounds of muscle with a trainer then you have physical problems that need looked into.

What is the ideal weight for a LB that would take him 2 years to get to from 233?:eek:


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Picking Carpenter is the right thing to do for this defense. People may whine at first, but you will rejoice when you see Carpenter roll over someone and mutilate the QB.

We have our Lawson and his name is Demarcus Ware. It will be fun watching this defense go from a finess type to a dog faced bone crushing unit.

I won't be mad at the pick, no matter who it is, but if it's Carpenter, we're going to have to get the POPCORN and the HOTDOGS ready.


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Qwickdraw said:
Sorry, but I am.
Just wondering if anyone else felt this way, as well.
He's a freak and will probably be a good player.
But he is not what we need (IMO). Not by a longshot.
And it scares me that he looks more and more like this draft's "workout warrior".
Lawson isn't a guy that achieved nothing in college, and came in with desirable measurables. He was the defensive MVP at NC state, who happens to have desirable measurables. That makes him a stud to me, not a "workout warrior" at this point I would be very pleased with him at 18, because I'm afraid he may be gone by 12 or 15.