Anyone else feel the media is disrespecting us?

The team that won the passing battle won both games, so I have a hard time arguing that we didn't deserve either win.
The team that won the passing battle won both games, so I have a hard time arguing that we didn't deserve either win.

The Cowboys deserve both wins both came under trying circumstances. They lost their top receiver in the opener and were still able to drive 78 yards with 1:29 left on the clock and no time outs to win the game. Romo went down vs Phily with just under 10 minutes to go in the game and Philly was far from out of the game. Without Romo it isn't very likely the Cowboys are going to win many passing battles if any until he gets back so they better figure out how to get the running game going.
They all seem to be saying the Giants should have won the 1st game and the only reason they lost is because of Eli. They all seem to conveniently forget that we dominated that game at the only reason the Giants were even in a position to win was because we handed them 3 turnovers. We have flat out dominated both of the games we've played so far and only our own mistakes have made it interesting.... SMH. I guess I'll never understand...

It's par for the course.
The Cowboys usually play their best when they're being disrespected it's one of the reasons I believe they surprised last season. Disrepect fuels their fire.
who cares, you have to learn as does the media, they cant tell you anything. With all the predicting and who knows this and that, did anyone predict that the Giants Cowboys game would come down to more screw ups than actually getting it done? So, i dont think of it as dis respect, just their way to remind people "at the kick of the ball, everything we said is useless"

Truth. Goes to show you.....the media can and will form peoples thought process.

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