Anyone else getting redirected to

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I'm constantly being redirected to while reading the forum. I haven't noticed it happening on other sites but I'm not 100% sure its limited to here, just trying to diagnose the problem, anyone else having this problem?
I'm constantly being redirected to while reading the forum. I haven't noticed it happening on other sites but I'm not 100% sure its limited to here, just trying to diagnose the problem, anyone else having this problem?


I can't even browse the site without being redirected.

I googled it - I didn't see anything saying how to make it stop.

I can't even browse the site without being redirected.

I googled it - I didn't see anything saying how to make it stop.

me neither, this is the best I've found so far:

These kinds of problems are typically caused by visiting a page that is malicious or has been hacked. That page displays a malicious scam message of some kind. The immediate solution is to clear website data from Safari

still trying to find another option so I don't have to clear my data and redo all my passwords, etc

Perhaps this forum has been hacked?
Mods, are we the only ones having this issue, its really acting up today and I can barely read anything without getting redirected.
Hmm. I've had no issues myself. Firefox / Chrome user here....if that matters...
I keep getting sent to softwareupdaterlp or something like that. It only happens on Cowboyszone. I thought it was my other computer had something on it, so I avoided the zone on that computer. Now it just started happening on my other computer too.
When this happens, post the URLs of the threads where it happened. Meaning, when you click on a link, and get redirected, post the link you clicked on in this thread.
me neither, this is the best I've found so far:

still trying to find another option so I don't have to clear my data and redo all my passwords, etc

Perhaps this forum has been hacked?

Let me make it clear .. this site has NOT been hacked.

It's most likely an embedded link/code posted by a user that is doing it, probably without the user knowing it. I just need some thread links to narrow it down to which user it is and I can block it.
I would also point out that I'm not convinced yet that it is something on CZ that's at fault, given that everything on Google references that the end-user has adware/malware installed on their computer.
Also, please post which browser you are using (Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari, etc.) and if you have any extensions/plugins/addons installed, list those as well.

I'm really leaning toward thinking it being that either you guys are infected with adware (not from this site) or an extension/addong/plugin that you have installed in your browser has implemented an auto-update that is highjacking links. This happened to me a few months ago with an extension I had used for over two years.
I got it on Chrome and Firefox. I'm thinking it might be a compromised advertising server after reviewing a recording of the website transaction (HttpWatch) that forwarded me to a different site.

I've verified that my PC is not infected and I'm not using any proxy. This occurs even after complete browser resets which removes all plugins.
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