Anyone else here seriously dislike Shanahan and Purdy

Nobody talks about him like he's Montana. Even 49ers fans are waiting for that moment where his limitations show. The thing, it just continues to not happen.
Nobody talks about him like he's Montana. Even 49ers fans are waiting for that moment where his limitations show. The thing, it just continues to not happen.
Are you telling me what I've observed? Yes, they talk about him like he always make the right reads and right throws and he's already a top 10 QB...with about 10 games under his belt.

Again, he's on a stacked team. Dak looked like the 2nd coming of Staubach his rookie year. Why? Partly because he was on a stacked team. Roethlisberger his rookie year - good rookie QB, but he was on a stacked team. People aren't talking about the stacked team, they would rather exxagerate Mr. Irrelevant as some 2nd coming of Montana.

I want him EXPOSED.
Are you telling me what I've observed? Yes, they talk about him like he always make the right reads and right throws and he's already a top 10 QB...with about 10 games under his belt.

Again, he's on a stacked team. Dak looked like the 2nd coming of Staubach his rookie year. Why? Partly because he was on a stacked team. Roethlisberger his rookie year - good rookie QB, but he was on a stacked team. People aren't talking about the stacked team, they would rather exxagerate Mr. Irrelevant as some 2nd coming of Montana.

I want him EXPOSED.
I'm saying you're completely exaggerating are. One of the main criticisms Purdy gets even from 49ers fans is that he doesn't take enough shots downfield.
I'm saying you're completely exaggerating are. One of the main criticisms Purdy gets even from 49ers fans is that he doesn't take enough shots downfield.
I'm saying that you need to ask questions before assume that I'm assuming...otherwise...

I live in the NY/NJ area. I talk to fans of all stripes. I listen to talk radio. I watch analysis. Many have spoken about him as if he's the second coming. Obviously any "second coming" reference is by nature hyperbolous, but that doesn't negate the irrational exuberance I've seen and heard.

Of course, there will be 49er fans who see what I see! That doesn't negate MY observations or MY point. Stay in your lane and speak of what YOU know.
I'm saying that you need to ask questions before assume that I'm assuming...otherwise...

I live in the NY/NJ area. I talk to fans of all stripes. I listen to talk radio. I watch analysis. Many have spoken about him as if he's the second coming. Obviously any "second coming" reference is by nature hyperbolous, but that doesn't negate the irrational exuberance I've seen and heard.

Of course, there will be 49er fans who see what I see! That doesn't negate MY observations or MY point. Stay in your lane and speak of what YOU know.
I don't care about your background. You're exaggerating because you're an emotional fan. Nobody speaks of Purdy as freakin' Joe Montana. That's an exaggeration. Nobody remotely says he's playing at that level. Nobody.

He's playing far above where he was drafted, obviously, and he's a likeable guy and player. That's it. Stop being weird.
I don't care about your background. You're exaggerating because you're an emotional fan. Nobody speaks of Purdy as freakin' Joe Montana. That's an exaggeration. Nobody remotely says he's playing at that level. Nobody.

He's playing far above where he was drafted, obviously, and he's a likeable guy and player. That's it. Stop being weird.
You need to stop taking a condescending tone when you have yet to make a point. I said people are playing him up and you then proceed to assume subjective things "he's a likeable guy" into your rational for why...people are treating him as if it's a normal phenomenon?

Sometimes you should shut up when you're behind. Make a cogent point, but don't tell me what I've heard or what I should think.
Not at all. I just can’t stand computer commandos like you. Pathetic creatures you are.
Computer commando is a very apt description, but for you, not me. Reread your original post. It’s textbook computer commando 101.
Computer commando is a very apt description, but for you, not me. Reread your original post. It’s textbook computer commando 101.
Again you might be too stupid to understand nuance. I was somewhat kidding to have some fun. You keep on being “special” though.
I very much dislike the SF 49ers. My hate goes back to the days of Montana and “The Catch”. I hated them in 1994. I hate them now. Shanahan is a classic NFL nepotism guy. He has been anointed as some sort of genius. Fact is he has been responsible for some of the dumbest coaching in the modern era. That Atlanta loss was all on him. I can’t stand the arrogance and the stupid flat brim ball cap. I am sorry if you don’t break in a hat you are a fool. Purdy had a reputation of being a punk in college. He looks like a punk too. Cocky little man thinks he is Steve Young out there. I can’t wait until he gets the pummeling that is certainly coming his way. The people in Northern CA deserve embarrassment. I really want to see Dallas smash these guys. I hate the Niners. Always have. Always will. Thoughts?
The Nepotism guy embarrassed us
I dont dislike them....jerry wouldnt have drafted or hired either one of them..but they are head and shoulders above MM and Dak...I wish we had them...
I don't care about your background. You're exaggerating because you're an emotional fan. Nobody speaks of Purdy as freakin' Joe Montana. That's an exaggeration. Nobody remotely says he's playing at that level. Nobody.

He's playing far above where he was drafted, obviously, and he's a likeable guy and player. That's it. Stop being weird.
I suspect you are a Dak stan who is in hiding so you probably won't watch this...

but in the first 10 seconds Rex Ryan says, "Just put a 16 on his jersey...because that's who he reminds me of ..."


Sometimes...when you think everyone else is "emotional"'s YOU that is in his feelings...

I very much dislike the SF 49ers. My hate goes back to the days of Montana and “The Catch”. I hated them in 1994. I hate them now. Shanahan is a classic NFL nepotism guy. He has been anointed as some sort of genius. Fact is he has been responsible for some of the dumbest coaching in the modern era. That Atlanta loss was all on him. I can’t stand the arrogance and the stupid flat brim ball cap. I am sorry if you don’t break in a hat you are a fool. Purdy had a reputation of being a punk in college. He looks like a punk too. Cocky little man thinks he is Steve Young out there. I can’t wait until he gets the pummeling that is certainly coming his way. The people in Northern CA deserve embarrassment. I really want to see Dallas smash these guys. I hate the Niners. Always have. Always will. Thoughts?
I wish we had both of them
I suspect you are a Dak stan who is in hiding so you probably won't watch this...

but in the first 10 seconds Rex Ryan says, "Just put a 16 on his jersey...because that's who he reminds me of ..."


Sometimes...when you think everyone else is "emotional"'s YOU that is in his feelings...

I was literally the first guy on this forum to criticize Dak heavily

@WillieBeamen This guy lol
It ain't San Fran's problem that we can't beat them or anybody great.... it's us. Such wasted energy to hate anybody we can't beat who is great when we're the problem in those games and have been for so many freaking years.
I was literally the first guy on this forum to criticize Dak heavily

@WillieBeamen This guy lol
OK then...we're both even for assuming. But you need to get out more rather than tell other grown men what they heard and that they are being "emotional". All you needed to do was listen...and stop trying to police other people's post.
Why? If you don't stand up to a bully, or respond in any way......Why hate on Shanahan and Purdy? ThTeam and Front Office should look at the Wizard of Oz on the big screen today.
I very much dislike the SF 49ers. My hate goes back to the days of Montana and “The Catch”. I hated them in 1994. I hate them now. Shanahan is a classic NFL nepotism guy. He has been anointed as some sort of genius. Fact is he has been responsible for some of the dumbest coaching in the modern era. That Atlanta loss was all on him. I can’t stand the arrogance and the stupid flat brim ball cap. I am sorry if you don’t break in a hat you are a fool. Purdy had a reputation of being a punk in college. He looks like a punk too. Cocky little man thinks he is Steve Young out there. I can’t wait until he gets the pummeling that is certainly coming his way. The people in Northern CA deserve embarrassment. I really want to see Dallas smash these guys. I hate the Niners. Always have. Always will. Thoughts?
I too am one of those haters of the old 9er teams, but we had Cowboy teams that took care of business when they played those 9er teams. We had HCs who would talk the talk and walk the walk because they had players who had their backs. We had players that could take a punch and at the same time would land their own punches, but after watching Shanahan and Purdy dismantle the defense on every drop back, I lov those guys and wish to GOD that they were on our sideline. Unfortunately for today's Cowboy fans, we're stuck with a HC who is past him prime and is just another failing retread in the NFL. As for this team, they're not going to play for any championship anytime soon, they're just a bunch of panty waste ball players trying to stay relevant in their own minds. They will never compete against the big ballers in this league.....NEVER!
No I can't dislike either of them. I respect them, they certainly have earned it by backing up what they say.

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