Anyone else on a New Years diet?

i have been dieting with weight watchers since march 07,
i have lost 60 pounds, even counting goin crazy during
the holidays. mainly i have been using portion control
with minimum exercise.
i also take fish oil caplets and my doc has me taking the glucosamine/chondrotin ( they really dont seem to be helping
my knee which has basically no cartilage left).
best advice- find whatever works for YOU, it does make you feel better.
It's really simple

You can eat whatever you want but in moderation and exercise.

I have always never had a weight problem and can't tell you how many times people comment, is that all you are going to eat? Well - duh - yeagh
Nors;1891570 said:
It's really simple

You can eat whatever you want but in moderation and exercise.

I have always never had a weight problem and can't tell you how many times people comment, is that all you are going to eat? Well - duh - yeagh

thats great but you cant compare your situation to everyone's. My weright is pretty regulated, even when i dont exercise and i do all the no-no's.

its just my natural metabolism. however at 38 and taking in plenty of extra caories from beer, wine etc i have had to watch my diet a little more.

Just dont judge those that dont have it so easy, there is sometimes more to it and some have to work harder at this.
CATCH 17.... why cant you have water with breakfast. do you realize the appropriate serving size for juice is 4 oz.

From your diet recall you are getting plenty of vitamins. Vit C is a reducing agent, meaning it can reduce free radicals....but when vit c comes in contact with other cells it reduces them too and turns those healthy ones into free radicals. Moderation is the key. Its all biochemistry. So in light of the fact that a large glass of OJ can have close to 300 calories of simple sugar, its not the best choice.

Also, i eat a big lunch and small dinner like you. But if you really want to accelarete wt loss, try a large salad with meat 3 times a week.

Anyway, i have a degree in nutrition science and there's not too much else i can say, you seem to be doing the right thing overall.
Hostile;1890700 said:
I shared this story with a poster on this forum some time back and it inspired him.

I have a friend named Burt who was a very heavy for his frame 300 pounds. He went out and bought a treadmill and started walking on it while watching TV in the evenings.

He lost 120 pounds in about a year. Now he is not only maintaining the weight but competing in triathlons.

The poster I shared this story with got inspired and lost like 85 pounds.

Funny enough, the best thing for my exercise habits has been....


I've been getting old HBO series like The Wire and Deadwood that I'd never seen before and I'll run on the treadmill while I'm watching them.

I only let myself watch an episode if I'm running, so when I get hooked on the series, I actually look forward to running so I can see what happens next on the show.

I normally hate running, but thanks to Netflix I've been at it for over 6 months now running about 4 or 5 miles a day 4 or 5 times a week. I was able to drop about 25 pounds over the first two months and I've kept if off by continuing to run.

But it is hard on the knees. I'm having my wife get me some glucosamine tomorrow!
If it were "really simple" there wouldn't be a single "Overweight" person on the planet.

Hoov;1891633 said:
CATCH 17.... why cant you have water with breakfast. do you realize the appropriate serving size for juice is 4 oz.

From your diet recall you are getting plenty of vitamins. Vit C is a reducing agent, meaning it can reduce free radicals....but when vit c comes in contact with other cells it reduces them too and turns those healthy ones into free radicals. Moderation is the key. Its all biochemistry. So in light of the fact that a large glass of OJ can have close to 300 calories of simple sugar, its not the best choice.

Also, i eat a big lunch and small dinner like you. But if you really want to accelarete wt loss, try a large salad with meat 3 times a week.

Anyway, i have a degree in nutrition science and there's not too much else i can say, you seem to be doing the right thing overall.

I shall be msg'ing you often with lots of questions. :D

My biggest problems are soda (freakin' addicted to Pepsi and Dr. Pepper) and late night eating. I've been typing out my meal plan weekly and that helps a lot. Been eating big salads every other day for dinner (usually with chicken or shrimp in them) and that helps a lot. Don't eat iceberg lettuce though. THey do nothign for you. I've been eating spinach or ceasar salads. They really fill me up.

I've been trying to limit my soda intake. Today I had no soda at all (only cuz I ran out and forced myself not to go buy more). Yesterday I had 2 sodas, tuesday I had 3 sodas, and monday I had 1 soda. At one point I was up to about a 12 pack a day. That much sugar will give you a nice round shape. Too bad I'm not looking for a nice round shape.

The biggest thing I've noticed about limiting my soda intake is I've been tired pretty much all the time. But I have problems sleeping. Any little noise wakes me up and eventhough I'm tired, I can't sleep. I'm hoping that will start to wear off.

I mentioned I type out my eating schedule weekly, here's an example of what it looks like:


Breakfast: bowl of cereal. Usually a "good" cereal like honey nut shredded wheat or raisin bran. I know they aren't "Great" for you, but it's better then Lucky Charms. I also don't drink normal milk. Humans are the only species that continue to drink milk after infancy. There are things in milk that are bad for humans. Yes, there's good too, but there's nothing in milk that you can't get in vitamin form or through some other food product. I drink Almond milk (vanilla flavored, unsweetened). It's delicious, good for you, and lasts A LOT longer then regular milk. I love that stuff. I get the unsweetened kind cuz it's already sweet as it is.

Snack: Usually my "after breakfast snack" is some kind of fruit. Banana, apple, pear, etc...

Lunch: Protein Shake. I make the shake BIG and it really fills me up. I don't always have a shake for lunch, this is just an example. I use the Myoplex brand. One packet with 1 1/2 cups of vanilla/unsweetened almond milk, 1 banana, 1 tablespoon of flax seed oil, 1 scoop of non-fat yogurt (the non flavored kind, it's just there for texture), and about a cup of ice. You can also sprinkle on some cinnamon powder for taste.

Snack: My after lunch snack is usually a "snack bar", a pop tart, or one of those 100 calorie snack packs (different flavors).

Dinner: Depends on what I had for lunch. If I had a shake for lunch, I'll have a healthy, normal meal like baked fish and brown rice, chicken, or something similiar. If I had a "normal" lunch, then I have a spinach or ceasar salad for dinner, with either chicken or shrimp tossed in with it.

Snack: I usually have problems with my dinners or after dinner snacks so I write down an after dinner snack so that I'll eat what's on the paper, not whatever junk I happen to run across. It can be either a 1/4 cup of raisins, pop tart, apple slices with peanut butter (not a lot of PB), 1 serving of pretzels, fruit, etc....

When I actually stick to my eating schedule I do great as far as dropping the lbs. But what screws me up is if I miss a meal or snack, I end up getting too hungry later on (almost always dinnertime) and I'll go out and buy a burger or pizza or something crappy like that.
Goldenrichards83;1891230 said:
Guys thank you for this information. I am 5'8 240 pounds and I have high blood pressure and acid reflux. I didn't know that drinking OJ made it worse. I needed to hear that.

Catch17 I have been taking fish oils for about a year now and they have made a big difference in my life. My goal is to get in shape in 2008. That means spiritually and physically. If you guys have anymore tips it will be very much appreciated.

I also have problems with my knees so first thing in the morning I will grab me some Glucosemine from the health food store.

Right now I am walking 3 miles a day 5 times a week and I stopped eating after 8pm. So far I have lost 3 pounds in 2 weeks.

If you dont mind me asking first how old are you?
Hoov;1891633 said:
CATCH 17.... why cant you have water with breakfast. do you realize the appropriate serving size for juice is 4 oz.

From your diet recall you are getting plenty of vitamins. Vit C is a reducing agent, meaning it can reduce free radicals....but when vit c comes in contact with other cells it reduces them too and turns those healthy ones into free radicals. Moderation is the key. Its all biochemistry. So in light of the fact that a large glass of OJ can have close to 300 calories of simple sugar, its not the best choice.

Also, i eat a big lunch and small dinner like you. But if you really want to accelarete wt loss, try a large salad with meat 3 times a week.

Anyway, i have a degree in nutrition science and there's not too much else i can say, you seem to be doing the right thing overall.

So do you think drinking a glass of orange juice and taking a viatamin C pill is to much Viatamin C?

I drink probably an 8-12 oz glass of Braums Orange juice in the morning.

Also since you have a degree in nutrition science im curious to know your thoughts on fish oil?
Rack try switching to Gatorade or something.

Sugar is a hard addiction to break. Just work you way down with other drinks besides pop.

Some of the Viatamin waters are really good too.

At the store pick up 2 or 3 gallons of water and just drink on that. Purified water is pretty good to drink by itself I think. Can't hardly stand tap though.

I just think you need to try giving your self other options that are healthier and work your way down.

12 freaking pops in a day man. Thats a lot of easy calories you could avoid.
Rack, I used to be addicted to Pepsi, and I do mean addicted. We had them free at work and I would drink 12 a day while at work and still buy a big gulp at night after work.

One day while I was doing the laundry I was reading an article in Muscle & Fitness about carbonation and how bad it was for you. Carbonation steals Oxygen from your blood stream. It takes you longer to heal cuts and stuff and takes your wind.

The article said that if you go to a track and run as hard and as fast as you can and measure the distance, then go off soda pop for a week and do it again you will go 15% father without any other training. I had to try it. I went about 35% farther and I couldn't deny I felt great. That was October 1988. I have not had carbonation since. I don't miss it and will never drink another soda pop as long as I live.

BTW, to anyone who drinks diet soda. If you have regular headaches and want them to stop quit drinking that stuff. Please read up on the artificial sweeteners they use in diet soda. It is nothing but poison.
Reading this stuff is pretty motivating. Right now, I'm bigger than I've ever been. I'm 6'4" and weigh a bit over 300 pounds. I've lost weight in the past, but I've always gained it back. My biggest issue is that I think of it as a short term solution to a long-term problem when it basically has to be a lifestyle change.

I mean, just over two years ago, I had lost 70 pounds, but I've since gained it all back plus a little bit more. I've eaten very poorly over that period of time and basically done zero exercise.

Fastfood and sodas are my biggest thing. On the way to work, I grab two 1 liter drinks. Sometimes one of them is water and other times, both are something full of sugar. I just tell myself I'm thirsty and basically ignore the fact that water quenches a thirst better than anything.

So, I'm going to take some of the advice in here and make a change. I wonder if we should all post start and end pictures. :D
Hostile;1891865 said:
Rack, I used to be addicted to Pepsi, and I do mean addicted. We had them free at work and I would drink 12 a day while at work and still buy a big gulp at night after work.

One day while I was doing the laundry I was reading an article in Muscle & Fitness about carbonation and how bad it was for you. Carbonation steals Oxygen from your blood stream. It takes you longer to heal cuts and stuff and takes your wind.

The article said that if you go to a track and run as hard and as fast as you can and measure the distance, then go off soda pop for a week and do it again you will go 15% father without any other training. I had to try it. I went about 35% farther and I couldn't deny I felt great. That was October 1988. I have not had carbonation since. I don't miss it and will never drink another soda pop as long as I live.

BTW, to anyone who drinks diet soda. If you have regular headaches and want them to stop quit drinking that stuff. Please read up on the artificial sweeteners they use in diet soda. It is nothing but poison.

Thanks Hos. Yeah I know it's bad for me, I'm just a stubborn SOB. Still, I've had only about a 6-pack... all week. That's a big improvement for me.

ALso, there's an ingredient in diet sodas called "Aspartame" that can be fatal in large amounts (in rare cases). From what I understand aspartame, when mixed with the acids in your stomach, turns into phermaldrahyde (I know I spelled it wrong). So if you drink a lot of diet sodas, you can do some damage.

Also, for some reason diet sodas give me BAD gas. But they usually smell like burnt rubber. Like I've got a little '68 charger in my belly doing doughnuts, which would explain...

I'm 90% positive I have at least one ulcer. I've got all the symptoms, and a couple of years ago I had to take meds to remove the h.pylori bacteria in my stomach. A usual side effect to having that bacteria is ulcers.

Also, another side effect to people who have had h.pylori bacteria in them is they are slow digesters. I can eat a normal meal and it has literally taken me 6-8 hours to digest the food. I walk my dogs often and walking helps, but it gets annoying burping up food I had for lunch 6 hours after the fact.
Ozzu;1891886 said:
Reading this stuff is pretty motivating. Right now, I'm bigger than I've ever been. I'm 6'4" and weigh a bit over 300 pounds. I've lost weight in the past, but I've always gained it back. My biggest issue is that I think of it as a short term solution to a long-term problem when it basically has to be a lifestyle change.

I mean, just over two years ago, I had lost 70 pounds, but I've since gained it all back plus a little bit more. I've eaten very poorly over that period of time and basically done zero exercise.

Fastfood and sodas are my biggest thing. On the way to work, I grab two 1 liter drinks. Sometimes one of them is water and other times, both are something full of sugar. I just tell myself I'm thirsty and basically ignore the fact that water quenches a thirst better than anything.

So, I'm going to take some of the advice in here and make a change. I wonder if we should all post start and end pictures. :D
I love water, and I mean I really love it. If someone treats me to an expensive dinner and has money to burn, I will probably still order water for my drink.

The article I mentioned in my response to Rack talked about water a lot. They said if you were marooned on an island with an endless of soda pop you but no water could actually die of dehydration because there is not enough water in soda pop to sustain life.

Water is life.
I just weighed myself, I'm up to 260 now. That's 10 freakin' lbs since before Christmas.

Been eating better the last week and a half though and I haven't had a soda in two days. Still... 260?!

I need to get myself back under 190. Damn.`
CATCH17;1891824 said:
If you dont mind me asking first how old are you?

I will be 40 in July. The link you posted about fish oils was very helpful. Like I said I have been taking them for awhile now but I was only taking them like 3 or 4 times a week. I emailed the link to all my family and I will up my dosage to at least 1 a day.
locked&loaded;1891474 said:
Im trying to gain weight, Lift 4 days a week and run. Eat tons of protein. Ive gained 17 pounds in two months.

Bow out of this thread right now, or we may have to kill you...
Hostile;1891865 said:
Rack, I used to be addicted to Pepsi, and I do mean addicted. We had them free at work and I would drink 12 a day while at work and still buy a big gulp at night after work.

One day while I was doing the laundry I was reading an article in Muscle & Fitness about carbonation and how bad it was for you. Carbonation steals Oxygen from your blood stream. It takes you longer to heal cuts and stuff and takes your wind.

The article said that if you go to a track and run as hard and as fast as you can and measure the distance, then go off soda pop for a week and do it again you will go 15% father without any other training. I had to try it. I went about 35% farther and I couldn't deny I felt great. That was October 1988. I have not had carbonation since. I don't miss it and will never drink another soda pop as long as I live.

BTW, to anyone who drinks diet soda. If you have regular headaches and want them to stop quit drinking that stuff. Please read up on the artificial sweeteners they use in diet soda. It is nothing but poison.
In my high school days I used to drink 10- 12 Dr. Peppers a day. Most of the time I would wake up in the morning with very noticable pain in my legs. I cant remember what, but something triggered a decision to cut soft drinks from my diet, not only did the pain go away but there was a very obvious improvment in my health.

Cows milk is another product that has had a profoundly negative effect on my health. Milk doesnt effect my stomach, but after drinking it I feels I have glue in my head, literally! Very alergic reaction.
I'm 6'2", a few years ago I weighed 250-260ish. I went on a diet and started exercising. Mainly my 'diet' was eliminating soda from the equation and eating less. I switched to diet soda, and after awhile I got down to 175. Since then I've quit exercising for the most part and gotten back up to 195 during football season/holidays. I'm not fat again yet, but I'm getting there... my pants are getting a little tight for my liking.

Anyway I'm trying to get back down to 180-185 and I'm seriously considering not drinking any form of soda now in addition to dieting. Problem is I work alot more now, at a sedentary job. It's hard to find the motivation to exercise, so I'm gonna try the diet approach first, then I might start exercising again if that doesn't do the trick, and if I can find the willpower.

I gotta quit smoking too, eventually. That's going to be the real challenge.
Love this thread.

No, I got back into the habit before new years.

I became a vegetarian about 2 years ago, and in the last year and a half have become a literal health nut. Last year at the exact same time as now, I was on my way to being in shape for the first time in my life when my professional life situation caused me a great deal of depression.

Since then I have gotten back on the horse. I am no longer a true vegetarian - I eat fish, because it is essential. The longest living cultures and people tend to eat mostly vegetables, grains, etc., but include fish in their diet. I eat fish every single day. I wish I could find an alternative for the Omega 3, but until I start eating stupid amounts of spinach and walnuts, fish it is.

I also believe in whole foods, fruits, vegetables, grains, etc. Processed food does not enter my body. I plan my diet out weekly and daily and program my food into CalorieKing. I know at the end of the day the number of calories I eat, protein, carbs, etc. I adjust to things that work.

This might seem silly, but when you have battled weight like I have, it is a necessity. My health and fitness has become an obsession.

My day is as follows:

Wake up at 5 AM, eat a high fiber, high-moderate carb, moderate-low protein breakfast to start the day. Low fat (Kashi cereal, nonfat milk, an apple, vegetarian sausages, cottage cheese, etc.) 1 tomato or other fibrous vegetable or fruit

8AM, arrive at work, eat 1can tuna and possibly 15 Kashi whole grain crackers, and some broccoli or carrots

11AM, eat a lunch good protein and solid carbs
, sushi or something is a good choice. Make sure to get some vegetables

2PM - Almonds, fruit, or another good snack that starts moving toward more protein

5PM arrive home, drink part of a protein shake, go to the gym

5:30-7 - Weight liftiing and cardio. Do everything with intensity. No less than 30 min cardio, make sure to vary everything. STRETCH STRETCH STRETCH

7:15 Post workout whey shake (2 scoops) with 2 c milk

9 - Dinner with a protein and maybe some carbs, vegetables always. I might have a skinny-cow iced cream sandwich if I did well that day

10:30 - 11 - Bedtime.

The way you feel when you care about your fitness and nutrition is amazing compared to when you didn't take care of yourself.

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