Anyone else on a New Years diet?

No way that I can be a vegetarian as I
Love meat way, way, too much
But I try to workout the best that I can
Though I have a stomachache as of lately.
Passepartout;1893420 said:
No way that I can be a vegetarian as I
Love meat way, way, too much
But I try to workout the best that I can
Though I have a stomachache as of lately.

I couldn't tell if that was a poem with the multiple line changes.:laugh2:

That being said - I have never tried to convert someone to being a vegetarian. I won't do it to you. I won't preach about it or anything. It's just what I do.

But really, it irks me to no end when I hear someone say "I could never be a vegetarian, I like meat too much." Just say it the way you mean it - "I don't want to be a vegetarian." It's simpler and more honest. I love meat. Let me say that again - I love, love LOVE beef and pork and chicken. I was a carnivore. It had nothing to do with the taste. But I decided that my conviction was stronger than my desire. When someone says they can't do something, anything, be it be a vegetarian, exercise, read a book, etc., it gets on my nerves. You can do whatever you want to do. Want is the key word.
Do any of you eat only organic foods?

I have a friend who does and he swears by it. It's certainly more expensive to do so. Just curious.
Hostile;1893532 said:
Do any of you eat only organic foods?

I have a friend who does and he swears by it. It's certainly more expensive to do so. Just curious.

I started to for a while, but decided it to be a racket. I know some people swear by it, but the only thing I think is truely important is WHOLE foods. That is, stuff that is grown or cut, not stuff that is in a box. If I look at an ingredient list and those things aren't available to me individually, I try not to eat it.

When I do eat processed foods, I make sure it is healthy, such as the Kashi multi-grain stuff.

Now, if I had access to a farmer's market nearby, I would probably buy produce from local growers. I think seasonal produce is a good thing.
Crown Royal;1893883 said:
I started to for a while, but decided it to be a racket. I know some people swear by it, but the only thing I think is truely important is WHOLE foods. That is, stuff that is grown or cut, not stuff that is in a box. If I look at an ingredient list and those things aren't available to me individually, I try not to eat it.

When I do eat processed foods, I make sure it is healthy, such as the Kashi multi-grain stuff.

Now, if I had access to a farmer's market nearby, I would probably buy produce from local growers. I think seasonal produce is a good thing.

If I eat like you will I look like that guy in your avatar?
CATCH17;1894115 said:
If I eat like you will I look like that guy in your avatar?

Add in some hard vodka and maybe some mayonnaise milkshakes and you are on your way, sir.
locked&loaded;1894489 said:
if you can catch me.:D..;)


Oh man, that was cruel! :D

About the organic foods thing... organic food isn't any more or less fattening then their "Non" organic counterparts. WHat's good about organic food is it isn't filled with preservatives which can be unhealthy.

So organic food is healthier, but not necessarily in a "Lose weight" kind of way. Although most organic type foods are "lose weight" type of foods like fruits and vegetables. You don't see many organic chocolate bars.
I am not on a new years diet, but over the past 2 months I have lost 12 lbs. I am on fluid restriction so I eat alot of ice all day. I don't drink anything unless I get a sip at dinner and a sip at night when I take my meds.
28bringinthewood;1896310 said:
I am not on a new years diet, but over the past 2 months I have lost 12 lbs. I am on fluid restriction so I eat alot of ice all day. I don't drink anything unless I get a sip at dinner and a sip at night when I take my meds.
Give us a health update.
Hostile;1890700 said:
I shared this story with a poster on this forum some time back and it inspired him.

I have a friend named Burt who was a very heavy for his frame 300 pounds. He went out and bought a treadmill and started walking on it while watching TV in the evenings.

He lost 120 pounds in about a year. Now he is not only maintaining the weight but competing in triathlons.

The poster I shared this story with got inspired and lost like 85 pounds.

I'm that poster. One of the things that impresses me about this place are the classy people here, Cowboys fans or not.

I basically just got to a point where I had to I want to make excuses at age 32 for not dating, not socializing because of my weight/embarrassment over having let myself go. Did I want to grow angrier, bitter, and more depressed with each passing year I did nothing?

Once I finally answered an emphatic "NO"...which took years...because for years I rationalized that it was ok to overeat, ok to feel sorry for myself blah blah blah....only then did I have the strength to swallow my pride and go to this weight loss program which consisted basically of 5 protein shakes a day. That's it.

I lost the first half of my weight that way. Once my BMI began getting closer into the healthy range, I resumed a normal diet and increased my exercise.

I feel like I'm a nicer and more open person now because I'm happier and more content with myself. Yet at the same time I also have the self-confidence after going through this experience to take it or leave it.

Years ago I would be crushed if a gal I liked didn't feel the same way. Now, its take it or leave it.

I feel that if and when I do meet the right person, I'll be a better man and husband as a result of this experience. I feel like I am much better at evaluating others as a result of having to do my own soul-searching
Goldenrichards83;1891230 said:
Guys thank you for this information. I am 5'8 240 pounds and I have high blood pressure and acid reflux. I didn't know that drinking OJ made it worse. I needed to hear that.

Catch17 I have been taking fish oils for about a year now and they have made a big difference in my life. My goal is to get in shape in 2008. That means spiritually and physically. If you guys have anymore tips it will be very much appreciated.

I also have problems with my knees so first thing in the morning I will grab me some Glucosemine from the health food store.

Right now I am walking 3 miles a day 5 times a week and I stopped eating after 8pm. So far I have lost 3 pounds in 2 weeks.

If your motivated enough to do that then your at least on the right path.

With bad knees im sure it is more difficult to do some things. But remember you control how much you do and don't do.

Are you able to do lower body exercises? If so you should try building more strength in those legs.

Do standing squats. Like 3 x 15 or how ever many you preffer.

Do 3 sets of lunges x 8 reps.

Your biggest weapon against all of this is your own mind. You can't hope things happen, you have to MAKE things happen. You control all of it.

You can look like one of those guys on the Bow Flex commercials if you so desire.

When your mind starts thinking of reasons why you cant then you have to stop and tell your mind reasons why YOU CAN! Plant good seeds and let them spread. Kill the bad seeds before they ever form root.

Set goals also. Dont be affraid to go step on the scale and see how much you weigh and try to have a target number of pounds to lose.

When you go for your walk try throwing in a little bit of jogging. You dont have to run further than 10 feet. Just take baby steps. Just make sure you get a little bit better after each day.

Add some push ups to your exercise 2 or 3 times a week. If you can only do 5 then just do 2 sets of 5.

Drink less beverages with Calories. Water can save you so many calories. 1 pop has about 140 calories. Water has 0. Use those calories on food.

Try to get below 2000 calories each day. If you monitor your calories right you can eat more of the food you love and still lose weight. 1700 - 1900 range with exercise will melt pounds right off of you.

How is your diet? Is it pretty clean? AVG? Or sloppy?

When I lost my 85 pounds all the diet and exercise was definetely worth it. I still work out 5 times a week and monitor my eating habits.

The first 7 days of starting a diet is pretty rough to me. After that it just becomes routine. Like its nothing at all. I enjoy going to bed knowing im going to wake up just a little bit better.

Just keep taking small steps towards getting better and one day all of those small steps will add up. Maybe you will be jogging 1 mile a day and walking 2.

Maybe someday youll jog all 3!
Rack;1891699 said:
The biggest thing I've noticed about limiting my soda intake is I've been tired pretty much all the time. But I have problems sleeping. Any little noise wakes me up and eventhough I'm tired, I can't sleep. I'm hoping that will start to wear off.

I have problems sleeping as well. I started taking Melatonin and it has really helped me get more rest.
Boom;1906171 said:
I have problems sleeping as well. I started taking Melatonin and it has really helped me get more rest.

My fiance had asked me if the melatonin had helped me sleep and I was like "What melatonin? What is that?". She was like, "You said you bought it to help you sleep."

I still don't know what she was talking about. I don't remember buying it and never even heard of it before. lol

One of us is going crazy. But now that you mention it, I'll have to go get some and try it out.
CATCH17;1905937 said:
If your motivated enough to do that then your at least on the right path.

With bad knees im sure it is more difficult to do some things. But remember you control how much you do and don't do.

Are you able to do lower body exercises? If so you should try building more strength in those legs.

Do standing squats. Like 3 x 15 or how ever many you preffer.

Do 3 sets of lunges x 8 reps.

Your biggest weapon against all of this is your own mind. You can't hope things happen, you have to MAKE things happen. You control all of it.

You can look like one of those guys on the Bow Flex commercials if you so desire.

When your mind starts thinking of reasons why you cant then you have to stop and tell your mind reasons why YOU CAN! Plant good seeds and let them spread. Kill the bad seeds before they ever form root.

Set goals also. Dont be affraid to go step on the scale and see how much you weigh and try to have a target number of pounds to lose.

When you go for your walk try throwing in a little bit of jogging. You dont have to run further than 10 feet. Just take baby steps. Just make sure you get a little bit better after each day.

Add some push ups to your exercise 2 or 3 times a week. If you can only do 5 then just do 2 sets of 5.

Drink less beverages with Calories. Water can save you so many calories. 1 pop has about 140 calories. Water has 0. Use those calories on food.

Try to get below 2000 calories each day. If you monitor your calories right you can eat more of the food you love and still lose weight. 1700 - 1900 range with exercise will melt pounds right off of you.

How is your diet? Is it pretty clean? AVG? Or sloppy?

When I lost my 85 pounds all the diet and exercise was definetely worth it. I still work out 5 times a week and monitor my eating habits.

The first 7 days of starting a diet is pretty rough to me. After that it just becomes routine. Like its nothing at all. I enjoy going to bed knowing im going to wake up just a little bit better.

Just keep taking small steps towards getting better and one day all of those small steps will add up. Maybe you will be jogging 1 mile a day and walking 2.

Maybe someday youll jog all 3!
Man i really appreciatte the response. I actually printed everything you said out and will follow it to the T.

At night I do a 100 pushups and a 100 situps before I go to bed and I drink only water and Green teas now.

One thing I have to do is read labels. High Frutose corn syrup are in alot of foods that are supposingly good for you. Like those lipton Green teas. Anyway thanks dog.
Goldenrichards83;1906428 said:
Man i really appreciatte the response. I actually printed everything you said out and will follow it to the T.

At night I do a 100 pushups and a 100 situps before I go to bed and I drink only water and Green teas now.

One thing I have to do is read labels. High Frutose corn syrup are in alot of foods that are supposingly good for you. Like those lipton Green teas. Anyway thanks dog.

Hey they make Green Tea in Pill form too.

The brand I used was called Mega T Green Tea with hoodia. Its in the viatamin section at wal mart.

The Hoodia in it is from a cactus and it causes you not to feel as hungry through the day.

It works too. Not at first but eventually it will calm an appetite on a consistent basis.

Plus Green Tea helps boost your metabolism. Just don't ever take it on a empty stomach!

If your eating right, taking fish oil, green tea, and exercising you are going to be one healthy dude.

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