Anyone Else Tired of Incompetent Ownership and Being Lied To?


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What I’m tired of is you constantly telling people how to feel and getting away with it.
I don’t tell you how to feel. You do you. I just point out the moral implications which pisses you guys off. That’s pretty telling.


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Nah, I never expect much from them. I'm not surprised, a bit disappointed but, by no means fed up. If I was, I wouldn't spend my time on here getting pissed off.
I used to get worked up....about 23 years ago that changed. It's not worth getting worked up for, or ruining my day. I understand the guys that like to complain, I mess with them. That's how I have my fun around here.
Exactly. It’s totally out of our control. I take enjoyment out of every season. I’ve seen teams come out of nowhere in December and win the Super Bowl. It’s the NFL. Anything can happen.


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Anyone Else Tired of Incompetent Ownership and Being Lied To?​

Nah it's great, and don't worry. The Jerry boot lickers will be here soon to tell you he is a great owner, and regale with tales of success from when Clinton was in his first term.
At least one already is here.

big dog cowboy

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Jerry Jones lied to our faces when he said that we are all in.
No he didn't. What you think "all in" means and what he thinks "all in" means is 2 different things.

When he said it, everyone thought that meant he would do whatever it took to win another super bowl.

The fans, the media all thought that and ran with it. Unfortunately, because since that day it's been all in, all in! all in! Only not the way Jerry meant it.


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No he didn't. What you think "all in" means and what he thinks "all in" means is 2 different things.

When he said it, everyone thought that meant he would do whatever it took to win another super bowl.

The fans, the media all thought that and ran with it. Unfortunately, because since that day it's been all in, all in! all in! Only not the way Jerry meant it.
Why would Jerry do that? To buy a month for everyone to lay off? This QB is answering questions about it and doesnt (publicly) know what Jerry means either. He said it because he was drunk...


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I have been a fan for 50+ years. In the heart of Eagles Country. Taken a lot of crap from Eagles fans over the years but never wavered in my love of the Blue and Silver. But this first day of Legal Tampering is the straw that broke the camel's back. Jerry Jones made the statement that we are all in for this coming year. But here we are 7 hours into the first day and we are one of the few teams that have yet to make even one move. We have even lost quite a few of our own players at this point.
Jerry Jones lied to our faces when he said that we are all in. I have always been the optimistic Cowboys fan on here and amongst my friends who are Cowboys fans. But this is it. I am tired of the BS that we get daily. I had put aside some of my vacation time this year to go see a home game in Arlington. I will spend that time doing something else now. I won't spend another dime on Cowboys merchandise either. Almost 30 years of futility and this is what we get as all in?
Anyone else as fed up with the team and ownership as I am? The only way to hurt this ownership is to stop spending money on the product. So that's what I will do. Any other ideas?
Way past that for several years now. The 09 draft was the breaking point for me.


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Why would Jerry do that? To buy a month for everyone to lay off? This QB is answering questions about it and doesnt (publicly) know what Jerry means either. He said it because he was drunk...
Jerry is completely unwilling to do what it takes to win another super bowl. He is well aware that it's not w/ him as the GM but insists on retaining that job and making us take the Schooners and Kelvin's and Trysten Hill's of the league.


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No he didn't. What you think "all in" means and what he thinks "all in" means is 2 different things.

When he said it, everyone thought that meant he would do whatever it took to win another super bowl.

The fans, the media all thought that and ran with it. Unfortunately, because since that day it's been all in, all in! all in! Only not the way Jerry meant it.
Come on Big Dog, dont give me the semantics dog and pony show.

When you say "ALL-IN", the Cowboys knew dam well what that means and how that was going to be interpreted by both the fans and the media and they were totally fine with it.

So yes, it was a bold face lie to the fan base because they are not doing anything different from any other year, so how can THIS year be "all-in" if you are just going to do the same dam thing you do every year?


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Jerry is completely unwilling to do what it takes to win another super bowl. He is well aware that it's not w/ him as the GM but insists on retaining that job and making us take the Schooners and Kelvin's and Trysten Hill's of the league.
Does anyone actually believe either one of them have the skill set/knowledge it takes to be an NFL GM?

I guess McClay is supposed to handle that as part of the sham but if a contract gets to serious numbers his opinion is out.

I just don’t see the system working and it hasn’t. The one single team that was deer in headlights today.

It’s just crazy that they seem to think it does work and refuse to even consider a change


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
I have been a fan for 50+ years. In the heart of Eagles Country. Taken a lot of crap from Eagles fans over the years but never wavered in my love of the Blue and Silver. But this first day of Legal Tampering is the straw that broke the camel's back. Jerry Jones made the statement that we are all in for this coming year. But here we are 7 hours into the first day and we are one of the few teams that have yet to make even one move. We have even lost quite a few of our own players at this point.
Jerry Jones lied to our faces when he said that we are all in. I have always been the optimistic Cowboys fan on here and amongst my friends who are Cowboys fans. But this is it. I am tired of the BS that we get daily. I had put aside some of my vacation time this year to go see a home game in Arlington. I will spend that time doing something else now. I won't spend another dime on Cowboys merchandise either. Almost 30 years of futility and this is what we get as all in?
Anyone else as fed up with the team and ownership as I am? The only way to hurt this ownership is to stop spending money on the product. So that's what I will do. Any other ideas?
For the 1st time in a long time, I am happy with the ownership's decision to probably eat our QB cap hit giving no extension.
They were never big-time spender in the Fa market to begin with.
Spending money requires cap $ and the price to be paid to obtain that cap this off-season does bigger damage to the team than picking up some stud Fa's.
Easy right????????????????????


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Jerry “we are all in this year!”. Fans “hell yes Jerry”. Parcells “Consider yourself sucked”


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I gave up on this ownership a looooooong time ago. And, honestly, I feel it's going to be worse up Stephen "Cap Boy" Jones.

Oh well. Over the past decade and a half, I've just succumbed to the fact that a Super Bowl appearance is just a pipe dream, and that the best I can expect are some entertaining regular season games. That's about it.
You sir are on the right track with some realistic expectations


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Jerry said “all in” to take some of the sting off the horrible playoff loss to GB. He already knew Big Mike was coming back, to throw all the fans and media off the clear failure, he tossed a worthless phrase out and everyone thought it meant buying a SuperBowl team.

It is the collective fans/media fault for believing anything he says.


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This is the only way they’d ever change.
I honestly don’t think anything would change if we went 0-17. The players would interview after every game and say the usual, we have to look at the film and get better blah blah blah. Jerry would interview after the season and say we have a championship team.


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Wish someone in the media down there would call out his BS.


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I draw parallels between the way the Cowboys manage the salary cap and the way the U.S. government manages the national debt. Always kicking the can down the road and never paying the bill off completely. Yes other teams do that to some degree, but no other team has "paid their own" the way we have and with that have way overpaid in many instances. Year after year we kick the can and there is never any relief. Other teams get to rebuild, flush the cap and enjoy a couple of seasons of high draft picks. Instead we ride the one and done in the playoffs wave.

Just as America needs to flush bad money out of the economy and endure the pain of a real depression/recession, the Dallas Cowboys need to do the same. Pay for past sins and get it over with.