Anyone ever been on high-dose prednisone?

Kristi;3880440 said:
I have Lupus and have been on massive doses of prednisone over the course of my life. I have had taken 100 mg orally and tapered down slowly and when the disease caused my paralysis they were injecting me with a doses up to 400 mg at a time to reduce swelling in spinal cord. I went into the hospital at 130 lb, within a month I was on the rehab unit and weighed 160 lb and I wasn't eating. That is how nasty that drug is!

As for the side effects -- it depends on the person. I get weight gain, puffy face, hair loss, dry skin, insomnia on the high doses, figity, can't sit still, depression, anxiety, snappy, feel hungry all the time, etc.

I think my depression from it comes from the massive hair loss and weight gain. That's hard on a girl at any age. And the teasing I endured between 10-13 was horrible on top of it. I relapsed at 15 and 21 and those two side effects are worse on my self-esteem then anything horrible the Lupus is doing to my body.

The drug is a miracle worker, but you would think for as long as it is been around and how many different diseases they use to treat things, you would think they could weed out some of the side effects.

If I can give you a piece of advice DO NOT taper too fast. I have paid the price in rushing it and/or not taking the full dose. You just end up taking it longer and prolonging the side effects.

The weight is mostly water weight and comes off with some work once you are off the medication.

Hope you get better soon and off that nasty drug!!

I'm sorry to hear about you having Lupus, I hope your doing better now. Thanks for the advice, and I was reading today that most of it is Water weight which is news I was very glad to hear. The insomnia is also getting bad, i've been getting around 4-6 hours of sleep and just playing on on my iphone the rest of the night lol.
Romo 2 Austin;3880136 said:
Thanks for all the support guys.

We're a family in here, young friend...

The kind of family that makes the Simpsons look sane, but a family none the less...

Get well...
Romo 2 Austin;3880187 said:
Thank's, I just hope the rate of weight gain slows down as I start tapering off, or i'll be living in the gym this summer just to get back to where I was. During my 3 week stay in the hospital I went from 175 pds lean, able to bench 200 lbs 70 pushups 12 pullups, now I haven't gone to the gym but im down to 145 with a bit of a stomach and could only get 8 pushups, I didn't eat at all for 2 of the weeks in the hospital and was on nutritional support. Really sad all those years of work in football/the gym wasted because of this illness.

Don't worry man, you'll gain it in no time. Just eat, eat, eat, and lift. I'm talking 4,000 calories. I went from 120 in the tenth grade to a little over 210 the summer before I started University. If you eat like I'm saying, you should be able to put on that 30 pounds in a few months. Keep your head up!
Many intestinal conditions are caused by bacteria. Stomach ulcers are usually caused by helicobacter pylori and irritable bowel syndrome, colitis and Crohn's disease are also caused by or contributed to by bacteria.

I am not a doctor and I cannot give any medical advice but I can discuss the known properties of non-irradiated raw garlic and how it works when administered in different ways.

After being tested to be sure it has not been irradiated (see below) let the crushed pulp from two average size cloves (not bulbs) set in air for 90 minutes in order to build up enough allicin to be of maximum effectiveness and then add to a gallon of warm water.

Crushed raw non-irradiated garlic (CRG) kills all bacteria on contact and no bacteria, including MRSA (methicillin resistant staph aureus), can become resistant to CRG because it kills bacteria in a different way than commercial antibiotics. Doctors are not allowed to recommend it because there is no FDA treatment protocol that includes the use of garlic or any other herbal treatment or folk medicine.

A garlic water enema administered while lying on the back in a bathtub and rolling around to let it slosh all over the colon can give almost immediate relief and in more serious cases, additional enemas may be called for. Eating garlic does not work because the digestive juices change the garlic and neutralize the allicin which is the most antibiotic compound in CRG.

One can also lie in a bathtub of garlic water for an hour or two and it will soak in through the skin and be helpful in other parts of the body but the enema is the best way to bring the highly antibiotic garlic water into direct contact with the bacteria in the colon so it can do its job.

Yes, you will smell like garlic for a few hours but that seems to me to be a small price to pay for a cheap solution to a miserable condition.

Only natural non-irradiated garlic works but there is a way to tell the difference. Remove a clove from a bulb of garlic and cut the clove vertically down the center and lay open the two halves and look for a small growing shoot in the center of the clove and if it has one, it is good garlic and will work.

Most of the bulk garlic sold in stores is from China and some of the garlic from China has been irradiated to keep it from sprouting because sprouting ruins its shelf life. Chinese growers usually grow the Asiatic variety of garlic and Asiatic garlics have the shortest shelf life of all garlics so many of their growers irradiate their garlic to make it store longer but that kills it and it has no health benfits. Irradiated garlic tastes like garlic but is not hot when eaten raw whereas most natural garlic is hot when eaten raw. If there is no internal sprout but only an empty sheath, then it has been irradiated and will not work because the enzyme that causes the reactions will be de-natured and no enzymatic action can occur.

No, I am not a doctor and cannot give any medical advice but I am personally acquainted with and occasionally correspond with three of the most respected chemists in the world doing research into the properties of garlic that have been published in peer review periodicals and I have a pretty good idea of how it works and why. Google the names Larry D. Lawson, Ph.D., Eric Block, Ph. D. (Chemistry Chair, SUNY, Albany, NY) and David Mirelman, Ph.D. (Chemistry Chair of Weitzman Institute in Rehovot, Israel) and see what you find. While you're at it, Google Staph and Garlic and see what you find.

I pass on the information I have learned from these distingushed gentlemen to people who might be able to use it to help themselves. I don't advise anything, it is up to each individual to decide for themselves what if, anything, to do.

The choice is yours.

Hope this helps.
notherbob;3880755 said:
Many intestinal conditions are caused by bacteria. Stomach ulcers are usually caused by helicobacter pylori and irritable bowel syndrome, colitis and Crohn's disease are also caused by or contributed to by bacteria.

I am not a doctor and I cannot give any medical advice but I can discuss the known properties of non-irradiated raw garlic and how it works when administered in different ways.

After being tested to be sure it has not been irradiated (see below) let the crushed pulp from two average size cloves (not bulbs) set in air for 90 minutes in order to build up enough allicin to be of maximum effectiveness and then add to a gallon of warm water.

Crushed raw non-irradiated garlic (CRG) kills all bacteria on contact and no bacteria, including MRSA (methicillin resistant staph aureus), can become resistant to CRG because it kills bacteria in a different way than commercial antibiotics. Doctors are not allowed to recommend it because there is no FDA treatment protocol that includes the use of garlic or any other herbal treatment or folk medicine.

A garlic water enema administered while lying on the back in a bathtub and rolling around to let it slosh all over the colon can give almost immediate relief and in more serious cases, additional enemas may be called for. Eating garlic does not work because the digestive juices change the garlic and neutralize the allicin which is the most antibiotic compound in CRG.

One can also lie in a bathtub of garlic water for an hour or two and it will soak in through the skin and be helpful in other parts of the body but the enema is the best way to bring the highly antibiotic garlic water into direct contact with the bacteria in the colon so it can do its job.

Yes, you will smell like garlic for a few hours but that seems to me to be a small price to pay for a cheap solution to a miserable condition.

Only natural non-irradiated garlic works but there is a way to tell the difference. Remove a clove from a bulb of garlic and cut the clove vertically down the center and lay open the two halves and look for a small growing shoot in the center of the clove and if it has one, it is good garlic and will work.

Most of the bulk garlic sold in stores is from China and some of the garlic from China has been irradiated to keep it from sprouting because sprouting ruins its shelf life. Chinese growers usually grow the Asiatic variety of garlic and Asiatic garlics have the shortest shelf life of all garlics so many of their growers irradiate their garlic to make it store longer but that kills it and it has no health benfits. Irradiated garlic tastes like garlic but is not hot when eaten raw whereas most natural garlic is hot when eaten raw. If there is no internal sprout but only an empty sheath, then it has been irradiated and will not work because the enzyme that causes the reactions will be de-natured and no enzymatic action can occur.

No, I am not a doctor and cannot give any medical advice but I am personally acquainted with and occasionally correspond with three of the most respected chemists in the world doing research into the properties of garlic that have been published in peer review periodicals and I have a pretty good idea of how it works and why. Google the names Larry D. Lawson, Ph.D., Eric Block, Ph. D. (Chemistry Chair, SUNY, Albany, NY) and David Mirelman, Ph.D. (Chemistry Chair of Weitzman Institute in Rehovot, Israel) and see what you find. While you're at it, Google Staph and Garlic and see what you find.

I pass on the information I have learned from these distingushed gentlemen to people who might be able to use it to help themselves. I don't advise anything, it is up to each individual to decide for themselves what if, anything, to do.

The choice is yours.

Hope this helps.

I'd pass on this route. Aside from the fact that you need the bacteria in your intestines, running garlic water up your chute isn't going to be very pleasant.
Hoofbite;3880781 said:
I'd pass on this route. Aside from the fact that you need the bacteria in your intestines, running garlic water up your chute isn't going to be very pleasant.

For reasons I don't yet understand, garlic doesn't seem to affect the natural flora, which would be easily restarted with acidophylus or other probiotic anyway.

It isn't all that pleasant but it's not as bad as one might think and it is much less unpleasant than having chronic diarrhea and everything associated with it.

I had a severe case of food poisoning once that lasted for over a week and in desperation I tried a garlic water enema and it cleared it up overnight and a garlic water bath the next day made me feel better than I had ever felt before.

It is surprising but it does work - but only if one tries it.
I have tried more than a few things over the years that I have had colitis but I draw the line at that.
notherbob;3880813 said:
For reasons I don't yet understand, garlic doesn't seem to affect the natural flora, which would be easily restarted with acidophylus or other probiotic anyway.

It isn't all that pleasant but it's not as bad as one might think and it is much less unpleasant than having chronic diarrhea and everything associated with it.

I had a severe case of food poisoning once that lasted for over a week and in desperation I tried a garlic water enema and it cleared it up overnight and a garlic water bath the next day made me feel better than I had ever felt before.

It is surprising but it does work - but only if one tries it.

I remember seeing your posts on this before, and wishing I had known about the garlic option back when I had staph infection. Had that awful infection for about half a year, went through many different meds to try to get rid of it. And honestly, taking a garlic bath wouldn't have been any worse than the twice-a-day bleach baths that my doctor had me taking...
Phoenix;3880928 said:
I remember seeing your posts on this before, and wishing I had known about the garlic option back when I had staph infection. Had that awful infection for about half a year, went through many different meds to try to get rid of it. And honestly, taking a garlic bath wouldn't have been any worse than the twice-a-day bleach baths that my doctor had me taking...

I bet your skin tone was as lovely as Michael Jacksons :laugh2:
Phoenix;3880928 said:
I remember seeing your posts on this before, and wishing I had known about the garlic option back when I had staph infection. Had that awful infection for about half a year, went through many different meds to try to get rid of it. And honestly, taking a garlic bath wouldn't have been any worse than the twice-a-day bleach baths that my doctor had me taking...

I had a staph infection on my finger back in 1997 and had heard that garlic would cure it so I ate a lot of garlic for two weeks and it didn't do any good as my finger swelled up to the size of a Polish sausage and late one night in desperation I crushed a clove and put it directly on the finger instead of eating it. It burned like fire for a minute and then felt a little better. By morning the swerlling had decreased by half overnight and my finger was completely back to normal the next morning! That's results you can't get from a doctor. adding the crushed garlic to water takes away the burn.

It's unorthodox but it works against staph better than anything medical science has.

My personal experiences with garlic are the reasons I preach so loud and long about it - it really works if you know how to use it.
burmafrd;3880907 said:
I have tried more than a few things over the years that I have had colitis but I draw the line at that.

I understand where you are coming from as I felt that way myself at first. I had IBS, colitis or whatever one wants to call chronic diarrhea for about 20 years until I left the business world and got away from the stress. Getting off the clorinated public water supply and onto drinking water from our creek might have helped but when I did my garlic water enema, the diarrhea went away completely. I'm sure you can imagine how good it felt to have a normal bowel movement for the first time in 20 years.

My first attempt was only partially successful as I tried to administer it sitting upright on the toilet but it was hard to retain the garlic water and helped but didn't cure so the next day I laid on my back in the bathtub and retention was easy as gravity worked for me and I was able to fill the entire colon and rolled from side to side to slosh the garlic water around and held it for a few minutes before expelling it. The next morning I was overjoyed to have a normal movement and I have been good ever since except for the episode of food poisoning which lasted a couple of weeks until I did the garlic water enema in the tub again and the next day my normal movements resumed and I'm a happy camper again. More severe cases might require more than one treatment.

It may not work for you but it worked for me and it is not as unpleasant as you might think. It's your choice.

These results are the reason I tell others about my experiences and I have had lots of people tell me that direct application of garlic helped them and thank me for letting them know about it.

In season I sell expensive gourmet garlics on my website but any kind will work as long as it has not been irradiated. Irradiated garlic is dead and will not work at all.

Good luck to you.
Today we visited a new doctor in NYC, the top gastro doctor in the NYC area and I will be starting a new treatment that requires a 7 day 24 hour transfusion, so 7 more days in the hospital coming up.. wippie.

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