Anyone Hate Monday Night games

I like the fact that I get to see them on TV, and that they get some national exposure, but it sucks to have to wait til almost 1 for it to be over, and then im sleeping by 3 at the earliest
At least the west coasters would get to see the end.

A lot of people in the east only see the first half.

What would you rather see? Begining or end? duh
I hate them with a passion... I hate it when the Cowboys play on ESPN let alone have to wait all weekend and then until 8 on that that ****** al michaels is doing the games I hate it even more !!
To anyone arguing in favor of the current format I have a question. If you had to choose would you rather miss the beginning of a game or the end? To me it's a no brainer. Missing the first quarter is not 1/1000 as bad as missing the last quarter. And when a game ends at 12:30 it's simply not feasible sometimes for people to stay up for the end of the game.
It also sucks for The Next weeks game.

Althought I think we have SF next, so its not a huge deal.

But I do like that more people will get to know Julius
I don't like MNF anyway. I hate the fact that they have commercials every 3 minutes and drag the game out an extra half hour. I can't stand Al Michaels. I don't like Madden anymore, he's become a characture of himself. And I'm exhausted the next day at work if I watch to the end. There is nothing good about MNF. But when the Boys are on I'll watch it, obviously. Other than that MNF can go scratch.
The West coast misses out on the tailgate experience if nothing else on Sundays.

As far as MNF. The time works well for me. Its all about planning/conditioning. I am up now at 2:22 and will still be ready to go by 7.
I think it sucks because it comes on at 3 AM for I would like it either 2-3 hours later or 6-7 hours earlier...If I had my ruthers I would like the Boys to play all early games...but I will gladly get up at 3am to watch if they are on TV.. unfortunately for me and a million or so fans here in Germany it is no longer available
The worst part to me is not the fact that it's at 8 PM CST, but that it's on friggin' Monday. You get all hyped up because Sunday is football day, but there's no Cowboys. really takes the wind out of my Sunday sails. :(
LeonDixson said:
Okay, I going to show my ignorance here. Isn't the "normal" work day in New York 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.? If so, that gives them an extra hour Tuesday morning to get to work compared to the west coast which works 8 a.m to 5 p.m.

I know there are many, many people who don't work the "normal" work shift, but I'm wondering if that didn't have something to do with setting the game time as it is now.

Depends, I suppose. Not everyone works banker's hours. I am sure they are plenty of jobs that start far before 9 AM. Not to mention the people that have to get up earlier to get kids off to school, commute, etc.

I still think moving it back an hour is the smart thing to do.
Didn' they have it on 8pm est for awhile and then switched back to 9pm est? Or am I dillusional.
Sorry no sympathy for whomever lives in Hawaii. Been there twice and luved it. ;)
dguinta1 said:
Didn' they have it on 8pm est for awhile and then switched back to 9pm est? Or am I dillusional.
Sorry no sympathy for whomever lives in Hawaii. Been there twice and luved it. ;)

8 PM is the best solution. They did have the 8 PM start, but it never started until around 8:30 after all of the pre-game crap. I love the excitement of Monday night, but the time is ridiculous. Maybe next year it will change since it is switching to ESPN.
Zaxor said:
I think it sucks because it comes on at 3 AM for I would like it either 2-3 hours later or 6-7 hours earlier...If I had my ruthers I would like the Boys to play all early games...but I will gladly get up at 3am to watch if they are on TV.. unfortunately for me and a million or so fans here in Germany it is no longer available
I'm sorry to hear thet you don't get football games in Germany any more. I thought football had a decent following there. I can since last year watch monday night games and most of the playoff games. And since i live in the same time zone as you i will sit in front of my tv with a smile from ear to ear this coming tuesday morning.
zack said:
I do. Seriously, the 9:15 PM start time really sucks! Sorry to offend the west coasters, but it really stinks to have to wait till 9PM and then the worst part is finishing at 12:30. I don't know about any of you, but I can't settle down after the game. My halftime ritual is a glass of milk and a good dose of Nyquil. Even then, I still have a hard time falling asleep. :bang2:

I would prefer that they not be on Monday night....

Not at all living in the Central Time zone, it works out perfect for us. Pluse I love the fact that the Cowboys are in the national spotlight where they belong.
zack said:
I do. Seriously, the 9:15 PM start time really sucks! Sorry to offend the west coasters, but it really stinks to have to wait till 9PM and then the worst part is finishing at 12:30. I don't know about any of you, but I can't settle down after the game. My halftime ritual is a glass of milk and a good dose of Nyquil. Even then, I still have a hard time falling asleep. :bang2:

I would prefer that they not be on Monday night....

I love Monday night football! Always have, always will.

When I was a kid that was the only time I could stay up late, when the Cowboys played.

I love it, that National Spotlight! The whole thing has a different feel to it!
The Cowboys belong on Monday Night!

I do have a really hard time going to sleep after the game, and usually dont for 4 or 5 hours. I hurt the next day, but it is all worth it!
When I was a kid, I hated Monday night because I could only stay up for the first half. That is, until 1980. The first Monday night game I saw in its entirety was the opening game of 1980, Dallas 17 Commanders 3.

I don't like getting up the next morning for work, but I still love when Dallas is on Monday night.
Work for me is 7:45 every day (we do the 9-80 thing). I would prefer an 8PM Eastern Time start.
I love them and always have but hate that I have to work on Monday evenings and miss Monday Night Countdown - of course it gets taped, but it's just not the same. I release my students a few minutes early so I can drive home like a bat out of hell in time to catch "Are you ready for some football?", and I'm careful never to test or quiz on the last half of a Monday night so I don't have to rip the test out of the hands of the laggards.

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