Anyone see TO's comments after the NO/Buffalo game?

RainMan;2971978 said:
Here's my problem with the way Owens handles this stuff. True, "I just run the plays that are called" in and of itself is not necessarily a bash. But there is an undeniable hidden message behind that. And Owens -- and any other pro athlete -- knows it when they're conveying a message like that.

Most other players answer those questions something to the degree of: "Look, I missed all of preseason and my timing is off with Trent. We just weren't on the same page, whether it was him missing me or me not being where he expected me to be. Our offense as a whole just isn't in rhythm and it's something we'll work to improve."

But Owens doesn't answer questions that way 9 out of 10 times. He all but removes him from the situation, as if him going catchless isn't in the least his fault. It never is. As he made abundantly clear last year, he's open. He always is. The QB just can't find him or the right plays to get him the ball aren't called or he doesn't get the ball enough. Just don't look at him when things go wrong; it's clearly everyone else ****** up.

In the grand scheme, these comments aren't earth shattering. But they certainly give any fan listening to them a little bit of a squeamish feeling, as you can't help but wonder when he'll blow up. Because at some point, he always has.

Finally, a fair assessment (for the most part). I dont think he ever blew up here, I just think that his past haunted him, but you are absolutely right....He is TERRIBLE at expressing what he means.
Hostile;2972360 said:
Because the pro-TO vs. anti-TO factions are vocal and like taking shots at each other. The Q threads eventually died down, this will too.
Can you imagine if the Qturd signed with someone today? That would be a fun thread. Come on Snyder, do it.
stilltheguru;2972166 said:
Round of applause for you. Everytime TO has a bad game his threads are long as hell, but I always hear that he should be forgotten. From the looks of it, everybody lost in the situation.

Owens Produced while he was here. Frankly, even at his age and "declining" skills he is still better than any other reciever we have.

So he took a shot at Romo, and? Was it undeserved? Hell, how many fans on this website have said much worse about Romo after the game last week. Fans on this very website who complain about TO have said the EXACT same thing about Garret and Romo. There are a lot of hypocrits talking about TO.

I don't think there is going to be a blowup at all. I think that TO is just cashing a paycheck and he doesn't care. He has mentally checked out from the Bills. Some team looking to make a SB run next year will pick him up or a team that is looking to get some press will grab him. Gee....that sounds like
sacase;2972726 said:
Owens Produced while he was here. Frankly, even at his age and "declining" skills he is still better than any other reciever we have.

So he took a shot at Romo, and? Was it undeserved? Hell, how many fans on this website have said much worse about Romo after the game last week. Fans on this very website who complain about TO have said the EXACT same thing about Garret and Romo. There are a lot of hypocrits talking about TO.

I don't think there is going to be a blowup at all. I think that TO is just cashing a paycheck and he doesn't care. He has mentally checked out from the Bills. Some team looking to make a SB run next year will pick him up or a team that is looking to get some press will grab him. Gee....that sounds like

Fans are not teammates. Team mates do not piss on each other and TO has done that every place he has gone. This is why there was not a long line of teams outside of Buffalo willing to sign him. For all his talent teams are not willing to put up with this moron and his selfish ways. Hell normally if a player is putting up the numbers TO has teams would be falling over each other to get him the fact they are not says a lot about what teams feel about TO
Doomsday101;2973013 said:
Fans are not teammates. Team mates do not piss on each other and TO has done that every place he has gone. This is why there was not a long line of teams outside of Buffalo willing to sign him. For all his talent teams are not willing to put up with this moron and his selfish ways. Hell normally if a player is putting up the numbers TO has teams would be falling over each other to get him the fact they are not says a lot about what teams feel about TO

Last time I looked TO and Romo are not Teammates. TO really didn't say anything despite the media bating and loaded questions while he was here. After he got cut he said how he feels, and frankly he was right.

If you have to cut a player for another player to be a leader, then that player (ROMO) is not a leader. Can you honestly say that Romo is the leader of this team. Look at Manning (Peyton) and Ray Lewis. You can honestly say those guys are team leaders. Hell, look at what Drew Breese did when he went to the Saints...THAT is leadership...Romo is just another guy playing football.
sacase;2973407 said:
Last time I looked TO and Romo are not Teammates. TO really didn't say anything despite the media bating and loaded questions while he was here. After he got cut he said how he feels, and frankly he was right.

If you have to cut a player for another player to be a leader, then that player (ROMO) is not a leader. Can you honestly say that Romo is the leader of this team. Look at Manning (Peyton) and Ray Lewis. You can honestly say those guys are team leaders. Hell, look at what Drew Breese did when he went to the Saints...THAT is leadership...Romo is just another guy playing football.

Going after WR coach Todd Haley a couple a years ago, accusing Romo and Witten of drawing up plays without him these things he did while a member of the team and while none of us know exactly what took place it was enough for Jones to eat 9 million and he sure as hell did not do that for no reason at all. Fact is TO has been ran out of SF he has been ran out of Philly and now Dallas after a while it is not that damn hard to see who the real problem is.

As I said teams would normally knock down doors to bring in a player who is putting up the numbers TO has the fact that the Bills were the only ones and not having to pay that much sure as hell tells me what the league thinks about the type of team player TO is which is not much of one.

As for Romo not being a team leader when you have a loud mouth undercutting you then you get rid of the problem child
Doomsday101;2973423 said:
Going after WR coach Todd Haley a couple a years ago, accusing Romo and Witten of drawing up plays without him these things he did while a member of the team and while none of us know exactly what took place it was enough for Jones to eat 9 million and he sure as hell did not do that for no reason at all. Fact is TO has been ran out of SF he has been ran out of Philly and now Dallas after a while it is not that damn hard to see who the real problem is.

As I said teams would normally knock down doors to bring in a player who is putting up the numbers TO has the fact that the Bills were the only ones and not having to pay that much sure as hell tells me what the league thinks about the type of team player TO is which is not much of one.

As for Romo not being a team leader when you have a loud mouth undercutting you then you get rid of the problem child

TO is gone, where is Romo's leadership? Its none existant. Next excuse.
sacase;2973430 said:
TO is gone, where is Romo's leadership? Its none existant. Next excuse.

2 games into the season is not exactly a season. Romo had a poor game while many around him played well there is no excuse it was a poor game on his part. Not like he is the 1st QB to go out and have a stinker of a game, how Romo and the team rebounds over the course of the season will determine the fate of this team
So far, It's two games, i think its a little tough to jump on Romo just yet.

i wish it was just a lack of leadership. Receivers need to get open, need to hang on to the ball, linemen need to protect Romo, Romo needs to not make dumb throws, garrett needs to take pressure off of Romo by calling more runs and take more advantage of his two very athletic TEs (IMO),
Owens is just playing left field now in Buffalo........he wants to be the shortstop.....;)

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