Here's my problem with the way Owens handles this stuff. True, "I just run the plays that are called" in and of itself is not necessarily a bash. But there is an undeniable hidden message behind that. And Owens -- and any other pro athlete -- knows it when they're conveying a message like that.
Most other players answer those questions something to the degree of: "Look, I missed all of preseason and my timing is off with Trent. We just weren't on the same page, whether it was him missing me or me not being where he expected me to be. Our offense as a whole just isn't in rhythm and it's something we'll work to improve."
But Owens doesn't answer questions that way 9 out of 10 times. He all but removes him from the situation, as if him going catchless isn't in the least his fault. It never is. As he made abundantly clear last year, he's open. He always is. The QB just can't find him or the right plays to get him the ball aren't called or he doesn't get the ball enough. Just don't look at him when things go wrong; it's clearly everyone else ****** up.
In the grand scheme, these comments aren't earth shattering. But they certainly give any fan listening to them a little bit of a squeamish feeling, as you can't help but wonder when he'll blow up. Because at some point, he always has.