Applause? BrownSugar = B.S

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The only unbelievable thing about Brown Sugar, imo, is she would want to share her info with all of us. And a few more envy-based threads like this and she may rethink her position on sharing. Then we all lose.

I also think she is a courageous woman allowing that she had a relationship with a player, the schoolyard mentality of sports boards being what it is. It's a credit to her dignity and grace that so FEW remarks like the "recipient" one above are made, I guess.

She also originally, I believe, confided in regulars when this board was MUCH smaller. Little did she know that that her small circle of friends at the old board would so quickly expand to half the universe. I suspect if she had it to do all over again, she wouldn't.

Maybe only another woman can completely understand what "sand" Brown Sugar has. I dunno. But she's a special lady, for sure.
LaTunaNostra said:
The only unbelievable thing about Brown Sugar, imo, is she would want to share her info with all of us. And a few more envy-based threads like this and she may rethink her position on sharing. Then we all lose.

I also think she is a courageous woman allowing that she had a relationship with a player, the schoolyard mentality of sports boards being what it is. It's a credit to her dignity and grace that so FEW remarks like the "recipient" one above are made, I guess.

She also originally, I believe, confided in regulars when this board was MUCH smaller. Little did she know that that her small circle of friends at the old board would so quickly expand to half the universe. I suspect if she had it to do all over again, she wouldn't.

Maybe only another woman can completely understand what "sand" Brown Sugar has. I dunno. But she's a special lady, for sure.
Nicely said.
Tuna Helper said:
For all you know, BrownSugar could actually be JJT...

...but that doesn't mean that he/she has a *****. :D

You mean Tham was JJT's Beotch too?!
DanteEXT said:
See, I do not know the background story, nor does it make a difference to me. If she drops info before the DMN does, cool with me.

I like Sugar alot...period...and I don't care where she gets her sources.....It is my understanding, and Sugar should answer to this, that the lovely Brown assists new players coming to Big D in finding housing as her capacity as a real estate agent. Nonetheless, I say back the **** off her! She's a classy chick.
Dale said:
I've met BrownSugar and can verify she is who she says she is. I even have her business card for the apartment-finding company she works for.

If she's also working for the DMN in some role, that's one heckuva double life she's pulling off.

BS has proven time and time again she has sources. From knowing Hambrick had gotten married a week before any story came out to knowing this potential Hambrick trade nearly a week before any official story broke (as she first mentioned it on draft day in chat).

The ridicule she is taking by some is ridiculous and uncalled for, especially after she just nailed this recent story.

Barring Sugar speaking out on the matter......this, then, should put an end to the matter. Believe her or not.

Sugar, Please don't stop passing along any information you can....Tuna Helper hasn't had his midol at all this week. :D
maloy said:
BS is sexy

And infinitely more mature and classy by not dignifying this thread with a response. I think the fact that so many are willing to come to her aid speaks volumes.

Oh yeah, I'm just a neutral party in this - ha ha. :p
She probably does have some source @ DMN...

But that's better than what 99% of us can come up with..

It don't matter if what she says gets published in a minute, or 2 weeks later after she says it... It's still inside info that we receive before anyone else.
JBell523 said:
It don't matter if what she says gets published in a minute, or 2 weeks later after she says it... It's still inside info that we receive before anyone else.

That is the bottom line. It matters none to me how BS obtains this information, partly because it is none of my business but mainly because it simply doesn't matter.

She's reliable.

That's all that REALLY matters.

Thanks again BS.
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