Applause? BrownSugar = B.S

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Dale said:
I've met BrownSugar and can verify she is who she says she is. I even have her business card for the apartment-finding company she works for.

If she's also working for the DMN in some role, that's one heckuva double life she's pulling off.

BS has proven time and time again she has sources. From knowing Hambrick had gotten married a week before any story came out to knowing this potential Hambrick trade nearly a week before any official story broke (as she first mentioned it on draft day in chat).

The ridicule she is taking by some is ridiculous and uncalled for, especially after she just nailed this recent story.
She has no need to any longer prove herself.. she has been and still is a class act and above the guttural nonsense from empty headed wanna be's

These kind of threads make me sick. Why can't anyone be happy, with what we have. Brownsugars info is amazing, and nothing short of it. You guys need to kill your badmouthing. This thread needs to be deleted.
Tuna Helper said:
You guys are so easily fooled.

BrownSugar comes out with "breaking news" about T Ham just minutes before the Dallas Morning News, and she gets and applause for that?

I don't care what you all believe, but I think her inside sources are B.S., and that she is not the recipient of the "dookie stick."

I'll bet money that the only inside source that BrownSugar has works for The Dallas Morning News. I could make the argument that SHE works for The Dallas Morning News...probably at the printing press!

Inside sources my arse...I'm not buying it!

Well TH let's see what you can "bring to the table". Tuna Noodle Casserole won't do it.
Brownsugar, you think you can use those inside sources and give me the winning lottery numbers this week? :D I'll split 60/40....okay, 50/50.
Here's the Title of the thread that would have been more appropriate feeling the way you do, instead of the antagonistic, hostile and alienating Title that it turned out to be:

BS Thanks for the info, but I'm a little skeptical...Sorry...or how about,
Thanks BS for your inside info, but is it really inside? The Title I might've used is, Thanks BS, but I've often wondered the problem for me was not in your belief, but the way you expressed it, which was totally inappropriate and consequently damning to those who read it, (not to mention outright disrespectful to BS who spends quality time on this board to contribute the way she does.....)

It is these types of aggressively hostile threads that really alienate many wonderful posters who leave feeling insulted and disrespected. I'm really saddened by the loss of BZ, Sbk, EZ, JW, irregardless of the reason for it, so please tone down your posts when you disagree with or are suspicious of the content of someone else's post.....

there was no reason for you post other than that of malice.

if you don't have anything to contribute, don't post.
Thanks Brown sugar for all the awesome info you've given to this forum. I think it's fantastic that people actually close to the Cowboys come in here and share their information, thoughts and opinions with us. BS and Dale are just a couple of the reasons why I love this forum.

Those of you who don't believe her, just move on and don't try to ruin it for the rest of us.
Tuna Helper said:
She claims to have been the recipient of the "dookie stick", that's the problem! She claims that players are her inside source...a lie.

What if she does work for the DMN and the source for the DMN is a player? How does that make her a liar? Jealousy makes some go to such extremes. LOL
Dale said:
I've met BrownSugar and can verify she is who she says she is. I even have her business card for the apartment-finding company she works for.

If she's also working for the DMN in some role, that's one heckuva double life she's pulling off.

BS has proven time and time again she has sources. From knowing Hambrick had gotten married a week before any story came out to knowing this potential Hambrick trade nearly a week before any official story broke (as she first mentioned it on draft day in chat).

The ridicule she is taking by some is ridiculous and uncalled for, especially after she just nailed this recent story.

Wow. Tuna Helper = OWNED.
This thread is BS. I remember a little while ago she gave us the scoop that a QB was secretly coming into town. Like 2 days later out of nowhere, the Drew Henson trade goes down just hours after JJ downplayed the teams interest in him. Brown Sugar totally had the scoop on that one. I have no doubt that she is exactly who she says she is and what she reports here is exactly what she hears. If it doesn't come true, then I'm sure it was just her source that was wrong but most often everything she reports happens.
ChrisFul said:
Wow. Tuna Helper = OWNED.

This is some very shocking behavior coming from you Tuna Helper. I never would have guessed that you were a follower. It is quite sad that your opinion is poison with same venom that poisoned some of the other members. However, it is very good that you have come out from up under to show your true colors. It must have been a heavy burden to cover up such disdain and misery for so long. Also it is good that you put your new found bitterness to work. I bet you are really proud of yourself and I bet booze is proud of you too.
Sounds like Tunahelper has dookie stick envy...
Tuna Helper said:
For all you know, BrownSugar could actually be JJT...

...but that doesn't mean that he/she has a *****. :D

That would mean JJT and T-Ham were dating?
Sarge said:
Smacktalk forum?

Thank you, Sarge...I mean who really gives a ****, no offense to BS or Tuna, but even is someone is reporting stuff minutes before it's news, isn't that what we all love? to hear it first? to get the scoop?

This entire thread was a waste of space, but funny because I was bored...:)
Tuna Helper said:
She claims to have been the recipient of the "dookie stick", that's the problem! She claims that players are her inside source...a lie.

Do YOU have any proof that what she says is a lie...or is it just a hunch of yours?

BTW if you do not like reading her stuff it really is simple...IGNORE IT...and if you can not control yourself in that manner then choose the IGNORE USER feature on this forum.

I swear I have seen so many people try to belittle her because they do not believe her however of all the times she had said stuff I can only remember her being wrong ONCE.

IMO it boils down to nothing but petty jealousy....we seen the same type of reaction when some people were giving hos congrats.....just plain sad that people have to go out of the way to bring someone down when others are trying to THANK them for bringing some info to the forum.

So far her info has been more reliable then all of the reporters for ESPN (how many times have we heard this person or that person is coming to dallas), she has been more reliable with inside info then any of the local dallas media and she has provided more inside info then anyone I have read on any dallas cowboys message board.

She is one if the VERY few people I will lend any creedence to when a rumor comes on board.

Once again if you find yourself in the position that you can not control yourself from posting crap about about just putting her on your ignore list.
Cant believe that someone is complaining, calling out, bashing, or flaming a Member here that gives you inside info, regardless of the source.

BS could be Jerry Jones dog walker for all i care or as it seems anyone else on this board.

Fact is she seems to have some source. whatever that may be that leads to her ability to drop a story, be it, minutes, hours, or days before it actually is public knowledge.

So point is Why give a Da*n ?

BS. Do your thing girl. Dont let these haters try and pop off like they know something.

Tuna Helper said:
You guys are so easily fooled.

BrownSugar comes out with "breaking news" about T Ham just minutes before the Dallas Morning News, and she gets and applause for that?

I don't care what you all believe, but I think her inside sources are B.S., and that she is not the recipient of the "dookie stick."

I'll bet money that the only inside source that BrownSugar has works for The Dallas Morning News. I could make the argument that SHE works for The Dallas Morning News...probably at the printing press!

Inside sources my arse...I'm not buying it!

I knew some people were low enough to pull off a stunt like this but I never suspected you to be one of them.

Ultimately, for me anyway, it doesn't matter how she gets her info. What matters is she does seem to get info before it hits the public and it is generally dead on accurate.

I appreciate that. Everything else is irrelevant.
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