theogt;4802041 said:
Yes, those are the two reasons I prefer the new cable. I can't really understate how much easier it is to plug in.
I honestly don't understand how a process that takes me about 1 second to do can have gotten so incredibly easier. BTW, it sure ain't easier to plug into all those devices with the 30-pin sockets it is no longer compatible with, is it? You look silly by denying the obvious: This was just a greedy cash grab from Applesoft.
theogt;4802041 said:
Both from a standpoint of fitting it in the slot and the fact that it's reversible (meaning it doesn't matter if it's upside down, so no fumbling around in the dark).
This just shows how silly your contention is.
The device you plug it into is self-lit!! There's no such thing as fumbling around in the dark!!
theogt;4802041 said:
That's a lie. You're simply lying to prove a point. I don't respect people that lie.
Once I had the device and the cable in my hand, it has never taken me more than 1 second to plug the darn thing in. The new cable does nothing to shorten the amount of time it takes to get the device or the cable in my hand, and it does nothing to shorten the 1-second it takes to plug it in.
In fact, it actually takes me longer to plug the new cable in because the rubber door on my OtterBox is tougher to open for the iPhone5 than it was for the 4/4S, but that's an irrelevant observation. Fact is that once I have the device in hand, the door opened, and the cable in hand, we're talking about 1 full second to completion with the old cable or the new cable.
theogt said:
That's a lie. You're lying to make your point. I don't respect people that lie - especially about something as stupid as gadget technology.
You're trying the oldest trick in the internet book: Making a false claim then posting articles that do nothing to support your claim, but hoping nobody takes the time to click on all those articles and realize they do nothing to support your false claim.
Everybody knew an iPad4 was coming eventually and yes, there was speculation about what it would actually be. But absolutely nobody - including those articles you quoted - thought it was coming yesterday until the very last moment.
Seriously, brah. You can like Applesoft product like me without making a fool of yourself by being a total apologist.