No, USB 2.0 has been around forever and a day and Lightning connector is based off of it's specs. As I said, USB 3.0 kicks the ever living crap out of the Lightning connector.
For the consumer USB 2.0 port > Lightning connector. Lightning connector = more money Apple users have to pay for connecting their device to other things.
It's a ruse to separate Apple consumers from more of their hard earned money.
My wife has a stereo she keeps in the bathroom that she plugs her iTouch into so she can listen to music while she showers or is getting ready in the bathroom. She has had a couple of iTouches since they came out. Her stereo doesn't support Lightning connector and she said because of that, she would not go that route again. (she is upset about the $120 she spent on the stereo that Apple has decided to make useless after her current device dies) If they had just used a standard connector or stuck with the status quo, she might have bought another iTouch.
Of course, she has an Android phone now. I suspect her next stereo when she has to replace it, will be something with a standard micro USB connector. No more music only devices when her phone can do the job and won't screw her over down the road.