Archer says Romo has 2 fractures ***Merged***

be prepared for chuck and duck and a non running romo. Romo should run the ball more if he can pick it up with his legs.

This is what worries me if he plays. We've seen the guy play through some tough injuries and still stand in there to deliver a pass, but when it comes to his back, he seems to try more to protect it more than the other injuries he's had.
Romo is a friggin warrior that's for sure. He may be the toughest player of our time.

Really, who else has played with:
Busted throwing hand
Busted ribs
Busted lungs
Broken back

And for the "most" part he has played effectively.

Whatever else you might say about Tony he absolutely gives it his all and then some.

He has my eternal respect and gratitude for wearing The Star with such honor.

He should be put in the ring of honor for toughness alone when he is done playing
You would be surprised how many people break those processes and never know it.
This is what worries me if he plays. We've seen the guy play through some tough injuries and still stand in there to deliver a pass, but when it comes to his back, he seems to try more to protect it more than the other injuries he's had.

He unquestionably has. The Romo we saw after getting the knee to his back was a lot like the preseason and opener Romo. I have no interest in seeing that QB playing as a decoy. We have the best running game in the NFL. We can win games without Romo if the team is prepared properly.

There is way too much "this team goes as Romo goes" and unfortunately, that comes directly from the top of the organization.
They're going to permanently handicap Romo. The guy is tough and wants to play, but as a head coach, sometimes you have to make a decision that will be both for the health of the player and for the organization. We can keep pushing Romo to his limits and keep playing him while he's injured or we can let him heal.
They're going to permanently handicap Romo. The guy is tough and wants to play, but as a head coach, sometimes you have to make a decision that will be both for the health of the player and for the organization. We can keep pushing Romo to his limits and keep playing him while he's injured or we can let him heal.

Romos kept JG employed, going to be interesting to see what coach does today.
They're going to permanently handicap Romo. The guy is tough and wants to play, but as a head coach, sometimes you have to make a decision that will be both for the health of the player and for the organization. We can keep pushing Romo to his limits and keep playing him while he's injured or we can let him heal.

Transvers processes are non weight bearing and are not considered part of the structural integrity of the backbone...............playing with them fractured can in no way lead to further injury or nerve is simply a matter of pain tolerance and mobility.

If there was any chance of nerve damage or jeopardizing the structural integrity of the spine, the medical staff would not clear Romo to play. They would risk losing their medical license if they did, so this is not Romo deciding to play hurt. Once he is cleared by the medical staff, then its his and the coaching staff's decision to play or not. For the coaches, it is a matter of if Romo can function enough to play effectively and for Romo its an issue of pain tolerance. But the key point is that before the decision even goes to the coaches or to Romo, the medical staff has to clear him first............which they did.
We saw how he looked last game after he took that huge hit. If Romo is still stiff and his mobility is slowed down, it WILL put him at risk to take big shots when the blitz comes. Romo is the type of QB that holds on to the ball a bit longer than usual, and he usually avoids punishment from it by moving around. If his mobility is limited, he will take a hit where he usually would have avoided the sack.
We saw how he looked last game after he took that huge hit. If Romo is still stiff and his mobility is slowed down, it WILL put him at risk to take big shots when the blitz comes. Romo is the type of QB that holds on to the ball a bit longer than usual, and he usually avoids punishment from it by moving around. If his mobility is limited, he will take a hit where he usually would have avoided the sack.

Good point.
Bryce Petty is 23 years old and isn't coming off back surgery. Doubt Romo is going to recover as quickly as a player 11 years younger than him. We'll just have to see how things play out and hope if Romo has to sit it's not more than for a game or two.

Coming off herniated disc surgery has nothing to do with it. Herniated disc surgery does not leave your back fact if anything it made it stronger. Romo was dealing with the lingering issues from the back for some time. Once the rust came off after SF, he has been outstanding and seems relieved of the back issues that have been bothering him, until now.

The recovery time for the transverse process injury is the same whether 20 or 30 years old. Romo is not a 60 year old dude. I would imagine that Romo's pain tolerance is higher than that of Bryce Petty, Romo has more experience dealing with it. In fact the guy is going to try to play today...pretty sick.

I guess this is the best time of year an injury to Romo could have happened, we have the Jags coming up and a bye, I say the writing is on the wall.

Sit him until the Giants game after the bye. Hopefully he's not to rusty.
We saw how he looked last game after he took that huge hit. If Romo is still stiff and his mobility is slowed down, it WILL put him at risk to take big shots when the blitz comes. Romo is the type of QB that holds on to the ball a bit longer than usual, and he usually avoids punishment from it by moving around. If his mobility is limited, he will take a hit where he usually would have avoided the sack.

He looked to be moving around fine to me. At least during plays. In between, not as much.
And calling people "juvenile" isn't... NOT!

Not when they're acting like juveniles, no.

And let me clarify. I said that back issues aren't anything to be taken lightly. Those who have had back problems understand this.
I also said Romo may or may not be able to play, but you can't fault fans being concerned about his back.

You responded by saying I was being "chicken little."

If you don't understand the seriousness of the spine and back and how it is the skeleton support structure of the entire body, you are either
a. ignorant or
b. juvenile, i.e., you haven't mature enough in knowledge and understanding to grasp the seriousness of such a condition.

I don't want to call you ignorant. So I settled upon juvenile, especially when my post was not snarky or overly critical of anyone.

And, for the record, Romo is expected not to play. So that supports my perspective. Now, if you want to engage in these little elementary games or these "You called me juvenile so you must be juvenile too" games, be my guest. I'm just trying to provide perspective on the seriousness of a back issue, which I have had before. And I didn't even need surgery. Imagine someone who has had surgery.

It is NOTHING to take lightly.
Not when they're acting like juveniles, no.

And let me clarify. I said that back issues aren't anything to be taken lightly. Those who have had back problems understand this.
I also said Romo may or may not be able to play, but you can't fault fans being concerned about his back.

You responded by saying I was being "chicken little."

If you don't understand the seriousness of the spine and back and how it is the skeleton support structure of the entire body, you are either
a. ignorant or
b. juvenile, i.e., you haven't mature enough in knowledge and understanding to grasp the seriousness of such a condition.

I don't want to call you ignorant. So I settled upon juvenile, especially when my post was not snarky or overly critical of anyone.

And, for the record, Romo is expected not to play. So that supports my perspective. Now, if you want to engage in these little elementary games or these "You called me juvenile so you must be juvenile too" games, be my guest. I'm just trying to provide perspective on the seriousness of a back issue, which I have had before. And I didn't even need surgery. Imagine someone who has had surgery.

It is NOTHING to take lightly.

I've had back surgery and back problems over 40 years. I'm still laughing at your panicked chicken little routine. Romo wil be fine, so grow up and chill out.
We saw how he looked last game after he took that huge hit. If Romo is still stiff and his mobility is slowed down, it WILL put him at risk to take big shots when the blitz comes. Romo is the type of QB that holds on to the ball a bit longer than usual, and he usually avoids punishment from it by moving around. If his mobility is limited, he will take a hit where he usually would have avoided the sack.

You can make this argument for any injured player at a skill position. Totally generic argument.
I've had back surgery and back problems over 40 years. I'm still laughing at your panicked chicken little routine. Romo wil be fine, so grow up and chill out.

And you're not playing football on a professional level either. ;)
Saying we shouldn't take back issues lightly isn't a matter of lacking maturity.
And the fact Romo isn't playing kind of supports my position. But keep on trying to save face. :laugh:

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