That's what makes me one of the most interesting people in the world. lol
mannn...... to those of you saying this injury being "close" to the spine is the reason for concern. thats like saying if a flagpole attached to a window of a building were to break, and you say now the buildings structure is not sound
I'm sorry to sound like a homer but to break bones in your back requires someone to hit you very hard. I'm putting it out there that the guy who kneed him in the back was trying to hurt his back again.
I feel very bad for Romo. He is a great QB that has never got his due and I have been hoping he would win the big game and get the monkey off his back. This is not good.
At some point you have to wonder what Romo's back will be like post-NFL.
According to some I'm consistently one of the more negative posters especially during the streak. lol
Are you that guy that does that beer commercial where he says "stay thirsty my friends!"
I was being sarcastic. Sorry maybe I'm confusing you. There was another poster with a similar avatar that didn't post during the streak.
I'm reading all these posts of folks freaking out and I can't help but LOL. Romo will be okay even if he does miss a game or two. Stop with the damn drama people. Worse case, Romo is benched, Weeden plays. Weeden can win at least one of the next two games. After the Bye Romo will be fine. The team will be fine. Like Aaron Rodgers said... R E L A X
Back injuries are nothing to play around with. Romo may be okay, but I think it's perfectly reasonable for fans to be concerned about his back given that he's had surgery on it, he's 34 years old, getting older and playing a very violent game.
Back injuries are nothing to play around with. Romo may be okay, but I think it's perfectly reasonable for fans to be concerned about his back given that he's had surgery on it, he's 34 years old, getting older and playing a very violent game.
let me try to explain it. Romo has structural issues in his back. This is why he has had two back surgeries. Those surgeries don't make it better. They try to prevent future breakdown.
That's not a particularly major injury