Are the Cowboys considering trading up in the second round?


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Stephen Jones says they stay away from free agency because you never want to think you want to be thinking you are a player away.

Yet, when it comes to the draft, it is okay to give up the very resources you value to get one player?

From laughing at the cap to being totally beholden to the cap.

Pretty fair to say that Stephen is just throwing darts. This apple apparently never fell from the tree.


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They do and most team every team uses them. I have heard GM talk about it. This was not made up by fans.

Little tidbit

Developed by Jimmy Johnson when he was the coach of the Dallas Cowboys in the late 1980s and early 1990s, this is the chart that NFL general managers often consult before making draft-day trades. It assigns every pick# in the draft with a specific point value, making it easier to compare the relative value of draft picks in different rounds

I didn't say GM don't talk about it. What I am saying is that when push comes to shove they make their trades regardless what the chart says. That is why especially 1st and 2nd round trades don't jive with the chart. Like I said, if you want to believe that ALL trades go by that chart by my guest, but the reality is most don't and the proof is when the talking heads on draft day on TV who say that this team gave up to much going by the chart. Draft trades ARE NOT done like they are in some lab in a test tube or like cooking by a cookbook, they are done by men who want something and what it takes to get it.


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I didn't say GM don't talk about it. What I am saying is that when push comes to shove they make their trades regardless what the chart says. That is why especially 1st and 2nd round trades don't jive with the chart. Like I said, if you want to believe that ALL trades go by that chart by my guest, but the reality is most don't and the proof is when the talking heads on draft day on TV who say that this team gave up to much going by the chart. Draft trades ARE NOT done like they are in some lab in a test tube or like cooking by a cookbook, they are done by men who want something and what it takes to get it.
All I can say is we differ. I don't know who may be at say who will be where in the draft all I know is if there is a player they think can make a big impact I am not opposed to moving up to get what we want. I'm not against saying at 58 nor am I opposed to moving back in the draft much depends on who is on the board at our selection as all other teams do


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All I can say is we differ. I don't know who may be at say who will be where in the draft all I know is if there is a player they think can make a big impact I am not opposed to moving up to get what we want. I'm not against saying at 58 nor am I opposed to moving back in the draft much depends on who is on the board at our selection as all other teams do

I remember what Gil Brandt said once. Teams keep an eye on what other teams do, but teams draft for the needs on their team and not what other teams do. I agree with you on staying at 58 or moving down rather than possibly reaching, but not wasting valuable picks to move up for a player that won't be the player that will be puts them over the top. That's just wasting those picks. As you said, We'll have to agree to disagree.


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I remember what Gil Brandt said once. Teams keep an eye on what other teams do, but teams draft for the needs on their team and not what other teams do. I agree with you on staying at 58 or moving down rather than possibly reaching, but not wasting valuable picks to move up for a player that won't be the player that will be puts them over the top. That's just wasting those picks. As you said, We'll have to agree to disagree.

I don't know if some young player will not be the piece that puts us over the top. This team has won the east 2 of 3 years so we are competitive already and that 1 key player who comes up big in big games very well could be the difference maker. I'm not as interested in how many players we draft I am more interested in getting the players they want and feel can make a real difference on this team. If that involves moving up do it.


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I don't know if some young player will not be the piece that puts us over the top. This team has won the east 2 of 3 years so we are competitive already and that 1 key player who comes up big in big games very well could be the difference maker. I'm not as interested in how many players we draft I am more interested in getting the players they want and feel can make a real difference on this team. If that involves moving up do it.

We're starting this over again. Last season the division wasn't that strong with 2 teams under 500 so to claim a division as some great thing is going overboard. The Cowboys lost a couple players and have at least one suspension so the Cowboys are short at DE. They have needed help in the interior of the defensive line for a few years so that's 2. Lost one starting LB and we can't rely on Lee to stay healthy so that's 3 and we haven't even gotten to the offense yet. There's not going to a player that is going to push the Cowboys over the top so wasting picks on a player that won't do that and keeping the Cowboys from possibly getting more help with those wasted picks is foolishness.


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We're starting this over again. Last season the division wasn't that strong with 2 teams under 500 so to claim a division as some great thing is going overboard. The Cowboys lost a couple players and have at least one suspension so the Cowboys are short at DE. They have needed help in the interior of the defensive line for a few years so that's 2. Lost one starting LB and we can't rely on Lee to stay healthy so that's 3 and we haven't even gotten to the offense yet. There's not going to a player that is going to push the Cowboys over the top so wasting picks on a player that won't do that and keeping the Cowboys from possibly getting more help with those wasted picks is foolishness.

and you don't know what will get us over the top. I know getting star players will. I leave the possibility open depending on who is on the board leading up to 58. To shut it down and say oh we will just take whoever without leaving open the possibility is a mistake. The one thing I don't know is how this draft will fall but I think you always leave open the possibility of moving up, staying or moving down.


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and you don't know what will get us over the top. I know getting star players will. I leave the possibility open depending on who is on the board leading up to 58. To shut it down and say oh we will just take whoever without leaving open the possibility is a mistake. The one thing I don't know is how this draft will fall but I think you always leave open the possibility of moving up, staying or moving down.

There is more than a single hole that needs to be filled so the idea that wasting draft picks to move up for a single player that is going to magically fill all the holes and needs this team has on defense and offense and then propel the Cowboys over the top is life in a dream world. Again if the Cowboys were in that one player could push them over the top position I would be all in if they could move up and get that player, but the Cowboys aren't just a single player away from getting over the top. If they were the Cowboys would be sitting in like the top 2 or 3 of the power rankings and they're not, they're sitting about or just below the middle on all of them.


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There is more than a single hole that needs to be filled so the idea that wasting draft picks to move up for a single player that is going to magically fill all the holes and needs this team has on defense and offense and then propel the Cowboys over the top is life in a dream world. Again if the Cowboys were in that one player could push them over the top position I would be all in if they could move up and get that player, but the Cowboys aren't just a single player away from getting over the top. If they were the Cowboys would be sitting in like the top 2 or 3 of the power rankings and they're not, they're sitting about or just below the middle on all of them.

I don't know who will be on the board early in the 2nd to make it worth their while or not. Until the draft happens no one know how it will play out. I get if Dallas had 5 or 6 picks you want 5 or 6 players. I would rather see what is out there and if they see a player they feel would be a big difference make then take him then see about moving up to get them. I don't give a damn about 5 or 6 players I want quality not quantity. That is how I see you don't that is fine


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I don't know who will be on the board early in the 2nd to make it worth their while or not. Until the draft happens no one know how it will play out. I get if Dallas had 5 or 6 picks you want 5 or 6 players. I would rather see what is out there and if they see a player they feel would be a big difference make then take him then see about moving up to get them. I don't give a damn about 5 or 6 players I want quality not quantity. That is how I see you don't that is fine

No that's not how I see it. I see it as since there is more than ONE hole that needs to be filled and the Cowboys are already without their 1st pick, wasting at least 2 more picks on a player that won't put the Cowboys over the top, I rather use those picks to try to fill more holes with them. Not every draft picks makes the team but 2nd, 3rd and 4th rnd picks do. That could be filling 3 holes instead of just one giving the Cowboys a much better chance of getting to the promised land. HOF'ers have come in every round. There's only been one team to ever keep every draft pick and that was when there were 13 rounds and that was the Cowboys. I'm not saying it will happen again and doubt that it will but I'd still rather at least try to fill as many holes as possible rather than giving away that possibility by giving multiple draft picks for a single player.


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No that's not how I see it. I see it as since there is more than ONE hole that needs to be filled and the Cowboys are already without their 1st pick, wasting at least 2 more picks on a player that won't put the Cowboys over the top, I rather use those picks to try to fill more holes with them. Not every draft picks makes the team but 2nd, 3rd and 4th rnd picks do. That could be filling 3 holes instead of just one giving the Cowboys a much better chance of getting to the promised land. HOF'ers have come in every round. There's only been one team to ever keep every draft pick and that was when there were 13 rounds and that was the Cowboys. I'm not saying it will happen again and doubt that it will but I'd still rather at least try to fill as many holes as possible rather than giving away that possibility by giving multiple draft picks for a single player.

I don't think it is a waste if you get the player you actually want. Your right HOF have come from every rd as well as UDFA but more of the top players come from those 1st 2 to 3 rounds that is not a spin that is a fact. You can find a 5th or 6th rd pick who makes it but more times than not they don't again not an opinion just a fact. Now if Cowboys see someone they really feel can make a big impact on this team and it cost me a 4th rd pick to move up 10 spots in the 2nd then you bet I would have no issue. Will find a pro bowler in the 4th sure it can happen but again odds are that will not be the case. I sure as hell would not pass up a player I really liked over a 4th rd pick


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I don't think it is a waste if you get the player you actually want. Your right HOF have come from every rd as well as UDFA but more of the top players come from those 1st 2 to 3 rounds that is not a spin that is a fact. You can find a 5th or 6th rd pick who makes it but more times than not they don't again not an opinion just a fact. Now if Cowboys see someone they really feel can make a big impact on this team and it cost me a 4th rd pick to move up 10 spots in the 2nd then you bet I would have no issue. Will find a pro bowler in the 4th sure it can happen but again odds are that will not be the case. I sure as hell would not pass up a player I really liked over a 4th rd pick

Gee there's a player that was a 4th rnd pick and has gone to the Pro Bowl 2 out of his 1st 3 seasons, Prescott. Why is it so hard for you to understand that the Cowboys ARE NOT a single player away from going all the way, but they maybe could get there if they had their 2nd, 3rd and 4th rnd picks to help fill the needs they have. It just appears you want some stud just so you can brag the Cowboys got that stud while they watch another team in the Super Bowl instead of getting more help and possibly getting there themselves.


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Gee there's a player that was a 4th rnd pick and has gone to the Pro Bowl 2 out of his 1st 3 seasons, Prescott. Why is it so hard for you to understand that the Cowboys ARE NOT a single player away from going all the way, but they maybe could get there if they had their 2nd, 3rd and 4th rnd picks to help fill the needs they have. It just appears you want some stud just so you can brag the Cowboys got that stud while they watch another team in the Super Bowl instead of getting more help and possibly getting there themselves.

I would not let a 4th rd pick stop me from moving up to get a player I really like, period. I agree there are player who make it that were 4th round picks but again odds say different. I want a stud to help us win not count on late rd picks who odds say will not make it long in the NFL That is not some spin that is just a fact


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I would not let a 4th rd pick stop me from moving up to get a player I really like, period. I agree there are player who make it that were 4th round picks but again odds say different. I want a stud to help us win not count on late rd picks who odds say will not make it long in the NFL That is not some spin that is just a fact

Yes a lot of 5th and the 6th and 7th rnd picks have a hard road to go, but again your one stud IS NOT going to put the Cowboys in the Super Bowl. Now the picks you want to waste, 2nd, 3rd or 4th could have ended up being Pro Bowlers. Every year there are players who were 3rd and 4th rnd picks that go to the pro Bowl so the chances for them are a lot higher than what you're trying to paint. Again IF, that huge word, IF the Cowboys were legitimately only one stud away from going all the way, I would be all in on that, but that's not remotely the case. No matter how much I hope they go to the Super Bowl that doesn't change the fact that in reality I know the chances are so very very slim and the addition of ONE stud is not going to change that.


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Yes a lot of 5th and the 6th and 7th rnd picks have a hard road to go, but again your one stud IS NOT going to put the Cowboys in the Super Bowl. Now the picks you want to waste, 2nd, 3rd or 4th could have ended up being Pro Bowlers. Every year there are players who were 3rd and 4th rnd picks that go to the pro Bowl so the chances for them are a lot higher than what you're trying to paint. Again IF, that huge word, IF the Cowboys were legitimately only one stud away from going all the way, I would be all in on that, but that's not remotely the case. No matter how much I hope they go to the Super Bowl that doesn't change the fact that in reality I know the chances are so very very slim and the addition of ONE stud is not going to change that.

We don't know that, this is a playoff team meaning they are not that damn far off. You act as if this team was 1-15 on the season. Cowboys have some excellent talent on this team. A Key playmaker could make a vast difference in the overall results. I can't say right now if I would move up or down from 58 without knowing who is on the board. I don't rule anything out but your acting as if Dallas just make some picks that all areas will then be filled. Dallas is filling them with cheap FA but on draft day yes I want difference makers. Has nothing to do with bragging about any player