Are we in a better place with McCarthy?


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He won a lot of football games for us.

He never had an elite DC.

Romo got hurt.

Dez got hurt.


Looking back, the 2020 disaster likely doesn’t happen with Jason.
These detractors really have nothing else to say against the facts . It doesn’t mean Garrett was a great or even good HC. Just that he had as much or more success than the rest of Cowboys HC this era.

If I was looking to bash Garrett for his record here that I’d begin by bashing the rest of our HC’s for not having anymore success. How shameful on their part . And maybe the issue is deeper than our HC’s, like in the sky box :)

It’s always amusing they have nothing else to refute his record up against others this era besides attempting to bash fans too. Typical trolling tendencies.


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Only because he was here a decade. And he was only here a decade because he was Jerry's pet project, the son of a man Jerry thought was a loyal employee. Not because of merit.

Basically, Jerry runs his businesses as a family business, and Garrett was the closest thing to a family member he could get at head coach. That's why he said Garrett was practically in the family portrait.

But I guess the rest of the league is just missing out by not hiring this genius who's been available for a couple of years. If you love wasting a decade of football life on a lousy coach with a good facade, Jason's your man. :laugh:
That’s all part or a product of our dysfunctional organization under Jethro .

The question Id be asking is how did these other more qualified and experienced HC’s not have more success than the “ greatest puppet”. Lol

big dog cowboy

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All? or the mob?
Specifically the 3 I listed. But there were more. No one had to be in the meetings, on the practice field, or know what plays are called during a game to see what was going on. It was very clear that McCarthy and his staff had no clue what they were doing.