Video: Are you a Dak fan or a Cowboys fan


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Paying is a tough decision, but some of your arguments are off base. For example, the Chiefs already had Mahomes - they didn’t llet Smith go and then draft Mahomes. Plus, there are more Blaine Gabberts and Jake Lockers that get drafted than Pat Mahomes level players. You can’t just assume the Cowboys can just have a Mahomes whenever they choose to get one.

I understand that, but you also can’t just assume we’re gonna draft a Blaine Gabbert or Johnny Manziel either.
I know the Chiefs kept Mahomes. That’s why I say we tag Dak and draft a QB and let the QB sit under Dak for a year like Mahomes did Smith. If Dak fails to step up, let him walk and go with the rookie. Honestly, againC what’s the worst that could happen? We already went 8-8 and 9-7 and missed the playoffs with Dak, so all a rookie QB can do is miss the playoffs as well with a slightly worse record (which, in all, if you miss the playoffs, does your record really matter? You aren’t going to reach the ultimate goal, aka, the Super Bowl so it doesn’t really matter).


The Cook
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Simple......Tag your it and move on. Dak fans are going to be an extreme minority verses the franchise.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
I understand that, but you also can’t just assume we’re gonna draft a Blaine Gabbert or Johnny Manziel either.
I know the Chiefs kept Mahomes. That’s why I say we tag Dak and draft a QB and let the QB sit under Dak for a year like Mahomes did Smith. If Dak fails to step up, let him walk and go with the rookie. Honestly, againC what’s the worst that could happen? We already went 8-8 and 9-7 and missed the playoffs with Dak, so all a rookie QB can do is miss the playoffs as well with a slightly worse record (which, in all, if you miss the playoffs, does your record really matter? You aren’t going to reach the ultimate goal, aka, the Super Bowl so it doesn’t really matter).

What we do know though is that a very small % turn out to be even as good as Dak, much less Mahomes, and that if we draft a Gabbert it will do more harm than good. So you have to be cautious. And remember, we don’t even have a top draft pick to improve the odds.

Again, I understand and agree that paying a big contract to Dak is a tough decision, but a reasonable person also has to think why it is after all these years guys like Brees and Rodgers and Brady (though to a lesser degree after this past season) are still among the elite, even as they approach and pass 40 years old. It’s because teams aren’t able to find QBs at that level. QBs get drafted year after year, but few reach anything like that level. It’s a very low percentage. The next best QB is probably Russell Wilson, and he’s going into his 9th season. Realistically there aren’t even enough high quality QBs to fill 32 NFL teams, so clearly the odds of drafting a truly top tier one aren’t that good.


Beyond tired of Jerry
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Solid video on whether to pay Dak or not. This pretty much wraps up all the CZ talking points into 1 video.

I agree with a lot of what he's saying. It's a conundrum. I hate the idea of paying him $35 million a year for several years. I also don't trust the Cowboys to replace him with someone better, or even as good for that matter.

The two good, not great, QBs Dallas has had since Aikman were accidents. When they've went after a QB it's been Quincy Carter, Paxton Lynch - Jerry had to be talked out of Johnny Football. I could see them drafting the next bust more than I see them hitting a home run.

I'd transition tag him - let's see what anyone else will offer him. Let's see his market then decided whether to match it or not.

Chuck 54

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I’m a Cowboys fan and I believe in Dak. No way I want to see him tagged because it just means we will have another wasted year. Fans express the fear of losing players with a big contract....big contracts get structured to have minimal impact. If we tag Dak and have to pay that huge salary this year, we WILL lose quality players and be a weaker team.


Staff member
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
There are two tags this year, no? Transitional and Executive I think they’re called? Tag Amari and Dak and cut Byron.

Franchise and Transitional.

Dak, Amari, Byron. One can be signed but tag the other two is a possibility. However, I I can see letting Byron test the market, not sure he is worth a tag, nor a huge contract.


Well-Known Member
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The team has decided to pay Dak long term. It’s a bad decision but the Jones boys have been making bad decisions for decades.


Well-Known Member
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Paying is a tough decision, but some of your arguments are off base. For example, the Chiefs already had Mahomes - they didn’t let Smith go and then draft Mahomes. Plus, there are more Blaine Gabberts and Jake Lockers that get drafted than Pat Mahomes level players. You can’t just assume the Cowboys can have a Mahomes whenever they choose to get one.

Bird in hand worth more than two in the bush.

The Fonz

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Knowing JJ he will sign him to a big contract and regret it later on.We should move on from him if we want to be better.He is nothing more than a good Jag


Safety third
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I feel the same way about Dak as I did about Dez and Garrett.

I want to buy in. I see things that have me reaching for my wallet. Then I see the big red flags. Then I see very good things. Then I see something that leaves me shaking my head. On and on the vicious cycle goes.

No matter how high the highs are they can never compensate for the lows in the big picture.

You end up with good enough for mediocre with occasional forays into pretty good or pretty bad. Never great though.